[小兒學科] 會議論文
A Novel D152G Mutation in Growth Hormone Receptor Gene in Taiwanese Siblings with Laron Type Dwarfism
陳怡如 ; Chen ; JYR ; Lin ; H-C ; Lai ; C-C ; Chen ; C-M ; Yeh ; G-C ; and Hsu ; H-H
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Regulatory T Cells in Ankylosing Spondylitis and The Response after Adalimumab Treatment
Hsien-Tzung ; Liao ; Yuh-Fen ; Lin ; Chung-Tei ; Chou
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
葉錦瑩 ; 高淑慧 ; 韓柏檉 ; 曾啟瑞
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Moving Towards People’s Needs for Smoke-Free Restaurants: Before and After a National Promotion Program in Taiwan; 2003-2005
陳怡樺 ; 簡伶朱 ; Chen ; Yi-Hua ; Yeh ; Ching-Ying ; Chen ; Ruey-Yu ; Chien ; Ling-Chu ; Yu ; Po-Tswen ; Chao ; Kun-Yu ; Han ; Bor-Cheng
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Surface Contamination with 5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin in Three Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Taiwan
陳叡瑜 ; Chen ; R.Y. ; Tsuang ; K.Y ; Yih-Yang Sheu ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Chiung ; Y.M ; Chen ; C.J. ; Hsieh ; C.M
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Support and Impact on Smoke-Free Restaurants in Taipei—Viewpoints of Public from 2003 to 2006
陳怡樺 ; Chen ; Yi-Hua ; Chiou ; Chin-Chie ; Yeh ; Ching-Ying ; Chen ; Ruey-Yu ; Hsieh ; Ming-Zhe ; Yu ; Po-Tswen ; Chao ; Kun-Yu ; and Han ; Bor-Cheng
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Evaluation of a School-Based Prevention-Intervention Program for Adolescent Depression in Taiwan
陳怡樺 ; Chen ; YH ; Liu ; YH ; Hsiao ; YW ; You ; SY ; Chiou ; HY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The Impacts of Individual and Environmental Factors on Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behaviors among Youth Aged 12-18 in Taiwan.
陳怡樺 ; Laio ; ML ; Liu ; YH ; Lee ; HC ; Hsiao ; YW ; You ; SY ; Cheu ; CS ; Chen ; YH
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Calcium-dependent up-regulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells
施純明 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Shih CM ; Hsieh RH ; Tzeng CR
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Nuclear bII–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling.
施純明 ; Yeh TS ; Hsieh RH ; Shen SC ; Wang SH ; Tseng MJ ; Shih CM ; Lin JJ
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Increase activity of catalase & glutathione reductase in the peritoneal fluid in patients with endometriosis: possible role of GnRHa in treatment of endometriosis.
陳建志 ; Tzeng CR ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Shih CM ; Chen CT.
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 會議論文
Cadmium Toxicity toward Caspase-independent Apoptosis through Mitochondria-calcium Pathway in mtDNA-depleted Cells
羅翠勻 ; Hsu SW ; Hsieh RH ; Wang SH ; Lo TY ; Wei YH ; Shih CM
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 會議論文
Expression and characterization of all members of the JAK-STAT signal transduction in pufferfish. Oral presentation in a symposium on aquatic biology: development, growth, adaptation and defense. Sponsored by Interchange Association, Japan and National Sc
周志銘 ; Leu ; J. H. ; Sung ; S. C. ; Yeh ; M. S. ; Chou ; C. M. ; Chen ; S. T. ; and Huang ; C. J.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Matrix remodeling and endometriosis
楊維中 ; Yang WCV ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Chen HW ; Chen PH ; Chen CC ; Tang YL ; Wang IT ; Tzeng CR
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells
楊維中 ; Yeh TS ; Ho JD ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Endometriosis: Serum and Endometrial Markers.
楊維中 ; Yang WCV ; Chen HW ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Huang CT ; Yen YH ; Tzeng CR.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Evaluation of 4-Borono-2-[18F]Fluoro-L-Phenylalanine-Fructose as a Probe for BNCT in Glioma-Bearing Rat Model.
鄧文炳 ; Wang ; H.E. ; Liao ; A.H. ; Deng ; W.P. ; Chang ; P.F. ; Chen ; F.D. ; Liu ; R.S. ; Chen J.C. ; Hwang ; J.J.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Factors influencing the resonance frequency of dental implants.
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Lee ; S.Y.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Resonance frequency of dental implant stability with various bone quality: a numerical approach.
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Lin ; C.T.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Clinical investigation of resonance technique in periodontal level assessment
黃豪銘 ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Wang ; M.S. ; Huang ; H.M. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Pan L.C. ; Lin ; C.T.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Dynamic behavior assessment of human teeth: an in vivo study.
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Wang ; M.S. ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Yeh ; C.Y.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Factors influencing the dynamic behavior of human teeth.
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Pan L.C. ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Wang ; M.S. ; Chen ; C.C.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Pilot studies of partitioning membranes effects on head injury
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Tzeng ; H.C. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Lin ; J.W. ; Chiu ; W.T. ; Tai ; M.C. ; Lee ; S.Y.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Resonance frequency analysis of periodontal conditions in human anterior teeth.
黃豪銘 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Wang ; M.S. ; Chang ; W.J. Lin ; C.T.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Bonding Characteristic of CD Spinal Instrumentation Component
黃豪銘 ; Liu ; C.L. ; Kao ; H.C. ; Lo ; W.H. ; Huang ; H.M.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Bonding Mechanism Between the Components of the Cortrel Dubousset Instrumentations
黃豪銘 ; Liu ; C.L. ; Kao ; H.C. ; Lo ; W.H. ; Huang ; H.M.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 會議論文
Study of the correlation of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and endometriosis
楊維中 ; Chang YW ; Au HK ; Chen PH ; Tzeng CR ; Yang WCV*
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 會議論文
Clinical investigation of periodontal conditions by using vibrational technology.
黃豪銘 ; Lee ; S. -Y. ; Huang ; H. -M. ; Yeh ; C. -Y. ; Wang ; M. -S. ; Lin ; C. -T.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 會議論文
In vivo investigation of the resonance frequency of natural tooth.
黃豪銘 ; Wang ; M. -S. ; Huang ; H. -M. ; Yeh ; C. -Y. ; Pan ; L. -C. ; Lee ; S. -Y. ; Lin ; C. T. ; Fan ; K. -H. ; Ho ; K. -N.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 會議論文
In vivo investigation of the resonance frequency of natural tooth.
黃豪銘 ; Wang ; M. -S. ; Fan ; K. -H. ; Huang ; H. -M. ; Lee ; S. -Y. ; Yeh ; C. -Y. ; Lin ; C.-T. ; Pan ; L. -C.
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 會議論文
Non-destructive assessment of periodontium in human anterior teeth
黃豪銘 ; S. -Y. ; Huang ; H. -M. ; Yeh ; C. -Y. ; Wang ; M. -S. ; ; Pan ; L. -C. ; Chang ; W.-J.
