[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
呂淑妤 ; 彭玉章 ; 楊志堅 ; 鄭舒倖
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
呂淑妤 ; 彭玉章 ; 石富元
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
從SARS 抗疫經驗探討危機溝通與媒體關係
呂淑妤 ; 石富元 ; 彭玉章
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
呂淑妤 ; 鍾文政 ; 彭玉章 ; 石富元
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
呂淑妤 ; 吳齊殷 ; 彭玉章
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
呂淑妤 ; 吳齊殷 ; 彭玉章
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 專書
Arsenic exposure, genotypes of glutathione s-transferase m1, t1 and p1, and risk of carotid atherosclerosis among residents in the Lanyang Basin of Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Wang IH ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou ST ; Chou YL ; Teh HW ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 專書
Systemic noncarcinogenic effects and developmental toxicity of inorganic
邱弘毅 ; Chen CJ ; Chiou HY ; Huang WI ; Chen SY ; Hsueh YM ; Tseng CH ; Lin LJ ; Shyu MP ; Lai MS
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 專書
Human carcinogenicity of inorganic arsenic.
邱弘毅 ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Hsu YH ; Chen SY ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Wu MM
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 專書
Ischemic heart disease induced by ingested inorganic arsenic.
邱弘毅 ; Chen CJ ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Chiang MH ; Tseng CH ; Tai TY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Moving toward people's needs of smoke-free restaurants─before and after a national promotion program in Taiwan; 2003-2005
韓柏檉 ; 陳叡瑜 ; Chen YH ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Androgen receptor gene polymorphism may affect the risk of urothelial carcinoma
邱弘毅 ; Liu CH ; Huang JD ; Huang SW ; Hour TC ; Huang YK ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Lee TC ; Jan KY ; Chen CJ ; Pu YS
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
呂淑妤 ; Chang C ; Peng EY ; Tsai HC ; Chung WC ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Lifelong inorganic arsenic compounds affected blood pressure in rats
韓柏檉 ; Yang HT ; Chou HJ ; Han BC ; Huang SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Arsenic and diabetes and hypertension in human populations: a review
邱弘毅 ; 吳美滿 ; Wan CH ; Hsiao CK ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Chiou HY ; Chen SY ; Hsueh YM ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A review of the epidemiologic literature on the role of environmental arsenic exposure and cardiovascular diseases.
吳美滿 ; Wang CH ; Hsiao CK ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Chiou HY ; Chen SY ; Hsueh YM ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Dose-response relationship between ingested arsenic and cataracts among residents in Southwestern Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; See LC ; Chiou HY ; Lee JS ; Hsueh YM ; Lin SM ; Tu MC ; Yang ML ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
呂淑妤 ; 彭玉章 ; 石富元
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Effect of the mother's consumption of traditional Chinese herbs on estimated infant daily intake of lead from breast milk
趙馨 ; 簡伶朱 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Lee HC ; Chao HJ ; Shieh MJ ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Correlates of Life Satisfaction among Aboriginal Adolescents
呂淑妤 ; 林慶豐 ; Peng EY ; Wu CI ; Lin CF ; Shiao JJ ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
呂淑妤 ; 張筱薇 ; 鴻義章 ; 林慶豐 ; 鍾文政 ; 彭玉章
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 楊志堅 ; 呂淑妤 ; 蔡尚達
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; 蔡幸足 ; 林慶豐 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Genetic polymorphisms of oxidative and antioxidant enzymes and arsenic-related hypertension. Journal of Toxicology and Environmen
邱弘毅 ; Hsueh YM ; Lin PP ; Chen HW ; Shiue HS ; Chung CJ ; Tsai CT ; Huang YK ; Chiou HY ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Soybean protein hydrolysate prevents the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
韓柏檉 ; Yang HY ; Yang SC ; Chen JR ; Tzeng YH ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Ingested Arsenic, Cigarette Smoking, and Lung Cancer Risk. A Follow-up Study in Arseniasis-Endemic Areas in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; 吳美滿 ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen SY ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Acute toxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic in tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus from blackfoot disease area in Taiwan.
韓柏檉 ; Liao CM ; Chen BC ; Singh S ; Lin MC ; Liu CW ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Bioaccumulation and elimination of tributyltin and triphenyltin in oysters and rock shells in Taiwan.
韓柏檉 ; Meng PJ ; Han BC ; Hsu WK ; Chuang A ; Cheng JH ; Hung TC.
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Pharmacokinetic model of daily selenium intake from contaminated seafood in Taiwan.
簡伶朱 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Huang SY ; Shieh MJ ; Han BC.
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Determinants of inorganic arsenic methylation capacity among residents of the Lanyan Basin, Taiwan: arsenic and selenium exposure and alcohol consumption.
邱弘毅 ; Hsueh YM ; Ko YF ; Huang YK ; Chen HW ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
蔡尚達 ; 彭玉章 ; 呂淑妤 ; 高美英 ; 吳姿瑾
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Work-related psychosocial factors and the risk of musculoskeletal
林慶豐 ; 呂淑妤 ; 蘇千田 ; Su CT ; Lyu SY ; Lin CF ; Fan CK ; Shieh YH ; Chiu WT
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
林慶豐 ; Lin CF ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
鴻義章 ; 林慶豐 ; 彭玉章 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A study on the association between carotid atherosclerosis and genetic polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E among various arsenic exposure people
邱弘毅 ; Chou YL ; Chiou ST ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Association of blood arsenic levels with increased reactive oxidants and decreased antioxidant capacity in a human population of northeastern Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; 吳美滿 ; Wu MM ; Chiou HY ; Wang TW ; Hsueh YM ; Wang IH ; Chen CJ ; Lee TC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Estimatin of metal and organochlorine pesticide exposures and potential health threat by consumption of oyster in Taiwan.
簡伶朱 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Hung TC ; Ling YC ; Shieh MJ and Chien LC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Long-term arsenic exposure and incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus:a cohort study in arseniasis-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; Tseng CH ; Tai TY ; Chong CK ; Tseng CP ; Lai MS ; Lin BJ ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu KH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Risk of all cancer sites combined and various elements ingestion through well water among residents of Lanyang Basinin in Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Chiou ST ; Hsu KH ; Hsueh YM ; Wei ML ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Mussel Watch: Estimation of metal and organochlorine pesticide exposures and potential health threat by consumption of oysters in Taiwan
陳叡瑜 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Hung TC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Ling YC ; Meng PJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Help-seeking behaviors for depressed mood among the elderly in a southern Taiwanese community.
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Estimation of target hazard quotients and potential health risks for metals by consumption of seafood in Taiwan.
陳叡瑜 ; 韓柏檉 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Chen RY ; Fang GT ; Hung TC and Tseng RJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Low serum carotene level and increased risk of ischemic heart disease related to long-term arsenic exposure.
