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    顯示項目751-800 / 2729. (共55頁)
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    2010 臺北地區大氣中生物性微粒之時空分佈及健康效應 李孟霏
    2010 肝炎病毒感染、人類白血球抗原表現型與慢性肝病死亡之相關分析 方柏然
    2010 台灣、日本、韓國三國福利和經濟因子對嬰兒死亡率、平均餘命的影響 陳又榕
    2010 歐洲16國女性就業率與健康支出之關係 崔翔
    2010 血管新生相關基因之基因多形性與泌尿道上皮癌的相關研究 劉奇東
    2010 PPARγ、NFKB1、NFKBIA基因多形性與缺血性中風之相關研究 邱惠雯
    2010 環氧化維生素K還原酶基因多形性與缺血性中風之相關性研究 張城瑋
    2010 預防保健服務資料處理及訪查作業專案管理計畫 邱弘毅; 郭乃文; 徐建業; 白其卉; 林恆慶; 湯澡薰
    2010 酸性藥物在二氧化錳表面吸附及氧化特性之研究(II) 胡景堯
    2010 不同的行人優先促進方案效果之比較研究 康翠娟; Kang, Tsui-Chuan
    2010 A型流感導致急診室過度擁擠及影響作業之研究 游基枋; Yu, Chi-Fang
    2010 機車駕駛與乘客頭部外傷相關因子比較 林文嶽; Lin, Wen-Yueh
    2010 Valproic Acid對大鼠可控制皮質撞擊腦外傷之影響 施嘉琳; Shih, Chia-Lin
    2010 使用兒童世代檢驗頭部外傷死亡是否存在性別差異 范修平; Fan, Hsiu-Ping
    2010 台灣東部離島與西部離島空中緊急醫療轉送之流行病學比較 高健仁; Kao, Chien-Jen
    2010 運動後橫紋肌溶解症急診住院之危險因子與預防策畧 連楚明; Lin, Aming Chor-Ming
    2010 台灣地區2005至2008年創傷性脊髓損傷之流行病學研究 莊美芳; Chuang,Mei- Fang
    2010 Indirubin及Curcumin在脊髓損傷之研究98 洪國盛; 邱文達
    2010 因機車事故頭部傷害者之安全帽使用、回到職場及健康相關生活品質98 林茂榮; 邱文達; 蔡維謀,蔣永孝; 張文瀚
    2010 表面功能化處理之電燒器械於抗組織沾黏與臨床研究 邱文達; Chiu, Wen-Ta
    2010 建立台灣體重控制及維持之登錄管理系統 劉燦宏; 邱泓文; 周碧瑟; 許雅雯
    2010 從基礎研究到臨床診斷及治療之輕度腦外傷轉譯醫學研究 臺北醫學大學美國國家衛生研究院國際合作研究案輕度腦外傷後生理時鐘功能之臨床研究(IV) 蔡行瀚; 蔣永孝; 洪國盛; 林家瑋
    2010 A Robust TDT-Type Association Test under Informative Parental Missingness JH, Chen; KF, Cheng
    2010 A Robust TDT-type Association Test under Information Parental Missingness JH, Chen; KF, Cheng
    2010 Serological Response and Persistence in Schoolchildren with High Baseline Seropositive Rate after Receiving 2009 Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccine DY*, Chao; KF, Cheng; YH, Hsieh; TC, Li; TN, Wu; CY, Chen; CA, Tsai; JH, Chen; HT, Chiu; JJ, Lu; MC, Su; YH, Liao; CIDER, and
    2010 Hexa-valent Chromium Removal from Alkaline Water by Copper-iron Bimetallic Particles CY, Hu; SL, Lo; YH, Liou; YW, Shu; KS, Shih; CJ, Lin
    2010 Copper Aluminate Spinel and Cuprous Aluminate Delafossite Formation by Thermal Treatment of Stabilizing Simulated Copper-Laden Sludge CY, Hu; Shih, K; JO, Leckie
    2010 Association between social climate for smoking and youth smoking behaviors in Taiwan: an ecological study YH, Chen; PL, Chen; WG, Huang; HY, Chiou; CY, Hsu; KY, Chao
    2010 Risk of Death by Unnatural Causes During Early Childhood in Offspring of Parents With Mental Illness YH, Chen; HY, Chiou; CH, Tang; HC, Lin
    2010 Prevalence and Risk of Atopic Disorders Among Schizophrenia Patients: A Nationwide Population Based Study YH, Chen; HC, Lee; HC, Lin
    2010 Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Panic Disorder - Do Panic Attacks during Pregnancy Matter? YH, Chen; HC, Lin; HC, Lee
    2010 Significant Effects of Implementation of Health-Promoting Schools on Schoolteachers’ Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Intake in Taiwan YH, Chen; CY, Yeh; YM, Lai; ML, Hsu; KC, Huang; HY, Chiou
    2010 Hair mercury concentration and fish consumption: risk and perceptions of risk among women of childbearing age LC, Chien; CS, Gao; HH, Lin