[耳鼻喉學科] 會議論文
Proliferation of Gingival fibroblasts was inhibited by Type II Interleukin-I Receptor Gene Transfer;
賴銘堂 ; H ; -H ; Chou ; M ; -T ; Lai ; H ; -K ; Lu ; S ; -D ; Yeh ; I ; -Y ; Yang ; K ; Naruishi ; F ; Nishimura ; S ; Takashiba ; Y ; Murayama ; W ; -S ; Lee
[耳鼻喉學科] 會議論文
Expression of Androgen Receptor in Inflamed Gingiva and Nifedipine-Induced Hyperplastic Gingiva;
賴銘堂 ; W ; -T ; Huang ; H ; -H ; Chou ; H ; -K ; Lu ; S ; -D ; Yeh ; M ; -T ; Lai ; S ; Sawada ; F ; Nishimura ; S ; Takashiba ; Y ; Murayama ; W ; -S ; Lee
[呼吸治療學系] 期刊論文
Rac1 regulates peptidoglycan-induced nuclear factor-kB activation and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages by activating the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway
陳炳常 ; Chen ; BC ; Kang ; JC ; Lu ; YT ; Hsu ; MJ ; Liao ; CC ; Chiu WT ; Yeh FL ; Lin CH
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Prophylactic trans-uterine embolization to reduce intraoperative blood loss for placenta percreta invading the urinary bladder
梁庭繼 ; 李志明 ; Leung TK ; Au HK ; Lin YH ; Lee CM ; Shen LK ; Lee WH ; Wang HJ ; Hsiao WT ; Chen YY
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Calcium bioavailability of calcium carbonate and calcium lactate supplements
許重輝 ; Shieh ; M ; J ; ; Liao ; F ; H ; ; Lin ; S ; H ; ; Chen ; C ; F ; ; Hsu ; C ; H ; ; Chung ; M ; Y
[放射線學科] 會議論文
Comparison of Two Oblique Coronal Localization Methods in Shoulder Joint MRI.
陳榮邦 ; Lin MF ; Liu CS ; Chan WP ; Yao MS ;
[泌尿學科] 期刊論文
Total laparoscopic nephroureterectomy and bladder cuff excision for a rena lpelvic tumor in an atrophic kidney: case report and technical consideration.
邱文祥 ; Liao ; Alex C ; Lin ; Victor. C ; Cheng ; Tse-Chou ; Chiu ; Allen W ;
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 計畫報告
Studies of Regulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis---Retinoic Acid as Study Model
謝榮鴻 ; 葉添順
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 海報
Affecting factors on defecation frequency among school children
Yang SH ; Feng SC ; Lei WS ; Liu CS
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 專書
The Ovary: The Role of Mitochondria in the Aging Ovary
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Wang RS ; Yang PS and Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 博碩士論文
Studies on multiple mitochondrial DNA mutations associated with the MELAS syndrome and human aging
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Linoleic acid promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and maintains mitochondrial structure for prevent of streptozotocin damage in RIN-m5F cells
鄭心嫻 ; 謝榮鴻 ; Jeng JY ; Yeh TS ; Chiu YH ; Lee YC ; Cheng HH ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
The activated Notch1 receptor cooperates with alpha-enolase and MBP-1 in modulating c-myc activity
謝榮鴻 ; Hsu KW ; Hsieh RH ; Lee YH ; Chao CH ; Wu KJ ; Tseng MJ ; Yeh TS
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
9-cis retinoic acid induces retinoid X receptor localized to the mitochondria for mediation of mitochondrial transcription
謝榮鴻 ; 連立明 ; Lin YW ; Lien LM ; Yeh TS ; Wu HM ; Liu YL ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A follow-up study in a Taiwanese family with mitochondrial myopathy; encephalopathy; lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome
謝榮鴻 ; Li JY ; Hsieh RH ; Peng NJ ; Lai PH ; Lee CF ; Lo YK ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
The CBF1-independent Notch1 signal pathway activates human c-myc expression partially via transcription factor YY1
謝榮鴻 ; Liao WR ; Hsieh RH ; Hsu KW ; Wu MZ ; Tseng MJ ; MAi RT ; Wu Lee YH ; Yeh TS
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Calcium-dependent upregulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Shih CM ; Hsieh RH ; Tzeng CR
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
謝榮鴻 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Alleviation of oxidative damage in multiple tissues in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes by rice bran oil supplementation
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Lien LM ; Lin SH ; Chen CW ; Cheng HJ ; Cheng HH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Oxidative stress-induced depolymerization of microtubules and alteration of mitochondrial mass in human cells
謝榮鴻 ; Lee CF ; Liu CY ; Hsieh RH ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Effects of Glucose and alfa-Tocopherol on Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Oxidation and Glycation
黃士懿 ; Chang CJ ; Hsieh RH ; Wang HF ; Chin MY ; Huang SY
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Effects of Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Agonists on Apoptosis of Granulosa Cells
黃士懿 ; Tasi NM ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Shieh MJ ; Huang SY ; Tzeng CR
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Yeh TS ; Ho JD ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Chicken extract affects colostrum compostions in lactating women
陳俊榮 ; Chao CJ ; Tseng HP ; Chang CW ; Chien YY ; Au HK ; Chen JR* ; and Chen CF
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Polyacetylenic compound and butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa can modulate the differentiation of helper T cells and prevent autoimmune diabetes in non-obese diabetes mice
謝榮鴻 ; Chang SL ; Chang LT ; Chiang YM ; Hsieh RH ; Tzeng CR ; Wu TK ; Sytwu HK ; Shyur LF ; Yang WC
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Decreased expression of mitohcondrial genes in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF and Tzeng CR
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Nuclear bII–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling
謝榮鴻 ; Yeh TS ; Hsieh RH ; Shen SC ; Wang SH ; Tseng MJ ; Shih CM ; Lin JJ
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Association of transcription factor YY1 with the high-molecular-weight notch complex suppresses the transactivation activity of notch.
謝榮鴻 ; Yeh TS ; Lin YM ; Hsieh RH ; Tseng MJ.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Multiple rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA in unfertilized human oocytes.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A Novel Mutation in the Mitochondrial 16S rRNA Gene Associated with MELAS Syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperthyroidism and Cardiomyopathy.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Li JY ; Pang CY ; Wei YH.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Mitochondrial cardiomyopathy: biochemical and molecular analysis.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Harn HJ ; Lee WH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Large-scale mitochondrial DNA deletions in patients with CPEO syndrome in taiwan.