邱弘毅 ; Hsueh YM ; Wu WL ; Huang YL ; Chiou HY ; Tseng CH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Rock-shells (thais clavigera) as an indicator of as, cu and zn contamination on the putai coast of the black-foot disease area in Taiwan.
韓柏檉 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Jeng MS ; Kao LT ; Meng PJ and Huang YL
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation capacity, body retention, and genotypes of glutathione S-transferase M1 nad T1 among current arsenic-exposed residents in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hsieh LL ; Hsu LI ; Hsu YH ; Hsieh FI ; Wei ML ; Chen HC ; Yang HT ; Leu LC ; Chu TH ; Chen-Wu C ; Yang MH and Chien CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Serum β-carotene level, arsenic methylation capability, and incidence of skin cancer.
邱弘毅 ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Wu WL ; Huang CC ; Yang MH ; Lue LC ; Chen GS and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Spontaneous and induced sister chromatid exchanges and delayed cell proliferation in peripheral lymphocytes of Bowen's disease patients and matched controls of arseniasis-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Hsu YH ; Li SY ; Chiou HY ; Yeh PM ; Liou JC ; Hsueh YM ; Chang SH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Relationship between copper speciation in sediments and bioaccumulation by marine bivalves of Taiwan.
韓柏檉 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Hung TC and Wen MY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A case-control study on ischemic heart disease in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
邱弘毅 ; Lin LJ ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chiang MH ; Tseng CH ; Tai TY ; Chang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A cohort study on lung cancer in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
邱弘毅 ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chiang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A ohort study on lower urinary tract cancers in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
邱弘毅 ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chiang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Incidence of internal cancers and ingested inorganic arsenic: a seven-year follow-up study in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Chiang MH ; Pu YS ; Lin JSN ; Huang CH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Usage and amount of arsenic, mercury and cadmium compounds in Taiwan area.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Yeh CY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Speciation of Lead Pollution in Water and Sediments Around A Battery Recycling Plant
陳叡瑜 ; 邱弘毅 ; Han BC ; Chin HI ; Chen RY ; Yeh CY ; Hung TC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
GST Polymorphisms may be a modifier of occupational exposure effect on urothelial cell cycle of dye workers in Taiwan
陳叡瑜 ; Yeh CY ; Chien LC ; Han BC ; Chen RY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Rapid increase of HIV infection among injection drug users in Taiwan
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Morisky DE
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Smoking behavior and perception of quitting smoking among elderly community residents in a rural area of Taiwan
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yu PT ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Smoking behavior and perception of quitting smoking among elderly community residents in a rural area of Taiwan
陳叡瑜 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yu PT ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Correlates of Cigarette Smoking Experiences among Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Adolescents in Taipei City
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yu PT ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Correlates of Cigarette Smoking Experiences among Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Adolescents in Taipei City
陳叡瑜 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yu PT ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Effect of Communication Media in Smoke-Free Restaurants Program 2003-2005 in Taiwan.
陳叡瑜 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Peng SY ; Li WS ; Chen YL
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Media Campaign for Mental Health Promotion --- An example of Caring Campaign in Taiwan.
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Chang YN ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Factors affecting the aboriginal women's health and the improving strategies from gender perspectives.
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Mental health status and smoking habit among the community elderly living in a rural area.
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Correlates of sports injuries among indigenous adolescents in Taipei City
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Woung LC ; Chiu WT ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Factors related to physical activity among adolescents in Taipei City
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Yang CC ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
游伯村 ; 呂淑妤 ; 彭玉章
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Evaluation of Mental Effects on Dining in Smoke-Free Restaurants----Results from Three Waves of National Surveys in Taiwan.
陳叡瑜 ; 陳怡樺 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Investigation of Public Opinions on Dining in Smoke-Free Restaurants----Results from Three Waves of National Surveys in the " Smoke-Free Restaurants Program(SFRP)" in Taiwan.
陳叡瑜 ; 陳怡樺 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Investigation of The Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Results from National Surveys in the " Smoke-Free Restaurants Program(SFRP)"
陳叡瑜 ; 陳怡樺 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The Current Profile of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Does Working in Smoke-Free Restaurants Promote Mental Health?
陳叡瑜 ; 陳怡樺 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Media and Mental Health --- Example of Suicide Contagion in Taiwan. The 37th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Wang SF ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Incorporate Mental Health into Anti-smoking Education among Indigenous People in Northern Taiwan. World Federation for Mental Health 2005 Biennial World Congress. Cairo, Eygpt
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Chung WC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Exploring Crisis Communication and Media Relations in Response to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak in Taiwan. The 37th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Shih FY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Structural Relations between Depressive Mood and Physical Activity among Indigenous and Non-indigenous Adolescents. World Federation for Mental Health 2005 Biennial World Congress. Cairo, Eygpt
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yang CC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Public Opinions for Tobacco Smoke in Restaurants in Taiwan: Before and After the Nation’s Implementation of the Smoke-Free-Restaurants-Program.
陳叡瑜 ; 陳怡樺 ; 韓柏檉 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Wu YC ; Yeh SJ ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Public Perceptions of SARS Outbreak in Taiwan. The Third World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders, Auckland, New Zealand
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
HIV/AIDS related risk assessment for drug-using parolees in Taiwan. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Lo FE ; Chou FM
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms among Indigenous Adolescents and Their Family Covariates: A Longitudinal Study. The Third World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders, Auckland, Ne
呂淑妤 ; Wu CI ; Lyu SY ; Lei MK ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Anterior Pectoral Stretching Can be an Effective Method in Treating Patients with Breast Pain Complaint。 2004 Asian Breast Cancer Conference。Taipei。
呂淑妤 ; Tsai ST ; Peng EY ; Hsieh CM ; Lowe TG ; Lyu SY ; Wu TC ; Wang CC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
張筱薇 ; 呂淑妤 ; 林慶豐 ; 彭玉章 ; 鍾文政
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
蔡尚達 ; 呂淑妤 ; 謝家明 ; 劉展棠 ; 彭玉章 ; 許吟圭 ; 陳茂元 ; 陳復華 ; 劉家芳 ; 張筱薇
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Determination of selenium concentrations and dietary intake from seafood in Taiwan
韓柏檉 ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Correlates of Life Satisfaction among Aboriginal Teenagers in Taiwan. World Federation for Mental Health Biennial Congress 2003. Melbourne, Australia.
