[公共衛生學科] 會議論文
陳杰峰 ; Hsueh YM ; Chiou HY ; Huang HY ; Huang WT ; Chen CJ
[牙醫學系] 博碩士論文
Immunohistochemical analysis of cytokine profile and Androgen receptor of drug induced gingival overgrowth
呂炫? ; Huang WT ; Lu HK
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-8 by betel quid extract and arecoline and its role in 2D motility.
劉巡宇 ; Liu SY ; Liu YC ; Lin YU ; Huang WT ; Huanf GC ; Chen TC ; Lin MH
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Requirement of MMP-3 in anchorage-independent growth of oral squamous cell carcinomas
劉巡宇 ; Liu SY ; Liu YC ; Huang WT ; Huang GC ; Hsiao JS ; Chiang WF ; Lee CH ; Lin MH
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Immunohistochemical analysis of Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles and androgen receptor expression in the pathogenesis of nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth
呂炫? ; Huang WT ; Lu HK* ; Kuo YP ; Chou HH
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Androgen receptors in adult periodontitis and nifedipine induced gingival overgrowth.
呂炫? ; Huang WT ; Lu HK* ; Chou HH ; Lin LS
[牙醫學系] 會議論文
Detection of Th1 or Th2 cytokine profiles and immunolocalization of the cytokine secreting cells in the cellular immunity induced by the implantation of porcine dermal collagen membrane.
呂炫? ; Lu H-K ; Huang WT ; TsungKM ; Chi CC.
[牙醫學系] 會議論文
Immunolocalization of PDGF- b, and TGF-a in the relevant immunol cascade of delay type hypersensitivity induced by PDCM.
呂炫? ; Lu H-K ; Huang WT ; Ko MT ; Chi CC ; Chen W.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Doughnut excision for difficult scar revision
蔡豐州 ; Yang JY ; Huang CY ; Chuang SS ; Chen lily ; Tsai FC
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Free split-cutaneous perforator flaps procured using a three-dimensional harvest technique for the reconstruction of postburn contracture defects.
蔡豐州 ; Tsai FC ; Yang JY ; Mardini S ; Chuang SS ; Wei FC
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Tannins from Albizzia lebbek.
徐鳳麟 ; Ma YT ; Hsiao SC ; Chen HF and Hsu FL
[耳鼻喉學科] 期刊論文
dehiscence of facial canal in adult and fetal temporal bones
李飛鵬 ; Hsiao SC ; Lai MT ; Wu CC ; Chiu KH ; Lee FP
[呼吸治療學系] 期刊論文
Tuberculosis Among Foreign-born Persons in Taiwan; 2002-2005
白冠壬 ; 余明治 ; 李俊年 ; Bai KJ ; Chiang CY ; Lee CN ; Chang JH ; Wu LC ; Yu MC
[放射腫瘤科] 期刊論文
Risk stratification for failure in patients with advanced cervical cancer after concurrent chemoradiotherapy: another way to optimise treatment results.
Liang JA ; Chen SW ; Chang WC ; Hung YC ; Yeh LS ; Yang SN ; Lin FJ.
[放射腫瘤科] 期刊論文
Clinical implications of elevated pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
Chen SW ; Liang JA ; Hung YC ; Yeh LS ; Chang WC ; Yang SN ; Lin FJ.
[放射腫瘤科] 期刊論文
Prognostic impact of tumor volume in patients with stage III-IVA hypopharyngeal cancer without bulky lymph nodes treated with definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy.
Chen SW ; Yang SN ; Liang JA ; Lin FJ ; Tsai MH.
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Diagnosis of Anomalous Coronary Arteries in 64-MDCT
陳啟仁 ; Hou KY ; Jeng CM ; Liu YP ; Wang TH ; Lin TM ; Chen SW ; Chen CJ ; Mo YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Protective effect of Acacia confusa bark extract and its active compound gallicacid against carbon tetrachloride-induced chronic liver injury in rats.