謝榮鴻 ; Wang EK ; Kao KP ; Hsieh RH ; Lu CY ; Pang CY ; Wei YH.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure and decreased mitochondrial DNA expression in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
謝榮鴻 ; AU HK ; Shih CM ; Yeh TS ; Lin SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Antioxidant N-acetylcysteine inhibits nerve growth factor-induced H2O2 production and ERK activation in PC12 cells
謝榮鴻 ; Yang LY ; Hsieh RH ; Wu JC ; Wei YH ; Shih CM
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Cadmium toxicity toward caspase-independent apoptosis through mitochondria-calcium pathway in mtDNA-depleted cells
謝榮鴻 ; Hsu SW ; Hsieh RH ; Wang SH ; Lo TY ; Wei YH ; Shih CM
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Energy demand affect distribution of MELAS-associated mtDNA mutations in multiple tissues
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Li JY ; Kao SH ; Pang CY ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Multiple rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Yang VWC ; Lin SH ; Huang SY ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Pregnancy derived from mitochondria transfer into oocyte from patient’s own cumulus granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Prevention of oxidative damage in multiple tissues of streptozotocin rats by supplementation with rice oil
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Lin SH ; Huang SY ; Yang VWC ; Chen CW ; Cheng HH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Quantification of mitochondrial gene contents in human oocytes and embryos
謝榮鴻 ; Shih CM ; Lee CF ; Chao HT ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Rapid shift of MELAS-associated mtDNA genotype within a single generation
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Li JY ; Kao SH ; Pang CY ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The antioxidative effect of fermented soy milk
謝榮鴻 ; Lin SH ; Lin CY ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The effect of oxidative stress-induced depolymerization of microtubule on the lateration of mitochondrial mass in human cells
謝榮鴻 ; Lee CF ; Liu CY ; Hsieh RH ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Calcium stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Yeh TS ; Shih CM ; Yang VWC ; Lin SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists on apoptosis of granulosa cells via mitochondrial pathway
謝榮鴻 ; Tsai NM ; Yeh TS ; Shih CM ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Mediating of caspase-independent apoptosis by cadmium through mitochondria and calcium-calpain signaling in normal human lung cells
謝榮鴻 ; Shih CM ; Yeh TS ; Hsieh RH ; Lee HM ; Wu JS ; Wei YH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure and decreased mitochondrial DNA expression in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Tsai NM ; Li JW ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Identification of endometriosis-associated proteins by proteomics.
謝榮鴻 ; Lu YC ; Tasi NM ; Li JW ; Cheng YF ; Tsai YJ ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Defective oxidative phosphorylation gene expression in infertile human oocytes.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Distribution and Function of Mitochondria in the Gametes and Early Embryos
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Influences of mitochondrial genes expression on human oocytes fertilization.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Multiple rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA and defective oxidative phosphorylation gene expression in unfertilized human oocytes.
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Pregnancy derived from Mitochondria Transfer (MIT) into oocyte from patient's own cumulus granulosa cells (cGCs).
謝榮鴻 ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Wei YH.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The role of mitochondria in gonadotrophin-releasing hormones agonists induction apoptosis on granulosa cell.
謝榮鴻 ; Tasi NM ; Hsieh RH ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists on granulosa cells
謝榮鴻 ; Tasi NM ; Hsieh RH ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR.
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Multiple rearranged mitochondrial DNA are present in oocytes of reproductive aging women
謝榮鴻 ; Hsieh RH ; Tasi NM ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR.
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Uterine preservation in a woman with spontaneous uterine rupture secondary to placenta percreta on the posterior wall: A case report.
陳志榮 ; Wang LM ; Wang PH ; Chen CL ; Au HK ; Yen YK ; Liu WM
[神經學科] 期刊論文
9-cis retinoic acid induces retinoid X receptor localized to the mitochondria for mediation of mitochondrial transcription.
連立明 ; Lin YW ; Lien LM ; Yeh TS ; Wu HM ; Liu YL ; Hsieh RH
[神經學科] 期刊論文
Alleviation of oxidative damage in multiple tissues in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes by rice bran oil supplementation.
連立明 ; Hsieh RH ; Lien LM ; Lin SH ; Chen CW ; Cheng HJ ; Cheng HH
[神經學科] 會議論文
Alleviation of oxidative damage in multiple tissues in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes by rice bran oil supplementation.
連立明 ; Hsieh RH ; Lien LM ; Lin SH ; Chen CW ; Cheng HJ ; Cheng HH
[骨科學科] 期刊論文
An Amputation Simulator With Bone Sawing Haptic Interaction
謝銘勳 ; Hsieh ; M ; S ; ; Tsai ; M ; D ; ; Yeh ; Y ; D ; ; ;
[骨科學科] 期刊論文
Feature Recognition and Evaluation of Volumetric Solid Using Boundary Pointers
謝銘勳 ; Tsai ; M ; D ; ; Yeh ; Y ; D ; ; Hsieh ; M ; S
[骨科學科] 期刊論文
Distributed Virtual Environment for Volume Based Surgical Simulation via the WorldWide Web
謝銘勳 ; Tsai MD ; Liu CS ; Hsieh MS
[骨科學科] 會議論文
Bone Drilling Haptic Interaction For Orthopedic Surgical Simulatior
謝銘勳 ; Tsai ; M ; D ; ; Chang ; C ; C ; ; Hsieh ; M ; S ; ; Chen ; D ; Z ; ; Yeh ; Y ; D ;
[婦產學科] 專書
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Wang RS ; Yang PS ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Effect of previous live birth and prior route of delivery on the outcome of early medical abortion.
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Liu WM ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Effect of previous live Birth and prior out of delivery on the outcome of early medical abortion
劉偉民 ; Chien LW ; Liu WM ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Uterine preservation in a woman with spontaneous uterine rupture secondary to placenta percreta on the posterior wall
劉偉民 ; Wang LM ; Wang PH ; Chen CL ; Au HK ; Yen YK ; Liu WM
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Twin pregnancy outcome among cases of spontaneous conception, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection
簡立維 ; Huang CT ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chang CW ; Chien YY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsien RH
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists on apoptosis of granulosa cells.
曾啟瑞 ; Tsai NM ; Hsien RH ; Au HK ; Shien MJ ; Huang SY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Matrix remodeling and endometriosis.
曾啟瑞 ; Yang VWC ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Chen PH ; Chen CS ; Tang YL ; Wang IT ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Infiltrating Endometriosis of the Urinary Bladder Mimics Lower Segment Myoma of the Uterus.
劉偉民 ; Chen PH ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Tang WL ; Liu WM
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Transcriptome analysis in blastocyst hatching by cDNA microarray
簡立維 ; Chen HW ; Chen JJ ; Li HN ; Yang PC ; Su C ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Chien LW ; Chen CS ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Transcriptome analysis in blastocyst hatching by cDNA microarray.
區慶建 ; Chen HWChen JJYu SLLi HNYang PCSu CM ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Chien LW ; Chen CS ; Tzeng
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Transcriptome analysis in blastocyst hatching by cDNA microarray.
曾啟瑞 ; Chen HW ; Chen JW ; Yu SL ; Li HN ; Yang PC ; Su CM ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Chien LW ; Chen CS ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells.
曾啟瑞 ; Yeh TS ; Ho JD ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR ; Hsien RH
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Deleted mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulosa cells.
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Lin SH ; Huang SY ; Yeh TS ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Decreased expression of mitochondrial genes in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos.
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Endometriosis: Serum and Endometrial Markers.