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Lin CF ; Wu CI ; Peng EY ; Shiao JJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Co-occurrence of Internal and External Symptoms among Aboriginal Teenagers in Taiwan。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
呂淑妤 ; Wu CI ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Lin CF
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
A Pilot Study of Sports Injury Patterns among Adolescents in Metropolitan Taipei。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Correlates of Sports Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei Schools。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Prevalence of Diseases and Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei City。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Factors Related to Physical Activity among Adolescents in Taipei City。
呂淑妤 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY ; Yang CC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Statistical Association between Psychological Characteristics and Noncompliance with Medical Regimens for Breast Pain。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
呂淑妤 ; Yang CC ; Tsai ST ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
北部都會區原住民青少年之憂鬱症狀:三年追蹤研究結果。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
吳姿瑾 ; 彭玉章 ; 林慶豐 ; 吳齊殷 ; 李文傑 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
臺灣離島地區緊急醫療現況調查。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
彭玉章 ; 林慶豐 ; 邱文達 ; 呂淑妤 ; 鍾文政 ; 石富元 ; 邱士峰 ; 廖俊凱
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
山地鄉醫療資源與緊急後送體系現況調查。 臺北醫學大學九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會。臺北。
彭玉章 ; 林慶豐 ; 邱文達 ; 呂淑妤 ; 鍾文政 ; 石富元 ; 廖俊凱
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Feelings of Happy and Unhappy among Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Students in Taipei City
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Chiou ST ; Yang CC ; Huang JW ; Yu SH
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Attitude Towards Injury Risk Behaviors among Junior High School Students in Taipei City
呂淑妤 ; Lyu SY ; Chiou ST ; Yang CC ; Peng EY ; Wu TC .
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
呂淑妤 ; 羅鳳恩 ; 彭玉章 ; 陳叡瑜 ; 葉錦瑩
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
林慶豐 ; 鍾文政 ; 彭玉章 ; 張筱薇 ; 吳姿瑾 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
游伯村 ; 彭玉章 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
游伯村 ; 彭玉章 ; 張筱薇 ; 呂淑妤
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
蕭錦鍾 ; 呂淑妤 ; 彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 黃舜琪
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Risk of all cancer sites combined and various elements ingestion through well water among residents of Lanyang vBasin in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Chiou ST ; Hsu KH ; Hsueh YM ; Wei ML ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Temporal and Spatial distribution of metals in aquatic organisms in Taiwan
韓柏檉 ; Han BC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Arsenic exposure, genetic polymorphism of GSTM1, T1, P1 and P53, and risk of carotid atherosclerosis.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Wang IH ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou ST ; Chou YL ; The HW ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Arsenic exposure, genetic polymorphisms of GSTM1, T1, P1 and P53, and risk of carotid atherosclerosis.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Wang IH ; Chen-Wu C ; Tseng CH ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Exposure assessment of various elements in well water among residents of Lanyang Basin in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsu KH ; Wei ML ; Tseng CH ; Chien YH ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Serum -carotene level, arsenic methylation capability and risk of skin cancer.
邱弘毅 ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Wu WL ; Huang CC ; Yaung MH ; Chen GS ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Arsenic and internal cancer: a seven-year follow-up study in Taiwan.
邱弘毅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Lin LJ ; Chiang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Kou NW ; Peng EY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Chung WC ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Shie FY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Chung WC ; Peng EY ; Shih FY ;
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Wu CY ; Peng EY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 計畫報告
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Wu CY ; Lin CF ; Peng EY ;
[公共衛生學科] 專書
醫療保健服務業職業傷病監視研究-醫療技術人員與獸醫人員傷害調查。 (IOSH 88-M122)
彭玉章 ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學科] 專書
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Hsu LI ; Tseng CH ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY
[公共衛生學科] 專書
Ischemic Heart Disease Induced by Ingested Inorganic Asenic
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Chiou HY ; Huang WI ; Chen SY ; Hsueh YM ; Tseng LJ ; Lin MP ; Lai MS
[公共衛生學科] 專書
Human Carcinogenicity of Inorganic Arsenic
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Hsu YH ; Chen SY ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Wu MM
[公共衛生學科] 專書
Emerging epidemics of arseniasis in Asia
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Chiang MH ; Tseng CH ; Tai TY
[公共衛生學科] 博碩士論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Clinicopathological characteristics and survival outcome of arsenic related bladder cancer in Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Chen CH ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ ; Yu HJ ; Pu YS
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Variability in Biomarkers of Arsenic Exposure and Metabolism in Adults Over Time.
薛玉梅 ; Kile ML ; Hoffman E ; Hsueh YM ; Afroz S ; Quamruzzaman Q ; Rahman M ; Mahiuddin G ; Ryan L ; Christiani DC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary Arsenic Methylation Capability and Carotid Atherosclerosis Risk in Subjects Living in Arsenicosis-Hyperendemic Areas in Southwestern Taiwan
黃雅莉 ; Huang YL ; Hsueh YM ; Huang YK ; Yip PK ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary Arsenic Methylation Capability and Carotid Atherosclerosis Risk in Subjects Living in Arsenicosis-Hyperendemic Areas in Southwestern Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Huang YL ; Hsueh YM ; Huang YK ; Yip PK ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic Methylation Capability; Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and sulfortransferase (SULT 1A1) Genetic Polymorphisms; and the Stage and Grade of Urothelial Carcinoma
薛玉梅 ; Huang Steven K ; Chiu Allen WH ; Pu YS ; Huang YK ; Chung CJ ; Tsai HJ ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Micronutrients and lifestyles in Taiwanese patients with stage 3 to 5
薛玉梅 ; Chiang SS ; Tai CW ; Chung CJ ; Shiue HS ; Chen JB ; Su CT ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Moving Towards Peoples Needs for Smoke-Free Restaurants: Before and After A National Promotion Program in Taiwan; 2003-2005
葉錦瑩 ; Chen YH ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chien LC ; Han BC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Androgen receptor gene polymorphism may affect the risk of urothelial carcinoma.
薛玉梅 ; Liu CH ; Huang JD ; Huang SW ; Hour TC ; Huang YK ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Lee TC ; Jan KY ; Chen CJ ; Pu YS
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Correlation Between the Urine Profile of 4-(Methylnitrosamino)- 1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone Metabolites and 7-Methylguanine in Urothelial Carcinoma Patients.
薛玉梅 ; Lee HL ; Hsueh YM ; Chung CJ ; Pu YS ; Chang LW ; Hsieh DPH ; Liou SH ; Lin P.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
DNA microarray analysis of the effect on inflammation in patients treated with acupuncture for allergic rhinitis.
薛玉梅 ; Shiue HS ; Lee YS ; Tsai CN ; Hsueh YM ; Sheu JR ; Chang HH
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Spatiotemporal Distribution of Arsineic Species of Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas) in the Coastal Area of Southwestern Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Liu CW ; Huang YK ; Hsueh YM ; Lin KH ; Jang CS ; Huang LP
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic Exposure; Urinary Arsenic Speciation; and the Incidence of Urothelial Carcinoma: A Twelve-year Follow-up Study.