楊素卿 ; Tung YT ; Wu JH ; Huang CC ; Peng HC ; Chen YL ; YangSC ; Chang ST
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary Cerebral Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Relapsed Solely in the Skin with the Same Clonal Origin
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Liu H ; Huang Y ; Chio CC ; Lin LC
[病理學科] 期刊論文
EBV-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a psoriatic treated with methotrexate.
莊世松 ; Hsiao SC ; Ichinohasama R ; Lin SH ; Liao YL ; Chang ST ; Cho CY ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Lymphohistiocytic anaplastic large cell lymphoma involving skin: a diagnostic challenge.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Hsieh YC ; Ye H ; Hwang SW
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Floral Leukemic Cells Transformed from Marginal Zone Lymphoma.
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Hsieh YC ; Lu YH ; Tzeng CC ; Lin CN ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Prostatic involvement by nasal NK/T cell lymphoma forming lymphoepithelial lesions.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Chang ST ; Lee YH ; Chang KC
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Aberrant co-expression of CD19 and CD56 as surrogate markers of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) in Taiwan
莊世松 ; Chen SW ; Li CF ; Chuang SS ; Tzeng CC ; Hsieh YC ; Lee PS ; Chen CH ; Huang WS ; Tsao CJ.
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Significant increase in the relative frequency of follicular lymphoma in Taiwan in the early 21st century.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary rectal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma: report of a case with extensive FISH study.
莊世松 ; Hwang WS ; Ye H ; Lin SH ; Chuang SS*
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Sporadic paediatric and adult Burkitt lymphomas share similar phenotypic and genotypic features.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Huang WT ; Hsieh PP ; Jung YC ; Ye H ; Du MQ ; Lu CL ; Cho CY ; Hsiao SC ; Hsu YH ; Lin KJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Perforation predicts poor prognosis in patients with primary intestinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Ye H ; Yang SF ; Huang WT ; Chen HK ; Hsieh PP ; Huang WS ; Chang KU ; Lu CL ; Du MQ.
[病理學科] 期刊論文
The phenotype of intraepithelial lymphocytes in Taiwanese enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma is distinct from that of the West.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Liao YL ; Liu H ; Lin SH ; Hsieh PP ; Huang WT ; Chen HK ; Isaacson PG.
[病理學科] 期刊論文
The distribution of interleukin-19 in healthy and neoplastic tissue.
莊世松 ; Hsing CH ; Li HH ; Hsu YH ; Ho CL ; Chuang SS ; Lan KM
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary Gastrointestinal Follicular Lymphoma: A Clinicopathological Study of 13 Cases from Taiwan.
莊世松 ; Huang WT ; Hsu YH ; Yang SF ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Radiation-induced intra- and extra-cranial high-grade myxofibrosarcoma with tumor bleeding.
莊世松 ; Kuo JR ; Chio CC ; Wang CC ; Chu YH ; Lin KC ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Cyclin D1 – Positive Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma
莊世松 ; Rodriguez-Justo M ; Huang Y ; Hongtao Ye ; Liu H ; Chuang SS ; Munson P
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Histologic evolution of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma in consecutive biopsies: insights into natural history and disease progression.
莊世松 ; Attygalle AD ; Kyirakou C ; Dupuis J ; Grogg KL ; Diss T ; Watherspoon AC ; Chuang SS ; Cabcedas J ; Isaacson PG
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Intramucosal follicular lymphoma in the terminal ileum with nodal involvement.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS* ; Chang ST ; Liu H ; Ye H ; Sheu ML ; Chen MJ ; Tsao CJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Plasmablastic cytomorphology in plasma cell neoplasms in immunocompetent patients is significantly associated with EBV
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Liao YL ; Lu CL ; Chuang SS* ; Li CY
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Cytophagic Histiocytic Panniculitis with Fatal Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Paediatric Patient with Perforin Gene Mutation.