曾啟瑞 ; Yang WC ; Chen HW ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Huang CT ; Yeh YH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Assessment of changes in utero-ovarian arterial impedance during the peri-implantation period by Doppler sonography in women undergoing assisted reproduction
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Lee WS ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Health Benefits of Phytoestrogens in Postmenopausal Women
許淳森 ; Hsu CS ; Jou HJ ; Wang TA ; Wu WH
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Assessment of uterine receptivity by endometrial–subendometrial blood flow distribution pattern in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chen PL ; Xiao J and Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Fertility trends in mainland China,1970-2000.
曾啟瑞 ; Kang Tsui ; Chang CW ; Au HK ; Chien YY ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity reduces pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Jean Xiao ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity reduces pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Xiao J ; and Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Multiple rearrangement of mitochondrial DNA in unfertilized human oocytes.
曾啟瑞 ; Hsien RH ; Tsai NM ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Prediction of preterm labor by fetal fibronectin.
戴承杰 ; Tai CJ ; Au HK ; Chank CW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Prediction of preterm labor by fetal fibronectin.
曾啟瑞 ; Tai CJ ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Assessment of uterine receptivity by endometrial-subendometrial blood flow distribution pattern in women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Jean Xiao ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Herniated blastomere following assisted hatching resulted in monozygotic twins in an intracytoplasmic sperm injection program.
曾啟瑞 ; Sheen TC ; Chen SR ; Au HK ; Wu KY ; Chien YY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
A novel mutation in the mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene in a patient with MELAS syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and cardiomyopathy.
Hsieh RH ; Li JY ; Pang CY ; Wei YH
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Cogwheel sign of hydrosalpinx.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Sheen TC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Heterotopic pregnancy.
曾啟瑞 ; Sheen TC ; Chen SR ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chang CW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Increase activity of catalase & glutathione reductase in the peritioneal fluid in patients with endometriosis: possible role of GnRHa in treatment of endometriosis.
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Shin CM ; Chen CT
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Transdermal estradiol delivery system increases pregnancy rates of patients with premature ovarian failure in a donor oocyte program.
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Chen FC ; Chang SR ; Cheng YF ; Chien LW ; Chang F ; Au HK ; Chien YY ; Wu KY ; Sheen TC
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Premature progesterone rise during assisted reproduction cycle does not affect pregnancy rate.
曾啟瑞 ; Wu KY ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Increased apoptosis in granulosa cells following GnRHa- treatment in patients with endometriosis. 11th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization & Human Reproductive Genetics Sydney 1999
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Chen HW ; Hang WS ; Wu KY ; Chang SJ ; Wen JY ; Au HK
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Subendometrial vascularization changes during the peri-ovulatory period in vitro fertilization
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Xiao J
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Subendometrial vascularization changes during the peri-ovulatory period in vitro fertilization.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Xiao J
[婦產學科] 期刊論文
Intracytoplasmic epididymal sperm injection: a novel approach of assisted fertilization for the treatment of male infertility caused by obstructive azoospermia.
曾啟瑞 ; Wen JY ; Chang SR ; Tzeng CR ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chien YY ; Su HC ; Chiang HS
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The impact of previous delivery on the outcome of early medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprositol.
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Liu WM ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The Role of mitochondrial estrogen reception β in endometriosis. “The 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France.1-4 July 2007.
曾啟瑞 ; Kao SH ; Liao TL ; Wei YH ; Wang YP ; Lai YC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Omphalocele discordancy in monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy: a case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Juan YC ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Ma PC ; Chen CH ; Chiu YH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Discordant anencephaly in monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy: a case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Ma PC ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Juan YC ; Chen CS ; Wang IT ; Chen CH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Study of the Correlation of Chlamydia Infection and Endometriosis
曾啟瑞 ; Chang YW ; Au HK ; Chen PH ; Tzeng CR ; Yang WC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Pitfalls and implications of the tranvaginal 3D ultrasonography in the evaluation of subedometrial and endometrial development for uterine receptivity.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Tang WL ; AU HK ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The role of proximal tubal occlusion in the management of women with hydrosalpinx prior to in-vitro fertilization
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Tang WL ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Bell’s palsy and preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension: a case report
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Raiun YC ; Chien LW ; Hsu CC ; Chen CS ; Wang YT ; Chen CH ; Ma PC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Three-dimensional imaging of the endometrial contour may predict the pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET in women with uterine leiomyoma
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Tang WL ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure and DNA expression in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Shih CM ; Yeh TS ; Lin SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Effects of ovarian stimulation and age on endometrial and subendometrial blood flow studied by transvaginal doppler ultrasonography
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Xiao J ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Rearranged mitochondrial DNA and apoptosis an human luteinized granulose cells
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yang VWC ; Chang SJ ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Mitochondria transfer (MIT) into oocyte from autologous cumulus granulose cells (cGCs)”
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yen YH ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Study of the endometrial subendometrial blood flow distribution pattern in correlation with endometrial angiogenesis
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Chen HW ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Quantification of mitochondrial gene contents in human oocytes and embryos
曾啟瑞 ; Shih CM ; Lee CF ; Chao HT ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Multiple rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulose cells
曾啟瑞 ; Yang V WC ; Lin SH ; Huang SY ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
TCDD induce oxidative stress and the mechanism in human trophobaslt cells
曾啟瑞 ; Liao ; TL ; Chao HT ; Kao SH ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Oxidative stress induce endometriosis progression
曾啟瑞 ; Kao SH ; Huang HC ; Tzeng CR ; Liao TL ; Wei YH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Oxidative stress mediates TCDD-induced hypoxia and oxidative damages in human trophoblast cells
曾啟瑞 ; Liao TL ; Tzeng CR ; Chen YT ; Lin TY ; Chao HT ; Kao SH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
TCDD-induced oxidative damages in human trophoblast cells
曾啟瑞 ; Kao SH ; Liao TL ; Lee HM ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Calcium stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulose cells
曾啟瑞 ; Yeh TS ; Shih CM ; Yang V WC ; Lin SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Effects of gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonists on apoptosis of granulose cells via mitochondrial pathway
曾啟瑞 ; Tsai NM ; Yeh TS ; Shih CM ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Pregnancy derived from patient’s own cumulus granulose cells
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Yang V WC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Oxidative stress mediates TCDD-induced hypoxia and oxidative damages in human trophoblast cells
曾啟瑞 ; Liao TL ; Tzeng CR ; Chen YT ; Lin TY ; Chao HT ; Kao SH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Ovarian Hyperstimulation protocol for IUI in the treatment of infertility with minimal or mild endometriosis
曾啟瑞 ; Wang RS ; Yang PS ; Au HK ; Sheen TC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure and decreased mitochondrial DNA expression in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Tsai NM ; Tsai NM ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
A retrospective study: The pregnancy outcome of patients with premature ovarian failure (POF) treated with oocyte donation and IVT/ET
曾啟瑞 ; Yang PS ; Wang RS ; Hung YC ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF ; Kuo SH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Influences of mitochondrial gene expression on human oocytes fertilization
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Tsai NM ; Au HK ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF ; Wei YH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Anovulation induction protocol without human menopausal gonadotropins followed by artificial insemination with husband can lead to high pregnancy rates in patients with polycyctic ovaries: a retrospective study
曾啟瑞 ; Yang PS ; Wang RS ; Hung YC ; AU HK ; Chen HW ; Cheng YF ; Kuo SH ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Effects of GnRHa on bone absoption nakers in the patients with endometriosis after short-term use
曾啟瑞 ; Wang RS ; Yang PS ; Cheng YF ; Sheen TC ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Abnormality of Chromosome in Abortion following Artifical Reproductive Technology
曾啟瑞 ; Hung YC ; Yang PS ; Wang RS ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chien LW
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Pregnancy derived from mitochondria transfer (MIT) into oocyte from patient’s own cumulus granulosa cells (CGCS) ”
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH ; Chang SJ ; Tsai NM ; Cheng YF ; Wei YH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The role of mitochondria in gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists induction apoptosis on granulosa cell
曾啟瑞 ; Tasi NM ; Hsieh Rh ; Chang SR ; Cheng YF ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Antinuclear Antibody In Women with Reproductive Failure
曾啟瑞 ; Wang RS ; Au HK ; Sheen TC ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Mcl-1, Bcl-2 and Bax expression in endometrium during the regular menstrual cycle and endometriotic tissues following GnRHa-treatment.