薛玉梅 ; Huang YK ; Huang YL ; Hsueh YM ; Yang MH ; Wu MM ; Chen SY ; Hsu LI ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic Methylation Capability; Heme Oxygenase-1 and NADPH Quinone Oxidoreductase-1 Genetic Polymorphisms; and the Stage and Grade of Urothelial Carcinomas
薛玉梅 ; Huang Steven K ; Chi Allen WH ; Pu YS ; Huang YK ; Chung CJ ; Tsai HJ ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Plasma Folate Level; Urinary Arsenic Methylation Profiles; and Urothelial Carcinoma Susceptibility.
薛玉梅 ; Huang YK ; Pu YS ; Chung CJ ; Shiue HS ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Polymorphisms in cell cycle regulatory genes; urinary arsenic profile and urothelial carcinoma.
薛玉梅 ; Chung CJ ; Huang CJ ; Pu YS ; Su CT ; ; Huang YK ; Chen YT ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanine Levels in Urothelial Carcinoma Patients with Low Urinary Arsenic Concentrations.
薛玉梅 ; Chung CJ ; Huang CJ ; Pu YS ; Su CT ; Huang YK ; Chen YT ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Estimation of acceptable mercury intake from fish in Taiwan
葉錦瑩 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Jiang CB ; Hsu CS ; Han BC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation capability and hypertension risk in subjects living in arseniasis-hyperendemic areas in southwestern Taiwan.
黃雅莉 ; Huang YK ; Tseng CH ; Huang YL ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic and diabetes and hypertension in human populations: A review
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Wang SL ; Chiou JM ; Tseng C ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen SY ; Wu MM ; Lai MS
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Changes in lymphocyte subset after double-filtration
薛玉梅 ; Yeh JH ; Chieh PJ ; Hsueh YM ; Shih CM ; Chiu HC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation; GSTT1; GSTM1; GSTP1 polymorphisms; and skin lesions
薛玉梅 ; McCarty KM ; Chen YC ; Quamruzzaman Q ; Rahman M ; Mahiuddin G ; Hsueh YM ; Su L ; Smith T ; Ryan L ; Christiani DC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic Methylation Capability and Hypertension Risk in Subjects Living in Arseniasis-Hyperendemic Areas in Southwestern Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Huang YK ; Tseng CH ; Huang YL ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Scrotal aggressive angiomyxoma mimicking inguinal hernia.
薛玉梅 ; Wu CC ; Yang SS ; Chin DT ; Hsieh CH ; Hsueh YM ; Tsai YC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A review of the epidemiologic literature on the role of environmental arsenic exposure and cardiovascular diseases.
薛玉梅 ; Wang CH ; Hsiao CK ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Chiou HY ; Chen SY ; Hsueh YM ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Dose-response relationship between ingested arsenicand cataracts among residents in Southwestern Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; See LC ; Chiou HY ; Lee JS ; Hsueh YM ; Lia SM ; Tu MC ; Yang ML ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic Distribution in a Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) Water-Sediment Aquacultural Ecosystem in Blackfoot Disease Hyperendemic Areas
薛玉梅 ; Wang SW ; Lin KH ; Hsueh YM ; Liu CW
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Bioaccumulation of Arsenic Compounds in Aquacultural Clams (Meretrix lusoria) and Assessment of Potential Carcinogenic Risks to Human Health by Ingestion.
薛玉梅 ; Liu CW ; Liang cp ; Lin KH ; Jang CS ; Wang SW ; Huang YK ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary Arsenic Profile Affects the Risk of Urothelial Carcinoma even at Low Arsenic Exposure
薛玉梅 ; Pu YS ; Yang SM ; Huang YK ; Chung CJ. ; Huang Steven K ; Chiu Allen WH ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Shih FY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Su CT ; Lyu SY ; Yu PT
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Analysis of the health risk of exposure to breast milk mercury in infants in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Chien LC ; Han BC ; Hsu CS ; Jiang CB ; You HJ ; Shieh MJ ; Yeh CY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effect of the mother’s consumption of traditional Chinese herbs on estimated infant daily intake of lead from breast milk.
葉錦瑩 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Lee HC ; Chao HJ ; Shieh MJ ; Han BC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Leptin, superoxide dismutase, and weight loss: initial leptin predicts weight loss.
葉錦瑩 ; Shih LY ; Liou TH ; Chao JC ; Kau HN ; Wu YJ ; Shieh MJ ; Yeh CY ; Han BC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Assessing the human health risks from exposure of inorganic arsenic through oyster (Crassostrea gigas) consumption in Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Liu CW ; Liang CP ; Huang FM ; Hsueh YM ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effect of plasma homocysteine level and urinary monomethylarsonic acid on the risk of arsenic-associated carotid atherosclerosis
薛玉梅 ; Wu MM ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hong CT ; Su CL ; Chang SF ; Huang WL ; Wang HT ; Wang YH ; Hsieh YC ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Chang HW ; Hong AIC ; Lin CF ; Chung WC ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Yang CC ; Lyu SY ; Tsai ST
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Tsai HC ; Lin CF ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Correlates of Life Satisfaction among Aboriginal Adolescents
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Wu CI ; Lin CF ; Shiao JJ ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Biomarkers of exposure, effect, and susceptibility of arsenic-induced
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Hsu LI ; Wang CH ; Shih WL ; Hsu YH ; Tseng MP ; Lin YC ; ...Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Wu MM.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Removal of basic dye from aqueous solution using tree fern as a biosorbent
薛玉梅 ; Ho YS ; Chiang TH ; Hsueh YM ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Revised cancer risk assessment of inorganic arsenic upon consumption of tilapia (Oreochomis mossambicus) from blackfoot disease hyperendemic areas.
薛玉梅 ; Liu CW. ; Huang FM ; Hsueh YM ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Tissue distribution of arsenic species in rabbits after single and multiple parenteral administration of arsenic trioxide: tissue accumulation and the reversibility after washout are tissue-selective
薛玉梅 ; Lin CJ ; Wu MH ; Hsueh YM ; Sun SS ; Cheng AL
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
(2005).Arsenic exposure, urinary arsenic speciation and peripheral vascular disease in blackfoot disease-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan.
黃雅莉 ; Tseng CH ; Huang YK ; Huang YL ; Chung CJ ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Genetic Polymorphisms of Oxidative and Antioxidant Enzymes and Arsenic-Related Hypertension.