莊世松 ; Chen RL ; Hsu YH ; Ueda I ; Imashuku S ; Takeuchi K ; Tu BPH ; Chuang SS*
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: histological progression associates with EBV and HHV6B viral load. Br J Haematol
莊世松 ; Zhou Y ; Attygalle AD ; Chuang SS ; Diss T ; Ye H ; Liu H ; Hamoudi RA ; Munson P ; Bacon CM ; Dogan A ; D
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Distinguishing angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma from peripheral T-cell lymphoma; unspecified; using morphology; immunophenotype and molecular genetics.
莊世松 ; Attygalle AD ; Chuang SS ; Diss TC ; Du MQ ; Isaacson PG ; Dogan A
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Multiple myeloma uncovered by investigating a negative serum iron level.
莊世松 ; Wu LC ; Chuang SS ; Su CC ; Lin MP ; Lin CN
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the gallbladder with cholelithiasis masquerading as ccute cholecystitis: case report and literature review.
莊世松 ; Huang WT ; Chuang SS ; Huang CC ; Lu CL ; Eng HL
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Pulmonary MALT lymphoma with strong nuclear BCL10 expression and novel translocation t(1;2)(p22;p12)/IGK-BCL10.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Liu H ; Martin-Subero JI ; Huang WT ; Siebert R ; Ye H
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Silent Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis with Iron-Deficiency Anemia but Normal Serum Ferritin.
莊世松 ; Chen RL ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Histopathology and immunohistochemistry in distinguishing Burkitt lymphoma from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with very high proliferation index and with or without starry-sky pattern: a comparative study with EBER and FISH.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS* ; Ye H ; Du MQ ; Lu CL ; Dogan A ; Hsieh PP ; Huang WT ; Jung YC
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Variant hairy cell leukemia without distinct nucleoli.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Chang ST ; Huang WT ; Li CY ; Campo E
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer and florid follicular gastritis extending to the muscularis propria mimicking a malignancy.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS* ; Li CF ; Isaacson PG
[病理學科] 期刊論文
CD52 expression in non-mycotic T- and NK/T-cell lymphomas.
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Lu CL ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Massive expansion of EBV+ monoclonal T-cells with CD5 down-regulation in EBV-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
莊世松 ; Lin MT ; Chang HM ; Huang CJ ; Chen WL ; Lin CY ; Lin CY ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia with Abnormal Eosinophils: A Case Report with Multi-Modality Diagnostic Work-up.
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Hsieh YC ; Lee LP ; Tzeng CC ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Clinicopathological and Molecular Study of 65 Follicular Lymphomas in Taiwan.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Hsieh PP ; Lu CL ; Wang YH ; Fu TY ; Tseng HH
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Comparison of the expression and prognostic significance of differentiation markers between diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of central nervous system origin and peripheral nodal origin
莊世松 ; Lin CH ; Kuo KT ; Chuang SS ; Kuo SH ; Chang JH ; Chang KC ; Hsu HC ; Tien HF ; Cheng AL
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Fatal HHV8-associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome in an HIV-negative Immunocompetent Patient with Plasmablastic Variant of Multicentric Castleman Disease (Plasmablastic Microlymphoma)
莊世松 ; Li CF ; Ye H ; Liu H ; Du MQ ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Follicular lymphoma presenting as leukemic buttock cells mimicking mantle cell leukemia.
莊世松 ; Hsieh YC ; Lee LP ; Chuang SS ; ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Mantle Cell Lymphoma in Taiwan: A Clinicopathological and Molecular Study of 21 Cases Including One Cyclin D1-negative Tumor Expressing Cyclin D2
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Huang WT ; Hsieh PP ; Tseng HH ; Campo E ; Colomer D ; Ye H ; Lu CL ; Chang HM ; Cho CY ; Huang SH
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Polyostotic primary bone lymphoma with progression limited in the skeleton: identical clonal origin of the initial tumors and a late relapse by VDJ rearrangement analysis.
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Chuang SS ; Wang YH ; ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary gastric small lymphocytic lymphoma with perforation.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Diss T ; Li CF ; ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of Bone -- A Rare Disorder with High Frequency of T-cell Phenotype in Southern Taiwan.