曾啟瑞 ; Chen HW ; Jiang WS ; Wu KI ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Sheen TC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Serum inhibin B on the day of oocyte retrieval reflect ovarian response but is not a good predictor of pregnancy outcome.
曾啟瑞 ; Sheen TC ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Wang RS ; Chang SJ ; Kuo SH ; Cheng YF ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Long acting GnRHa-treatment increase apoptosis in cumulus granulose cells (cGCs) of patients with endometriosis undergoing IVF program.
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Chen HW ; Wu KY ; Chang SJ ; Sheen TC ; Au HK
[婦產學科] 會議論文
A comparison of psot-thaw results between cryopreserved embryos derived from intracytoplasmic sperm injection and those from conventional IVF
曾啟瑞 ; Ni CF ; Wu KI ; Chang SJ ; Kuo SH ; Sheen TC ; Wang RS ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Multiple rearranged mitochondrial DNA are presented in oocytes of reproductive aging women.
曾啟瑞 ; Hsieh RH ; Tsai NM ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists on granulose cells.
曾啟瑞 ; Tsai NM ; Hsieh RH ; Chang SJ ; Tzeng CR ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Endometriosis and the activity of catalase & glutathione reductase in the peritoneal fluid.
曾啟瑞 ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Shih CM ; Chen CS ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Increased activity of Catalase & Glutathione reductase in the peritoneal fluid in patients with endometriosis: Possible role of GnRH in treatment of endometriosis
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Shih CM ; Chen CT
[婦產學科] 會議論文
IUI under intravenous general anesthesia- A remedy to vaginismus induced infertility.
曾啟瑞 ; Kong CH ; Wu KY ; Au HK ; Sheen TC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The clinical evaluation of multiple pregnancies with a spontaneous fetal demise.
曾啟瑞 ; Wang RS ; Wu KY ; Sheen TC ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Increased apoptosis in granulosa cells following GnRHa treatment in patients with endometriosis
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Chen HW ; Jiang WS ; Wu KY ; Chang SJ ; Wen JY ; Au HK
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Increased oxidative stress in the peritoneal fluids of women with endometriosis.
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Chien YY ; Chen CT
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Transdermal estradiol patch provides better pregnancy rate in oocyte donation program.
曾啟瑞 ; Chang F ; Wu KY ; Sheen TC ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Combined gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) therapy, superovulation and insemination following laparoscopic surgery increase the pregnancy rates in women with minimal and mild endometriosis
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Lin WJ ; Chang SR ; Chien YY ; Kuo SH ; Wen JY ; Chen AC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Comparison of the transvaginal 2- D and 3- D ultrasound in assessing pregnancy in the first trimester.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chao C ; Lee FC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Fertility and Sterility
簡立維 ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Xiao J
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Premature progesterone rise during assisted reproduction cycle does not affect on pregnancy rate.
曾啟瑞 ; Wu KY ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chang SH ; Wen JY ; Kuo SH ; Pung LC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Subendometrial vascularization changes during the peri-ovulatory period in in-vitro fertilization
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chao C ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Subendometrial vascularization changes during the pert- ovulatory period in in-vitro fertilization.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chao C ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
GnRHa suppression and superovulation plus insemination rates in women with minimal and mild endometriosis.
曾啟瑞 ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chien LW ; Chao C ; Lin WJ ; Liu CC ; Kuo SH ; Wen JY ; Chang SR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Decreased fertilization rate and pregnancy rate in a simplified ICSI program when patient's age over 40.
曾啟瑞 ; Wen JY ; Chien YY ; Chang SR ; Kuo SH ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Lin WC ; Chao C ; Liu CC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
he incubation time of the sperm in the PVP solution before injection does not influence the outcome of ICSI.
曾啟瑞 ; Wen JY ; Chang SH ; Lin WM ; Pung LC ; Kuo SH ; Wu KY ; Au HK ; Wei SJ ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Half dose GnRH suppression and superovulation plus insemination following laparoscopic surgery increase the pregnancy rate of women with minimal and mild endometriosis.
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR ; Chien LW ; Chao C ; Liu CC ; Kuo SH ; Wen JY ; Chang SR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Endometriosis and infertility: The activity of catalase and glutathione reductase in the peritoneal fluid.
曾啟瑞 ; Wu KY ; Lee SH ; Au HK ; Shih CM ; Chen CT ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Fluid within uterine cavity detected by ultrasound before embryo transfer may affect implantation.
曾啟瑞 ; Chao C ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Kuo SH ; Liu CC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Prediction of IVF outcome by single serum E2, P4 and beta- HCG.
曾啟瑞 ; Liu CC ; Tzeng CR ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chao C ; Chang SR ; Wen JY ; Kuo SH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Pregnancy following intracytoplasmic sperm injection in a man with Kallmann's syndrome: A case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Wen CY ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chiu CD ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Primary ovarian pregnancy after intrauterine insemination: A case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Wen CY ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Chiu CD ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Single early post-insemination serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone predict pregnancy outcome in clomiphene citrate plus follicle stimulating hormone conception cycles.
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR ; Chien LW ; Liu CC ; Chao C ; Chang SR ; Kuo SH ; Wen JY
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Ultrastructural changes of unfertilized eggs following intracytoplasmic sperm injection under transmission electron microscopy- preliminary report.
曾啟瑞 ; Liu CC ; Tzeng CR ; Wu CH ; Chen HM ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chao C ; Cheng SR ; Wen JY ; Kuo SH
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Long term pre- stimulation GnRH- a suppression in patients with endometriosis may increase pregnancy rate in IVF/ET.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Au HK ; Cheng SR ; Wen JY ; Liu CC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Partial mole and coexistent fetus after artificial insemination with husband's semen (AIH). A case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR ; Hsu CS ; Chen AC ;
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Endometrial stromal sarcoma. A case report.