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Lin P ; Chen HW ; Shiue HS ; Chung CJ ; Tsai CT ; Huang YK ; Chiuo HY ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Assessing the human health risks from exposure of inorganic arsenic through oyster (Crassostrea gigas) consumption in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Liu CW ; Liang CP ; Huang FM ; Hsueh YM ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic exposure, urinary arsenic speciation and peripheral vascular disease in blackfoot disease-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Tseng CH ; Huang YK ; Huang YL ; Chung CJ ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Ingested Arsenic, Cigarette Smoking, and Lung Cancer Risk: A Follow-up Study in Arseniasis-Endemic Areas in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen SY ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Pharmacokinetic model of daily selenium intake from contaminated seafood in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Huang SY ; Shieh MJ ; Han BC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation and skin cancer risk in southwestern Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Chen YC ; Guo YL ; Su HJ ; Hsueh YM ; Smith TJ ; Ryan LM ; Lee MS ; Chao SC ; Lee JY ; Christiani DC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Association of hepatitis virus infection, alcohol consumption and plasma vitamin A levels with urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in chemical workers
薛玉梅 ; Wong RH ; Yeh CY ; Hsueh YM ; Wang JD ; Lei YC Cheng TJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Determinants of inorganic arsenic methylation cabability among residents of Langyang Basin, Taiwan: arsenic and selenium exposure and alcohol consumption
黃雅莉 ; Hsueh YM ; Ko YF ; Huang YK ; Chen HW ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Genetic polymorphism in p53 codon 72 and skin cancer in southwestern Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Chen YC ; Xu L ; Guo YL ; Su HJ ; Hsueh YM ; Smith TJ ; Ryan LM ; Lee MS ; Chaor SC ; Lee JY ; Christiani DC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Determinants of inorganic arsenic methylation capability among residents of the Lanyang Basin, Taiwan: arsenic and selenium exposure and alcohol consumption
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Ko YF ; Huang YK ; Chen HW ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Yang MH Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Association of hepatitis virus infection, alcohol consumption and plasma vitamin A levels with urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in chemical workers
葉錦瑩 ; Wong RH ; Yeh CY ; Hsueh YM ; Wang JD ; Lei YC and Cheng TJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Long-term arsenic exposure and ischemic heart disease in arseniasis-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Tseng CH ; Chong CK ; Tseng CP ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Tseng CC Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation and bladder cancer risk in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Chen. YC ; Su. HJJ ; Guo. YLL ; Hsueh. YM ; Smith. TJ ; Ryan. LM ; Lee. MS ; Christiani. DC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic species contents at aquaculture farm and in farmed mouthbreeder (Oreochromis mossambicus) in blackfoot disease hyperendemic areas
薛玉梅 ; Huang. YK ; Lin. KH ; Chen. HW ; Chang. CC ; Liu. CW ; Yang MH ; Hsueh. YM.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Tsai ST ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Kao MY ; Wu TC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Chien LC ; Hung TC ; Choang KY ; Yeh CY ; Meng PJ ; Shieh MJ ; Han BC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation and bladder cancer risk
薛玉梅 ; Chen YC ; Su HJJ ; Guo YL ; Hsueh YM ; Smith TJ ; Ryan LM ; Lee MS Christani DC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Association of hepatitis virus infection, alcohol consumption and serum vitamin A level urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in chemical workers
葉錦瑩 ; Cheng TJ ; Wong RH ; Lei YC ; Hsueh YM ; Yeh CY and Wang JD
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Monitoring of arsenic exposure with speciated urinary inorganic arsenic metabolites for ion implanter maintenance engineers
薛玉梅 ; Hwang YH ; Lee ZY ; Wang JD ; Hsueh YM ; Lu IC Yao WL
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Relationships between diet and serum fatty acids among preschool children.
薛玉梅 ; Yang SH ; Cheng HH ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu HH ; Shieh MJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary arsenic speciation in subjects with or without restriction from seafood dietary intake
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu MK ; Chiou HY ; Yang MH ; Huang CC and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Biological gradient between long-term arsenic exposure and carotid atherosclerosis
薛玉梅 ; Wang CH ; Jeng JS ; Yip PK ; Chen CL ; Hsu LI ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Wu MM ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Association of hepatitis virus infection, alcohol consumption and serum vitamin A level urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in chemical workers
薛玉梅 ; Cheng TJ ; Wong RH ; Lei YC ; Hsueh YM ; Yeh CY Wang JD
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; Hong AIC ; Lin CF ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Association of blood arsenic levels with increased reactive oxidants and decreased antioxidant capacity in a human population of Northeastern Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Wu MM ; Chiou HY ; Wang TW ; Hsueh YM ; Wang IH ; Chen CJ ; Lee TC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A study on the association between carotid atherosclerosis and genetic polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E among various arsenic exposure people
薛玉梅 ; Chou YL ; Chiou ST ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on plasma lipids, antioxidant enzyme activities and bone density in postmenopausal women.
薛玉梅 ; Hsu CS ; Shen WW ; Hsueh YM ; Yeh SL.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Phosphine-induced oxidative damage in rats: attenuation by melatonin.
Hsu CH ; Han BC ; Liu MY ; Yeh CY and Casida JE
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Phosphine-induced oxidative damage in rats: Attenuation by melatonin.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsu CH ; Han BC ; Liu MY ; Yeh CY ; Casida JE.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Mussel Watch: a review of Cu and other metals in various marine organisms in Taiwan, 1991-1998.
葉錦瑩 ; Jeng MS ; Jeng WL ; Hung TC ; Yeh CY ; Tseng RJ ; Meng PJ ; Han BC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Long-term arsenic exposure and incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: a cohort study in arseniasis-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Tseng CH ; Tai TY ; Chong CK ; Tseng CP ; Lai MS ; Lin BJ ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu KH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Mussel Watch: Estimation of metal and organochlorine pesticide exposures and potential health threat by consumption of oysters in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Hung TC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Ling YC ; Meng PJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A Study on the Association between Sister Chromatid Exchange and Arsenic Exposure among Residents of Lanyang Basin.
葉錦瑩 ; Chiou HY ; Chien YH ; Yeh CY ; Wu MM ; Wang YC ; Hsueh YM ; Lee TC ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A study on the association between sister chromatid exchange and arsenic exposure among residents of Lanyang Basin.
薛玉梅 ; Chiou HY ; Chien YH ; Yeh CY ; WU MM ; Wang YC ; Hsueh YM ; Lee TC ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic exposure and peripheral vascular disease
薛玉梅 ; Tseng CH ; Chong CK ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
NAD(P)H: Quinone oxidoreducatse polymorphism and lung cancer in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Lin PP ; Wang HJ ; Lee H ; Lee HS ; Wang HL ; Hsueh YM ; Tsai KJ ; Chen CY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
The association between ischemic heart disease and serum micronutrient among residents on blackfoot disease hyperendemic area.
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Wu WL ; Chiou HY ; Liang CC ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Estimation of target hazard quotients and potential health risks for metals by consumption of seafood in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Chen RY ; Yeh CY ; Hung TC and Tseng RJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Low serum carotene level and increased risk of ischemic heart disease related to long-term arsenic exposure.