莊世松 ; Hsieh PP ; Tseng HH ; Chang ST ; Fu TY ; Lu CL ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Search for the tumor-related proteins of transition cell carcinoma in Taiwan by proteomic analysis.
莊世松 ; Sheng KH ; Yao YC ; Chuang SS ; Wu H ; Wu TF
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma with predominant red pulp involvement lacking p53 over-expression.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Li CF ; Lu D ; Tsai TC ; Tsao CJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Striking male predominance of mantle cell lymphoma in Taiwan.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Huang WT ; Hsieh PP ; Tseng HH ; Chang HM
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Tissue microarray analysis of interleukin-20 expression.
莊世松 ; Hsing CH ; Ho CL ; Chang LY ; Lee YL ; Chuang SS ; Chang MS
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Bone marrow positive for Epstein-Barr virus encoded RNA-1 in situ hybridization correlates with poor prognosis in patients with extranodal natural killer/ T-cell lymphoma, nasal type.
莊世松 ; Huang WT ; Chang KC ; Huang GC ; Hsiao JR ; Chen HHW ; Chuang SS ; Chen TY ; Su WC ; Tsao CJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in southern Taiwan: a clinicopathologic study of 93 resected cases.
莊世松 ; Li CF ; Chaung SS ; Lu CL ; Lin CN ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Intra-abdominal Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma with Liver and Spleen metastasis.
莊世松 ; Li CF ; Chuang SS ; Lin CN ; ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Primary Urethral MALT Lymphoma with High Proliferation Fraction.
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Chiu AW ; Liu H ; Ye H ; Du MQ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Synchronous CIN3 and cervical lymphoma: a case report and review of literature.
莊世松 ; Huang WT ; Chuang SS ; Eng HL ; ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas in southern Taiwan: a study of 72 cases in a single institute. 2004; 45(5): 923-928.
莊世松 ; Lu D ; Lin CN ; Chuang SS ; Hwang WS ; Huang WT
[病理學科] 會議論文
Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Inv(16)(p13q22): A Case Report with Multi-Modality Diagnostic Work-up
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Chuang SS ; Tzeng CC ; ;
[病理學科] 會議論文
Burkitt lymphoma. Annual Slide Meeting. Taiwan Society of Pathologists. Nov 20, 2005, Kaohsiung.
莊世松 ; Chang ST ; Chuang SS ; Lee WY ; ;
[病理學科] 會議論文
Fatal HHV8-associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome in an HIV-negative Immunocompetent Patient with Plasmablastic Variant (Plasmablastic Microlymphoma) of Multicentric Castleman Disease
莊世松 ; Li CF ; Chuang SS ; ; ;
[病理學科] 會議論文
Mantle cell lymphoma in Taiwan: a clinicopathological study of 21 cases exclusively in males
莊世松 ; Chuang SS
[病理學科] 會議論文
A Clinicopathological and Molecular Study of 65 Follicular Lymphomas in Taiwan
莊世松 ; Chuang SS ; Hsieh PP ; Lin LC ; Lu CL ; Wang HS ; Fu TY ; Tseng WW
[病理學科] 會議論文
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma. Annual Slide Meeting. Taiwan Society of Pathologists. Nov 20, 2005, Kaohsiung.
莊世松 ; Li CF ; Chuang SS ; Lu D ; ;
[病理學科] 會議論文
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: histological progression associates with EBV and HHV6 infection. 94th Annual Meeting. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. Feb 26- March 4, 2005, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
莊世松 ; Zhou Y ; Attygalle AD ; Chuang SS ; Diss T ; Isaacson PG ; Dogan A ; Du MQ
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Nocturia among women aged 60 or older in Taiwan.
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Kuo TC ; Hsu CS ; Chang ST ; Lee MC
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Risk factors for urinary incontinence in Taiwanese women aged 60 or over.
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Hsu CS ; Su TH ; Chang ST ; Lee MC
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Risk factors for urinary incontinence in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years.