曾啟瑞 ; Au HK ; Hsu CS ; Yeh SD ; Tzeng CR ; Chen AC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Characteristic of peritoneal fluid in patients with endometriosis during laparoscopy.
曾啟瑞 ; Liu CC ; Chien LW ; Chien YY ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR ; Chen AC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Doppler assessment of the hemodynamic change during fetal hiccup.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Tzeng CR ; Liu JF ; Au HK ; Chen AC
[婦產學科] 會議論文
The correlation of angiogenesis activity with ovarian luteal function assessed by doppler ultrasonography.
曾啟瑞 ; Chien LW ; Liu JF ; Tzeng CR ; Chang SR ; Au HK ; Chen AC
[眼科學科] 期刊論文
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulose cells
何昭德 ; Yeh TS ; HO JD ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR ; Hsien RH
[通識教育中心] 期刊論文
Factors influencing the dynamic behavior of human teeth.
潘力誠 ; Huang ; H.M. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Lee ; S.Y. ; Wang ; M.S. ; Pan L.C. ; Chen ; C.C.
[復健學科] 期刊論文
Anti-heat shock protein 90 is increased in acute mania
呂思潔 ; Shen WW ; Liu CH ; Yang YY ; Lin CY ; Chen KP ; Yeh TS ; Leu SJ*
[復健學科] 期刊論文
One-year (2003) nationwide pork carcass microbiological baseline data survey in Taiwan
葉光勝 ; Yeh ; K.-S. ; Shih-Ping Chen ; Jiunn-Horng Lin
[復健學科] 期刊論文
葉必立 ; Yeh ; Pi - Li
[解剖學暨細胞生物學科] 期刊論文
Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA copy number and expression are essential for preservation of mitochondrial function and cell death
馮琮涵 ; Jeng JY ; Yeh TS ; Lee JW ; Lin SH ; Fong TH ; Hsieh RH
[解剖學暨細胞生物學科] 期刊論文
Antineural antibody in patients with Tourette's syndrome and their family members
吳慶祥 ; Yeh ; C.B
[學士後護理學系] 期刊論文
Factors affecting the long-term care preference of the elderly in Taiwan
鍾明惠 ; Chung ; MH ; Hsu ; N ; Wang ; YC ; Lin ; HC ; Huang ; YL ; Amidon ; RL ; Kao ; S
[學士後護理學系] 期刊論文
Assessment of uterine receptivity by the endometrial-subendometrial blood flow distribution pattern in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
陳品玲 ; Chien LW ; Au HK ; Chen PL ; Xiao J ; Tzeng CR
[學士後護理學系] 期刊論文
Beneficial effect to blood pressure and lipid profile by programmed exercise training in Taiwanese patients with mild hypertension.
張文英 ; 1. Tsai ; J-C. ; Chang ; W-Y. ; Kao ; C-C. ; Lu ; M-S. ; Chen ; Y-J. ; & Chan ; P.
[學士後護理學系] 會議論文
The most painful experiences of Taiwanese nurses during Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak in Taiwan
施富金 ; Shih ; FJ ; Yang ; CY ; Liao ; YC ; Kao ; CC ; Wu ; CH
[學士後護理學系] 會議論文
“If we want life, we must conquer darkness”: How Taiwanese nursing team survived from 2003 SARS epidemics: Taiwanese nursing leaders’ perspectives
施富金 ; Shih ; FJ ; Liao ; YC ; Kao ; CC ; Yang ; CY
[學士後護理學系] 會議論文
Challenges of 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak to Taiwanese nursing leaders
施富金 ; Shih ; FJ ; Yang ; CC ; Kao CC ; Gau ; ML ; Liao ; YC
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Application of HPLC method using normal phase column in a comparative pharmacokinetic study of two sulpride tablet formulations
葉健全 ; Huang M.C. ; Ho ; H.O. ; Yeh ; G.C. ; Ke ; W.T. ; Lin ; L.C. ; Hsu ; T.B. ; and Sheu ; M.T.
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Amphetamine inhibits the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated responses by directly interacting with the receptor/channel complex
葉健全 ; Yeh ; G.C. ; Chen ; J.C. ; Tsai ; H.C. ; Wu ; H.H. ; Lin ; C.Y. ; Hsu ; P.C. ; and Peng ; Y.C.
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Development of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for bioanalytical application with sulpride
葉健全 ; Hung ; M.C. ; Ho ; H.O. ; Yeh ; G.C. Ke ; W.T. ; Lin ; L.C. ; Hsu ; T.M.Bruce ; Kao ; C.C. ; Sheu ; M.T.
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Development of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for bioequivalence study of flavoxate tablets
葉健全 ; Sheu ; M.T. ; Yeh ; G.C. ; Ke ; W.T. ; Ho ; H.O.
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Interaction of arachidonic acid with the ligand binding sites of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in rat hippocampal membranes
葉健全 ; Yeh ; G.C. ; Wang ; S.M. and Wang ; I.F.
[臨床醫學研究所] 期刊論文
Kindling induces the long-lasting expression of a novel population of NMDA receptor in hippocampal region CA3
葉健全 ; Kraus ; J. E. ; Yeh ; G.C. ; Bonhaus ; D.W. ; Nadler ; J.V. and McNamara J.O.
[醫務管理學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Design and Monitor of a School Prevention-Intervention Program on Adolescent Depression.
黃國哲 ; Chen ; Y. H. ; You ; S. Y. ; Liu ; Y. H. ; Hsiao ; Y.W. ; Huang ; K. C.
[醫務管理學系暨研究所] 會議論文
The Evaluation Methods of a Performance Measuring System in Taiwan
楊哲銘 ; Liao ; S.H. ; Yang ; C.M. ; Yang ; H.C.
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
曾銘仁 ; 葉添順
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
活化的 Notch受體結合蛋白及其下游基因調控之研究
葉添順 ; 曾銘仁 ; Yeh, Tien-Shun ; Tseng, Min-Jen
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
葉添順 ; 曾銘仁 ; Yeh, Tien-Shun ; Tseng, Min-Jen
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
葉添順 ; Yeh, Tien-Shun
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
[醫學科學研究所] 計畫報告
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Ex vivo and in vivo studies of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide purified from the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis that inhibits human platelet activation by activating adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP
Lu ; W, J. ; Chang ; N, C. ; Jayakumar ; T ; Liao ; J, C. ; Lin ; M, J. ; Wang ; S, H. ; Chou ; D, S. ; Thomas ; P, A. ; Sheu ; J, R.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Mechanisms of ascorbyl radical formation in human platelet-rich plasma
Shyu ; K, G. ; Chang ; C, C.C. ; Yeh ; Y, C. ; Sheu ; J, R. ; Chou ; D, S.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Early effective drainage in the treatment of loculated tuberculous pleurisy.