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Wu WL ; Huang YL ; Chiou HY ; Tseng CH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiological study of hepatitis C virus infection in the Hsin-Chu area, Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Hwu NY ; Fan CK ; Chung WC ; Wang CY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen HH ; Lin CF ; Su TT
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary levels of inorganic and organic arsenic metabolites among residents in an arseniasis-hyperendemic area in Taiwan.
黃雅莉 ; Hsueh YM ; Huang YL ; Huang CC ; Wu WL ; Chen HM ; Yang MH ; Leu LC and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Urinary levels of inorganic and organic arsenic metabolites among residents in an arseniasis-hyperendemic area in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Huang YL ; Huang CC ; Wu WL ; Chen HM ; Yang MH ; Lue LC ad Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Low serum carotene level and increased risk of ischemic heart disease related to long-term arsenic exposure.
黃雅莉 ; Hsueh YM ; Wu WL ; Huang YL ; Chiou HY ; Tseng CH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Rock-shells (thais clavigera) as an indicator of as, cu, and zn contamination on the putai coast of the black-foot disease area in Taiwan.
黃雅莉 ; Han BC ; Jeng WL ; Jeng MS ; Kao LT ; Meng PJ and Huang YL
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Arsenic methylation capacity, body retention, and genotypes of glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 among current arsenic-exposed residents in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hsieh LL ; Hsu LI ; Hsu YH ; Hsieh FI ; Wei ML ; Chen HC ; Yang HT ; Leu LC ; Chu TH ; Wu CC ; Yang MH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Spontaneous and induced sister chromatid exchanges and delayed cell proliferation in peripheral lymphocytes of Bowen's disease patients and matched controls of arseniasis-hyperendemic villages in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Hsu YH ; Li SY ; Chiou HY ; Yeh PM ; Liou JC ; Hsueh YM ; Chang SH and Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Monitoring lead pollution near a storage battery recycling plant in Taiwan, Republic of China.
葉錦瑩 ; Yeh CY ; Chiou HI ; Chen RY ; Yeh KH ; Jeng WL ; Han BC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Epidemiologic Study for the Association between Inorganic Arsenic and Internal Cancer.
薛玉梅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu YH ; Huang WI ; Chen HC ; Chu TH ; Wei ML ; Hsu LI ; Hsueh FI ; Chen WC ; and Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Follow-up Study for the Association between Inorganic Arsenic and Skin Cancer.
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chen SY ; Shyu MP ; Lin LJ ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Huang YL ; Wu WL ; Leu LC and Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Epidemiologic Study for the Risk of Cardioovascular Disease Induced by Long-term Arsenic Exposure in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Huang WI ; Hsu YH ; Lin LJ ; Chu TH ; Wei ML ; Chen HC ; Hsu LI ; Hsueh FI.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A cohort study on lung cancer in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
薛玉梅 ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chang MH ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Incidence of internal cancers and ingested inorganic arsenic - a 7-year follow-up-study in Taiwan
薛玉梅 ; Chiou HY ; Hsueh YM ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Chiang MH ; Pa YS ; Lin JSN ; Huang CH Chen ; C.J.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Increased prevalence of hypertension and long-term arsenic exposure
薛玉梅 ; Chen CJ ; Hsueh YM ; La ; MS ; Shyu MP ; Chen SY ; Wu MM ; Kuo TL Tai TY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A case-control study on ischemic heart disease in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
薛玉梅 ; Lin LJ ; Horng SF ; Liaw KF ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chang MH ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Multiple risk-factors associated with arsenic-induced skin-cancer: Effects of chronic liver-disease and malnutritional status
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Cheng GS ; Wu MM ; Yu HS ; Kuo TL ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
A cohort study on lower urinaty tract cancers in the endemic area of blackfoot disease.
薛玉梅 ; Liaw KF ; Horng SF ; Lin LJ ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Chang MH ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Distribution of Lead Pollution in Soil and Air around A Storage Battery Recycling Plant.
葉錦瑩 ; Han BC ; Chen RY ; Chiou HY ; Yeh CY ; Hsu TJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Ingested inorganic arsenic and prevalence of diabetes-mellitus
薛玉梅 ; Lai MS ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ ; Shyu MP ; Chen SY ; Kuo TL ; Wu MM Tai TY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Usage and Amount of Arsenic, Mercury and Cadmium Compounds in Taiwan Area.
葉錦瑩 ; Chiou HY ; Yeh CY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Usage and amount of arsenic, mercury and cadmium compounds in Taiwan area.
薛玉梅 ; Chiou HY ; Yeh CH ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ ;
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Speciation of Lead Pollution in Water and Sediments Around A Battery Recycling Plant.
葉錦瑩 ; Han BC ; Chin HI ; Chen RY ; Yeh CY ; Hung TC.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effect of Escherichia coli free endotoxin on mercuric nitrate intoxicated rats
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM ; Tseng CC
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Mechanism of protection by zinc against mercuric-chloride toxicity in rats: Effects of zinc and mercury on glutathionine metabolism
薛玉梅 ; Fukino H ; Hirai M ; Hsueh YM ; Moriyasu S ; Yamane Y.
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effect of zinc pretreatment on mercuric chloride-induced lipid-peroxidation in the rat-kidney
薛玉梅 ; Fukino H ; Hirai M ; Hsueh YM ; Yamane Y
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Effect of zinc on inorganic mercury induced toxicity.
薛玉梅 ; Hirai M ; Hsueh YM ; Moriyasu S ; Fukino H ; Yamane Y
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
A case-control study of HIV infection risk among female inmates
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Association between cigarette smoking and illicit drug use among male inmates in Taiwan
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Correlates of cigarette smoking among juvenile inmates in Taiwan
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Factors related to physical activity among adolescents in Taipei City
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Gender difference in response to new emerging diseases --- an example of the SARS outbreak
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Illicit drug using behaviors and HIV risk behaviors among juvenile inmates
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Mental health status among HIV-infected inmates in Taiwan
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Potential causes of rapid increase of HIV infection among injection drug users after SARS outbreak in Taiwan.
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Correlates of Cigarette Smoking Experiences among Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Adolescents in Taipei City
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Rapid increase of HIV infection among injection drug users in Taiwan
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Smoking behavior and perception of quitting smoking among elderly community residents in a rural area of Taiwan
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Effect of Communication Media in Smoke-Free Restaurants Program 2003-2005 in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Huang YL ; Li u SH ; Wu WL ; Huang CJ ; Chen CJ ; Yang MT
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Effect of Communication Media in Smoke-Free Restaurants Program.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Chen CJ ; ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Factors affecting the aboriginal women’s health and the improving strategies from gender perspectives
彭玉章 ; Chen YH ; Chiang HS ; Tseng KS ; Lin RY ; Huang CC ; Wang YP ; Wang SY ; Tseng LC ; Teng SK ; Yeh CY.
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Association of Occupational Lead Exposure and Worker Fertility.