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Lee MS ; Lee MC ; Kuo TC ; Hsu CS ; Chang ST
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Risk factors for nocturia in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years.
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Hon HY ; Hsu CS ; Chang ST ; Chiang CD
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence of nocturia in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Chen HY ; Hsu CS ; Chang ST ; Chiang CD
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Risk factors for urinary frequency in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years.
許淳森 ; Hsieh CH ; Chen HY ; Hsu CS ; Chang ST ; Kuo TC ; Chiang CD
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
The distribution of interleukin-19 in healthy and neoplastic tissue
邢中熹 ; Chung-Hsi Hsing ; Hsing-Hui Li ; Yu-Hsiang Hsu ; Chung-Liang Ho ; Shih-Sung Chuang ; Kuo-Mao Lan ; Ming-Shi Chang
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
IL-19 is involved in the pathogenesis of endotoxic shock
邢中熹 ; Hsing CH ; Chiu CJ ; Chang LY ; Hsu CC ; Chang MS
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Expression of IL-19 correlates with Th2 cytokines in uraemic patients.
邢中熹 ; Hsing CH ; Hsu CC ; Chen WY ; Chang LY ; Hwang JC ; Chang MS
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
IL-20: biological functions and clinical implications.
邢中熹 ; Wei CC ; Hsu YH ; Li HH ; Wang YC ; Hsieh MY ; Chen WY ; Hsing CH ; Chang MS
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Induction of interleukin-19 and interleukin-22 after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
邢中熹 ; Hsing CH ; Hsieh MY ; Chen WY ; So EC ; Cheng BC ; Chang MS
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Tissue microarray analysis of interleukin-20 expression.
邢中熹 ; Hsing CH ; Ho CL ; Chang LY ; Lee YL ; Chuang SS ; Chang MS
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia with intravenous administration of vitamin C
邢中熹 ; Chen JY ; Chu CC ; So EC ; Hsing CH ; Hu ML
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Life-threatening Left Lung Collapse Combined with Mediastinal Shift Rescued by a Chest Tube Insertion – A Case Report.
邢中熹 ; Lin MC ; Hsu CS ; Chu CC ; Chen YH ; So EC ; Hsing CH
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
The Study on Emergency Physicians’ Clinical Autonomy.
邱文達 ; Chen DR ; Wu LC ; Choy CS ; Chiu WT
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Protein phosphatase 2A regulates bim expression via the Akt/FKHRL1 signaling pathway in amyloid-beta peptide-induced cerebrovascular endothelial cell death.
許重義 ; Yin KJ ; Hsu CY ; Hu XY ; Chen H ; Chen SW ; Xu J ; Lee JM
[醫學資訊研究所] 期刊論文
Improvement of Accidental Coincidence Estimation for Scanditronix PC2048/4096 PET Scanners
陳祺賢 ; Chen CH ; Yu CL ; Wu LC ; Liu RS
[醫學資訊研究所] 期刊論文
Optimized Protocols in Terms of Equalizing the True and Accidental Coincidences of Each Bed Position in Static Multiple-Bed Carbon-11 PET Studies and a Target Single-Bed-Position Study
陳祺賢 ; Chen CH ; Chen JC ; Chou KL ; Wu LC ; Liu RS
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Ellagitannins from Terminalia calamansanai Induced Apoptosis in HL-60 Cells
王靜瓊 ; Chen LG ; Huang WT ; Lee LT ; Wang CC
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Specific Plant Terpenoids and Lignoids Possess Potent Antiviral Activities against Severe Acute
李慶國 ; Wen CC ; Kuo YH ; Jan JT ; Liang PH ; Wang SY ; Liu HG ; Lee CK ; Chang ST ; Kuo CJ ; Lee SS ; Hou CC
[藥學系] 期刊論文
The Short-Term Impact of a Continuing Education Program on Pharmacists’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Diabetes in Taiwan
陳香吟 ; 陳繼明 ; Chen HY ; Lee TY ; Huang WT ; Chang CJ ; Chen CM