    2010 An alternative to better global health Peter, Chang; Rollet, Vincent
    2010 Shorter GT repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter has protective effect on ischemic stroke in dyslipidemia patients CH, Bai; JR, Chen; HC, Chiu; CC, Chou; LY, Chau; WH, Pn
    2010 Taiwan Stroke Registry Investigators FI, Hsieh; LM, Lien; ST, Chen; CH, Bai; MC, Sun; HP, Tseng; YW, Chen; CH, Chen; JS, Jeng; SY, Tsai; HJ, Lin; CH, Liu; YK, Lo; HJ, Chen; al, Chiu HC et
    2010 Telemedicine offers transnational burn patient care to Sao Tome CHANG, Peter WS; CHE, Chiehfeng Cliff; LIN, Jan-chan John; HSU, Min-Hui Marc; CHANG, Yu-Tai
    2010 Burn Victims Bring Taiwan Sao Tome Closer Together Chang, Peter
    2010 Health Care Quality and Integrity in Period of Economic Depression in Taiwan Chang, Peter WS
    2010 GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter is associated with cardiovascular mortality risk in an arsenic-exposed population in northeastern Taiwan MM, Wu; HY, Chiou; CL, Chen; YH, Wang; YC, Hsieh; LM, Lien; TC, Lee; CJ, Chen
    2010 GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter and the risk of carotid atherosclerosis related to arsenic exposure MM, Wu; HY, Chiou; TC, Lee; CL, Chen; LI, Hsu; YH, Wang; WL, Huang; YC, Hsieh; TY, Yang; CY, Lee; PK, Yip; CH, Wang; YM, Hsueh; CJ, Chen
    2010 Association of estrogen receptor {alpha} genotypes/ haplotypes with carotid intima-media thickness in Taiwanese women MM, Wu; YC, Hsieh; LM, Lien; WH, Chen; CH, Bai; HC, Chiu; HH, Chen; WT, Chung; YC, Lee; CY, Hsu; HW, Lin; HY, Chiou
    2010 Increased Risk of Schizophrenia Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study in Taiwan YH, Chen; WT, Chiu; SF, Chu; HC, Lin
    2010 Tuberculosis and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke. A 3-Year Follow-Up Study JJ, Sheu; HY, Chiou; JH, Kang; YH, Chen; HC, Lin
    2010 Arsenic in drinking water and risk of urinary tract cancer: a follow-up study from northeastern Taiwan CL, Chen; HY, Chiou; LI, Hsu; YM, Hsueh; MM, Wu; YH, Wang; CJ, Chen
    2010 非政府組織人員在原住民社區健康工作的困境 PW, Shih; YC, Chuang
    2010 Distribution and characteristics of airborne bacteria in long-term care facilities in Taipei, Taiwan YC, Fang; HJ, Chao; HC, Wu; RY, Chen; YC, Chuang; CP, Chang; TP, Chang
    2010 Ingested arsenic, characteristics of well water consumption and risk of different histological types of lung cancer in northeastern Taiwan CL, Chen; HY, Chiou; LI, Hsu; YM, Hsueh; MM, Wu; CJ, Chen
    2010 Effect of in-hospital initiation of lipid-lowering therapy on six-month outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack PS, Yeh; HJ, Lin; CH, Bai; FI, Hsieh; DS, Ke; YH, Li; Registry, Taiwan Stroke
    2010 Fingerprint identification of AIDS patients on ART KL, Yu; CC, Chen; WP, Chang; Juma, H; CS, Chang

    顯示項目751-800 / 2729. (共55頁)
    << < 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 > >>

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