葉錦瑩 ; Yu PT ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
GST Polymorphisms may be a modifier of occupational exposure effect on urothelial cell cycle of dye workers in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Peng EY ; Lin ; Cho ; Lyu SY ; Joe ; Chi
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Media Campaign for Mental Health Promotion --- An example of Caring Campaign in Taiwan
彭玉章 ; Tsai ST ; Lyu SY ; Hsie CM ; Liu ZT ; Peng EY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Relationship among Plasma Micronutrients, Antioxidant Enzyme Genetic Polymorphism, Arsenic Methylation Capability and Urothelial Carcinoma
薛玉梅 ; Chu ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Survey on the Aborigines’ characterization of the occupational hazard stress.
葉錦瑩 ; Yu PT ; Peng EY ; Chang SW ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Correlates of sports injuries among indigenous adolescents in Taipei City
彭玉章 ; Tseng PK ; Wei HJ ; Hsu KT ; Liaw CM ; Wang CM ; Cheng CL ; Yeh CY ; Hsieh HM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Liao CK ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Mental health status and smoking habit among the community elderly living in a rural area
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Incorporate Mental Health into Anti-smoking Education among Indigenous People in Northern Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Comparison with Urinary Cotinine Levels and Respiratory Health Effects between Light and Heavy Smokers.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Chung CJ ; Huang YK ; Pu YS ; Huang SK ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Evaluation of Mental Effects on Dining in Smoke-Free Restaurants----Results from Three Waves of National Surveys in Taiwan.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Wu WL ; Chiou HY ; Tseng CH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Database Analysis and Risk Factors Investigation for Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Chen YT ; Tsai HJ ; Chung CJ ; Huang YK ; Pu YS ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Association between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Risk Factor of Cardiovascular Disease.
葉錦瑩 ; Cheo ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Hon
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Current Profile of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Does Working in Smoke-Free Restaurants Promote Mental Health?
葉錦瑩 ; Peng EY ; Lin CF ; Chiu WT ; Lyu SY ; Chung WT ; Shih FY ; Liao CK
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Investigation of The Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Results from National Surveys in the
葉錦瑩 ; Lyu SY ; Lo FN ; Peng EY ; Chen RY ; Yeh CY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Relationship among Heme oxygenase-1 and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 Genetic Polymorphisms、Arsenic Methylation Capability and Urothelial Carcinoma
薛玉梅 ; Wu TC ; Peng EY ; Lin CF ; Wu CY ; Lee WJ ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Exploring Crisis Communication and Media Relations in Response to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak in Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Lin RY ; Lin TC ; Liu YC ; Chan YY ; Wang IT ; Wei HJ ; Yeh CY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Media and Mental Health --- Example of Suicide Contagion in Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Hsu CH ; Chiang HS ; Chen CH ; Wang JD
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Structural Relations between Depressive Mood and Physical Activity among Indigenous and Non-indigenous Adolescents.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Hsu CH ; Chiang HS ; Chen CH ; Wang JD.
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Public Perceptions of SARS Outbreak in Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Wu YC ; Yeh SJ ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The association between male infertility and dioxin exposure.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Anterior Pectoral Stretching Can be an Effective Method in Treating Patients with Breast Pain Complaint
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
葉錦瑩 ; Yang CC ; Tsai ST ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Peng EY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
葉錦瑩 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Yang CC ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms among Indigenous Adolescents and Their Family Covariates: A Longitudinal Study.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Su WW ; Chi BC ; Liou SH ; Wang JD
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
HIV/AIDS related risk assessment for drug-using parolees in Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Wang JD ; Su WW ; Chi BC ; Liou SH
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
A Pilot Study of Sports Injury Patterns among Adolescents in Metropolitan Taipei。
彭玉章 ; Hsueh YM ; Ko YF ; Huang YK ; Chiou HY ; Huang YL ; Yang MH ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Factors Related to Physical Activity among Adolescents in Taipei City。
彭玉章 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
陳杰峰 ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Huang HY ; Huang WT ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Association between blood concentration of lead and male infertility.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
CAGES – a Computer Assisted Guideline Enhancement System
陳杰峰 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Chung WC ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Statistical Association between Psychological Characteristics and Noncompliance with Medical Regimens for Breast Pain
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Chang YL ; Peng EY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Prevalence of Diseases and Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei City。
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Chang C ; Wang SF ; Peng EY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Yu-Chung Kuo ; Ruey-Yu Chen ; Chiou-Jong Chen ; Yung-Ming Chang ; Gin-Pin Wu ; Wun-ching Su and Ching-Ying Yeh.
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Co-occurrence of Internal and External Symptoms among Aboriginal Teenagers in Taiwan。
彭玉章 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Correlates of Life Satisfaction among Aboriginal Teenagers in Taiwan.
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Correlates of Sports Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei Schools。
彭玉章 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Hsueh YM ; Hsu CS ; Shen WW ; Yeh SL ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY ; Yang CC
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Chien LC ; Han BC ; Chen RY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Liu ZS ; Wang MY ; Ko YC
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Lo FE ; Chou FM ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; Yeh CY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Clinical investigation of periodontal conditions by using vibrational technology. 79th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Chiba, Japan, #1239, JDR; 80:681. June 27-30, 2001.
葉錦瑩 ; Yeh CY ; Han BC ; Chen YH ; Chen RY ; Peng SY ; Wang HF ; Li WS and Chen YL.
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Medical Surveillance of Dental Technicians in Taiwan. Symposium of Occupational Health 2001. Taipe, Taiwan. 18-19 May 2001.
葉錦瑩 ; Han BC ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Chen YH ; Hsieh MZ ; Yu PT ; Chao KY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Influence of Urine Selenium Levels on the disposition and methylation of Inorganic Arsenic exposure among Residents of Lanyang Basin in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; Shih FY ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Micronutrients and Bone Density Increment after Soy Isoflavone Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women.
薛玉梅 ; Peng EY ; Lyu SY ; ; ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Clinical Investigation of Natural Frequency of Human teeth. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Biomechanics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 25 November 2000.
葉錦瑩 ; Wu CI ; Lyu SY ; Lei MK ; Peng EY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Hazard analytical study of occupational cancers---urinary bladder cancer. Cross Strait Workshop on Snakebites. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1999.6.4-5.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM ; Chung CJ ; Huang YK ; Pu YS ; Huang SK ; Chen CJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Low serum carotene level, low arsenic methylation capability, and arsenic induced peripheral vascular disease.
薛玉梅 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Protective effect of tea on increased micronuclei in exfoliated urothelial cells among workers manufacturing benzidine-based dyes. The XV International Scientific Meeting of I EA---Epidemiology for Sustainable Health Florence, Italy, 31 August - 4 Sept
葉錦瑩 ; Wu CI ; Lyu SY ; Peng EY ; Lin CF ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Early Screening of Bladder Cancer by Flow Cytometry in the Benzidine-based Dye Workers. ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference 1999, Athens, Greece. 5-8 September 1999.