許準榕 ; Chung ; C.L. ; Chen ; C.H. ; Yeh ; C.Y. ; Sheu ; J.R. ; Chang ; S.C.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Increased Expression of plelet-deried growth factor C messenger ribonucleic acid in uterine leiomyomata
蔡郁惠 ; Hwu YM ; Li SH ; Lee RKK ; Tsai YH ; Yeh TS ; Lin SY
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Modulation of monocyte-derived dendritic cell differentiation is associated with Ischemic acute renal failure.
許準榕 ; Wu ; C.J. ; Sheu ; J.R. ; Chen ; H.H. ; Liao ; H.F. ; Yang ; Y.C. ; Yang ; S. ; Chen ; Y.J.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury inhibits differentiation of dendritic cells derived from bone marrow monocytes in rats.
許準榕 ; Wu ; C.J. ; Sheu ; J.R. ; Chen ; H.H. ; Liao ; H.F. ; Yang ; Y.C. ; Yang ; S. ; Chen ; Y.J.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Peptidoglycan-induced IL-6 production in RAW 264.7 macrophages is mediated by cyclooxygenase-2, PGE2/PGE4 receptors, protein kinase A, I kappa B kinase, and NF-kappa B.
許準榕 ; Chen ; B.C. ; Liao ; C.C. ; Hsu ; M.J. ; Liao ; Y.T. ; Lin ; C.C. ; Sheu ; J.R. ; Lin ; C.H.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Abnormal mitochondrial structure in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos
葉添順 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Calcium-dependent upregulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells
葉添順 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Shih CM ; Hsieh RH ; Tzeng CR
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells
葉添順 ; Yeh TS ; Ho JD ; Yang VWC ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Deleted mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulosa cells
葉添順 ; Au HK ; Lin SH ; Huang SY ; Yeh TS ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Hepatitis C virus core protein recruits nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 and coactivator p300 to relieve the repression effect of transcriptional factor YY1 on B23 gene expression
葉添順 ; Mai RT ; Yeh TS ; Kao CF ; Sun SK ; Hwang HH ; Lee YHW
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Decreased expression of mitochondrial genes in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos.
葉添順 ; Hsieh RH ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Chang SJ ; Cheng YF ; Tzeng CR
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Assessment of changes in utero-ovarian arterial impedance during the peri-implantation period by Doppler sonography in women undergoing assisted reproduction.
李文森 ; Chien LW ; Lee WS ; Au HK ; Tzeng CR
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Nuclear bII–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling
沈杏娟 ; 葉添順 ; Yeh TS ; Hsieh RH ; Shen SC ; Wang SH ; Tseng MJ ; Shih CM ; Shih CM
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Association of transcription factor YY1 with high-molecular-weight Notch complex suppresses the trans-activation activity of Notch.
葉添順 ; Yeh TS ; Lin YM ; Hsieh RH ; and Tseng MJ
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Hepatitis C virus core protein interacts with cellular putative RNA helicase.
葉添順 ; You ; L.-R. ; C.-M. Chen ; T.-S. Yeh ; T.-Y. Tsai ; R.-T. Mai ; C.-H. Lin ; and Y.-H. Wu Lee.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Assembly of hepatitis delta virus particles: package of multimeric HDV genomic RNA and role of phosphorylation.
葉添順 ; Yeh ; T.-S. ; and Y.-H. W. Lee.
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Casein kinase II and protein kinase C modulate the hepatitis delta virus RNA replication but not the empty viral particle assembly.
葉添順 ; Yeh ; T.-S. ; S. J. Lo ; P.-J. Chen ; and Y.-H. W. Lee.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
Proteomic Analysis of GSK-3beta Associated Proteins in Mitochondria---Insights into the Mechanism of Intra-Mitochondrial Signal Transduction
李宏謨 ; 高淑慧
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
Proteomic Analysis of Gsk-3beta Associated Proteins in Mitochondria:Insights into the Mechanism of Intra-Mitochondrial Signal Transduction
李宏謨 ; 高淑慧
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
Proteomic Analysis of GSK-3beta Associated Proteins in Mitochondria---Insights into the Mechanism of Intra-Mitochondrial Signal Transduction (I)
李宏謨 ; 高淑慧
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Death of Pancreatic Beta Cells by Nε-(Carboxymethyl) Lysine
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
高淑慧 ; 曾啟瑞
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
高淑慧 ; 趙湘台
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 計畫報告
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Oxidative stress status in sperm with declined motility.
高淑慧 ; Kao SH ; Chao HT ; Chen HW ; Hwang TIS ; Liao TL ; Wei YH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
N-Acetylcysteine-Mediated Antioxidation Prevents Hyperglycemia-Induced Apoptosis and Collagen Synthesis in Rat Mesangial Cells.
高淑慧 ; Hung KYLiu SYKao SHHuang JWChiang CKTsai TJ.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Prophylactic trans-uterine embolization to reduce intraoperative blood loss for placenta percreta invading the urinary bladder
沈里國 ; Leung TK ; Au HK ; Lin YH ; Lee CM ; Shen LK ; Lee WH ; Wang HJ ; Hsiao WT ; Chen YY
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Tanshinone IIA from Salvia miltiorrhiza Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 Expression and Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide - Induced Nitric Oxide Expression in RAW 264.7 Cells
李宏謨 ; 高淑慧 ; Chen TH ; Hsu YT ; Chen CH ; Kao SH ; Lee HM
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Anti-heat shock protein 90 is increased in acute mania
楊沂淵 ; Shen WW ; Liu HC ; Yang YY ; Lin CY ; Chen KP ; Yeh TS ; Leu SJ
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Calcium-dependent up-regulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells.
高淑慧 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Shih CM ; Hsieh RH ; Tzeng CR
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Abnormal Mitochondrial Structure in Human Unfertilized Oocytes and Arrested Embryos
高淑慧 ; Au HK ; Yeh TS ; Kao SH ; Tzeng CR ; Hsieh RH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Celecoxib Induces Heme-Oxygenase Expression in Glomerular Mesangial Cells.
高淑慧 ; Hou C.C. ; Hung S.L. ; Kao S.H. ; Chen T.H. ; Lee H.M.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Sperm Mitochondrial DNA Depletion in Men with Asthenospermia
Kao SH ; Chao HT ; Liu HW ; Liao TL ; Wei YH*
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
A prevalent POLG CAG microsatellite length allele in humans and African great apes.
高淑慧 ; Rovio ATAbel JAhola ALAndres AMBertranpetit JBlancher A ; ....Jequier AM ; Kao SH ; ... ; Jacobs HT
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
A chemical surface modification of chitosan by glycoconjugates to enhance the cell-biomaterial interaction
高淑慧 ; Wang Y. C. ; Kao ; S.H.. ; Hsieh ; H.J.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 期刊論文
Biomarkers of DNA damage in patients with end-stage renal disease: mitochondrial DNA mutation in hair follicle.