葉錦瑩 ; Lyu SY ; Lin CF ; Wu CI ; Peng EY ; Shiao JJ
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
The Early Screening of Bladder Cancer by Flow Cytometry in the Benzidine-based Dye Workers. The XV International Scientific Meeting of The International Epidemiological Association---Epidemiology for Sustainable Health. Florence, Italy, 31 Aug - 4 Sept
葉錦瑩 ; Peng EY ; Woung LC ; Chiu WT ; Lyu SY ;
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
A Study of the Association with Micronuclei in Exfoliated Urothelial Cells and Occupational Exposure of Dye Workers. Sixth International conference of Anticancer Research.1998.10.21-25, Kallithea Halkidiki, Greece.
葉錦瑩 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Molecular Epidemiologic Studies on Arsenic-Induced Skin Cancer.
薛玉梅 ; Yeh CY ; Chen RY ; Han BC ; Chang CC and Tseng CC
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
薛玉梅 ; Hsueh YM
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Arsenic Methylation Capability and Risk of Skin Cancer among Residents in Blackfoot Disease-endemic Area in Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Tsai ST ; Peng EY ; Hsieh CM ; Lowe TG ; Lyu SY ; Wu TC ; Wang CC
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
Serum β-carotene Level, Arsenic Methylation Capability and Risk of Skin Cancer.
薛玉梅 ; Lin CF ; Chung WC ; Peng EY ; Chang SW ; Wu TC ; Lyu SY
[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
薛玉梅 ; Peng EY ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among Chinese aboriginal and Han people resident in mountainous areas of northern Thailand.
范家? ; Fan CK ; Liao CW ; Wu MS ; Su KE ; Han BC
[北醫出版品] 2009年APACPH研討會論文集 (資訊處提供)
Caregiver Burden among Caregivers for Children with Rare Diseases
Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Chih-Chien Yang ; Sz-Fan Chen ; Liang-Ting Tsai
[北醫出版品] 2009年APACPH研討會論文集 (資訊處提供)
Correlates and Accuracy of Osteoporosis Screening among Female Community Residents
Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Po-Tswen Yu ; Liang-Ting Tsai
[北醫出版品] 2009年APACPH研討會論文集 (資訊處提供)
Prevalence and Correlates of Physical Inactivity among Housewives
Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Ying-Chen Chi ; Liang-Ting Tsai
[北醫出版品] 2009年APACPH研討會論文集 (資訊處提供)
Satisfaction of the Crisis Management Regarding Sanlu Melamine Milk Powder Incident among Internet Users
Ta-Pang Chang ; Han-Mei Liu ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Liang-Ting Tsai
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Changes in the lymphocyte subset after double-filtration plasmapheresis
施純明 ; Yeh JH ; Chien PJ ; Hsueh YM ; Shih CM ; Chiu HC
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 會議論文
Assessment of immune function for myasthenia gravis patients
施純明 ; Chien PL ; Yeh JH ; Chiu HC ; Hsueh YM ; Chen MC ; Hsu FC ; Shih CM
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Lifelong inorganic arsenic compounds consumption affected blood pressure in rats
黃士懿 ; Yang HT ; Chou HJ ; Han BC ; Huang SY
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on plasma lipids, antioxidant enzyme activities and bone density in postmenopausal women
葉松鈴 ; Hsu CS ; Hsueh YM ; Yeh SL
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Calcium-fortification rice in school lunch program enhances dietary calcium intake among children in Taiwan
楊淑惠 ; Hou YC ; Yang SH ; Chien YW ; Lin SH ; Hu SP ; Hsieh MJ ; Hsueh YM
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Estimation of acceptable mercury intake from fish in Taiwan.
許淳森 ; Chien LC ; Yeh CY ; Jiang CB ; Hsu CS ; Han BC
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Mercury concentration and fish consumption in Taiwanese pregnant women.
許淳森 ; Hsu CS ; Liu PL ; Chien LC ; Chou SY ; Han BC
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Analysis of the health risk of exposure to breast milk mercury in infants in Taiwan.
許淳森 ; Chien LC ; Han BC ; Hsu CS ; Jiang CB ; You HJ ; Shieh MJ ; Yeh CY
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Lin CF ; Chiu WT ; Lyu SY ; Chung WC ; Shih FY ; Liao CK
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Lin CF ; Chiu WT ; Lyu SY ; Chung WC ; Shih FY ; Chiu SF ; Liao CK
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
A Pilot Study of Sports Injury Patterns among Adolescents in Metropolitan Taipei
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
Correlates of Sports Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei Schools
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
Factors Related to Physical Activity among Adolescents in Taipei City
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
Prevalence of Diseases and Injuries among Indigenous Adolescents in Taipei City
邱文達 ; Peng YC ; Chiu WT ; Lin MR ; Lyu SY
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
邱文達 ; Jing-jong Shiao ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Shun-Chi Huang
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
邱文達 ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Chun-Kai Liao
[傷害防治學研究所] 博碩士論文
彭玉章 ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
A Pilot Study Of Sports Injury Patterns Among Adolescents In Metropolitan Taipei
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Correlates Of Sports Injuries Among Indigenous Adolescents In Taipei Schools
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Factors Related To Physical Activity Among Adolescents In Taipei City
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Prevalence Of Diseases And Injuries Among Indigenous Adolescents In Taipei City
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
邱文達 ; Jing-jong Shiao ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Shun-Chi Huang
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 廖俊凱 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Chun-Kai Liao
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
A Pilot Study Of Sports Injury Patterns Among Adolescents In Metropolitan Taipei
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Correlates Of Sports Injuries Among Indigenous Adolescents In Taipei Schools
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Factors Related To Physical Activity Among Adolescents In Taipei City
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Prevalence Of Diseases And Injuries Among Indigenous Adolescents In Taipei City
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 呂淑妤 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Shu-Yu Lyu
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
邱文達 ; Jing-jong Shiao ; Shu-Yu Lyu ; Eugene Yu-Chang Peng ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Shun-Chi Huang
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
彭玉章 ; 邱文達 ; 林茂榮 ; 廖俊凱 ; Eugene Yu-Chang ; Wen-Ta Chiu ; Mau-Roung Lin ; Chun-Kai Liao
[醫學人文研究所] 期刊論文
蔡尚達 ; 彭玉章 ; 呂淑妤 ; 高美英 ; 吳姿瑾
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) Gene Variants and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the Taiwanese Population
謝銘松 ; Hsieh MS ; Yu SC ; Chung WT ; Hsueh YM ; Chen FC ; Chiu WT and Lee HM
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) Gene Variants and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the Taiwanese Population.
李宏謨 ; Hsieh MS ; Yu SC ; Chung WT ; Hsueh YM ; Chen FC ; Chiu WT ; Lee HM