高淑慧 ; Liu CS ; Ko LY ; Lim PS ; Kao SH ; Wei YH.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Osteopontin in the endometriosis
高淑慧 ; Kao SH ; Lee YRTzeng CR.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Osteopontin in the endometriosis
高淑慧 ; Kao SH ; Lee YR ; Tzeng CR
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Mitochondrial Function in Modulatation of Human Granulosa Cell Steroidogenesis and Female Fertility
高淑慧 ; Wu WH ; Chang SP ; Kao SH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Enhancement of embryo implantation ability by LPA supplementation through GRS2 signaling pathway.
高淑慧 ; Chen ICKao SHWu GJTzeng CR.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Death of Pancreaticβcells by Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine.
高淑慧 ; Lu CI ; Lee YR ; Lee HM ; Hsieh RH ; Kao SH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Mitochondrial Estrogen Receptor β in the Modulation of Mitochondrial DNA Transcription in Endometriosis.
高淑慧 ; Liao TL ; Kao SH ; Wei YH ; Wang YP ; Lai TC ; Tzeng CR
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Mitochondrial Estrogen Receptor β on Mitochondrial DNA Modulation in Endometriosis.
高淑慧 ; Kao SHLiao TLWei YHWang YPLai TCTzeng CR.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Induced Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis of C6 Glioma Cells by C6- Ceramide.
高淑慧 ; Chang LW ; Wang YP ; Kao SH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
A preliminary and pilot study about mitochondrial DNA deletion in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: an endemic study in Taiwan. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) February 20-25, 2006, in Seattle, WA
高淑慧 ; Huang TY ; Li JM ; Shun CT ; Kao SH
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Celecoxib Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 Expression in Glomerular Mesangial Cells via c-Jun-N-terminal kinase and Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase dependent pathways.
高淑慧 ; Kao ; SHHung ; SLChen ; THLee HM
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Oxidative stress mediates TCDD-induced hypoxia and oxidative damages in human trophoblast cells.
高淑慧 ; Liao ; T.L.Tzeng ; C.R.Chen ; Y.T.Lin ; T.Y ; Chao H. T.Kao ; S.H.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Oxidative stress status and mitochondrial DNA mutations on Sperm Declined Motility.
高淑慧 ; Kao ; SHChen ; HWHwang ; ISChao ; HTLiao ; TLWei ; Y.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
TCDD-induced oxidative damages in human trophoblast cells.
高淑慧 ; Kao SHLiao TLLee HMTzeng ; C.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Oxidative stress induce endometriosis progression.
高淑慧 ; Kao SHHuang HCTzeng ; CRLiao ; TLWei ; YH.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Oxidative stress mediates TCDD Induced Oxidative Damages and hypoxia inducing factor-1α expression in Human Trophoblast Cells.
高淑慧 ; Kao S.H.Liao ; T.L.Lee ; H.M.Tzeng. C.R.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Energy demand affected distribution of MELAS-associated mtDNA mutations in multiple tissues.
高淑慧 ; Hiseh RHLi JYKao SHPang CYWei YH.;
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Repeated ovarian ovulations induce mitochondrial DNA mutations and oxidative damages in mouse ovaries and livers.
高淑慧 ; Kao ; SHLee SYLiao ; TLChen ; SCChao ; HT.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Repeated Ovarian Superovulations Induce Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Oxidative Damages in Mouse Ovaries.
高淑慧 ; Lee ; S.Y.Liao ; T.L.Hsu ; T.Y.Chen ; Y.F ; Tzeng ; C.R.Kao ; S.H.
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
Oxidative Stress Induce Endometriosis Progression.
高淑慧 ; Huang ; H.C.Liao ; T.L.Lin ; H.Y.Tsai ; M.C ; Chao ; H.T.Tzeng ; C. ; and Kao ; S.H.
[藥學系] 期刊論文
1-Arylsulfonyl-5-(N-hydroxyacrylamide)tetrahydroquinolines as potent histone deacetylase inhibitors suppressing the growth of prostate cancer cells
Liu ; Y, M. ; Lee ; H, Y. ; Chen ; C, H. ; Lee ; C, H. ; Wang ; L, T. ; Pan ; S, L. ; Lai ; M, J. ; Yeh ; T, K. ; Liou ; J, P.
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Antioxidant Lignans and Chromone Glycosides from Eurya japonica
Kuo, Yang ; Li-Min ; Zhang ; Li-Jie ; Huang ; Hung-Tse ; Lin ; Zhi-Hu ; Liao ; Chia-Ching ; Cheng ; Hui-Ling ; Lee ; Kuo-Hsiung ; Morris-Natschke ; Susan ; Kuo ; Yao-Haur ; Ho ; Hsiu-O
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 1-Arylsulfonyl-5-(N-hydroxyacrylamide) indoles as Potent Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors with Antitumor Activity in vivo
Lai ; M, J. ; Huang ; H, L. ; Pan ; S, L. ; Liu ; Y, M. ; Peng ; C, Y. ; Lee ; H, Y. ; Yeh ; T, K. ; Hung ; P, H. ; Teng ; C, M. ; Chen ; S, H. ; Chuang ; H, Y. ; Liou ; J, P.
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Astaxanthin Protects against Oxidative Stress and Calcium-induced Porcine Lens Protein Degradation
吳姿樺 ; Wu ; T.-H ; Liao ; J.-H. ; Hou ; W.-C ; Huang ; F.-Y. ; Maher ; T. J. ; Hu ; C.-C.
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Lin ; C, F ; Huang ; C, I ; Kao ; C, C.C ; Lu ; M, S
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Effects of Nosocomial Infection Control Training to Improve the Knowledge for Attendants and Outsourced Workers in Taiwan.
林秋芬 ; Lin ; C.F. ; Yang ; C.Y ; Lu ; M.S. ; Kao ; C.C
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Changes in levels of hope after diagnostic disclosure among Taiwanese cancer patients.
林佳靜 ; Lin ; C. ; Tsai ; S.F. ; Chiou ; J.F. ; Lai ; Y.H. ; Kao ; C.C. ; Tsou ; T.S.
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Beneficial Effect on Blood Pressure and Lipid Profile by Programmed Exercise Training in Taiwanese Patients with Mild Hypertension
盧美秀 ; 高靖秋 ; Tsai ; J.C. ; Chang ; W.Y. ; Kao ; C.C. ; Lu ; M.S. ; Chen ; Y.J.& Chan Paul.
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Effect of catechin on the activity and gene expression of superoxide dismutase in cultured rat brain astrocytes
蔡仁貞 ; Chen ; P. ; Cheng ; J. T. ; Tsai ; J. C. ; Lien ; G. S. ; Chen ; F. C. ; Kao ; P. F.
[護理學系] 會議論文
Self-confidence on performing nursing skills among students
Chuang ; YH ; Hu ; SH ; Chang ; CC ; Yeh ; YC ; Liu ; MF
[護理學系] 會議論文
林秋芬 ; Lin ; C.F. ; Yang ; C.Y. ; Kao ; C.C. ; Lu ; M.S.
[護理學系] 會議論文
林秋芬 ; Lin ; CF ; Kao ; CC ; Yang ; CE ; Lu ; MS
[護理學系] 會議論文
林秋芬 ; Lin ; CF ; Kao ; CC ; Yang ; CY ; Lu ; MS