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    Items for Author "Yuan, Rey-Yue"  

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    Showing 132 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [小兒學科] 期刊論文 2010-04-01 Hyperthyroidism and risk of ischemic stroke in young adults: a 5-year follow-up study Sheu,Jau-Jiuan; Kang,Jiunn-Horng; 林秀真; Lin,Herng-Ching
    [公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2006 Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome 邱弘毅; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Rey-Yue Yuan; Hung-Yi Chiou; Chaur-Jong Hu; Wei-Ta Chen
    [牙醫學系] 考古題 2003 92學年臨床診斷學 何昭德; 許淳森; 江漢聲; 袁瑞昱; 劉美瑾; 黃千玲; 胡維恆
    [牙醫學系] 考古題 2000 89學年臨床診斷學 許淳森; 江漢聲; 袁瑞昱; 劉美瑾; 黃千玲; 胡維恆
    [北醫學報] 第二十一卷第二期 1992 Focal Seizure in Nonketotic Hyperglycemia REY-YUE YUAN; CHEN-LING HUANG; SHANA-KUA JUNG; SHIANN PAN; 袁瑞昱; 黃千玲; 鍾炫光; 潘憲
    [呼吸治療學系] 期刊論文 1999 Tuberculous meningitis in a Filipino maid. 鍾啟禮; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Lu JJ; Chung CL; Hsu CY
    [神經學科] 計畫報告 2006 95年度「獎勵醫療機構之醫事人員從事臨床研究計畫」 袁瑞昱; 陳韋達; 胡朝榮
    [神經學科] 計畫報告 2006 95年度「獎勵醫療機構之醫事人員從事臨床研究計畫」 袁瑞昱; 陳韋達; 胡朝榮
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2013 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Associated With Chronic Periodontitis: A Population-Based Study Wu, Chuan-Song; Yang, Tzong-Hann; Lin, Herng-Ching; Sheu, Jau-Jiuan; Chu, Dachen
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2013 Onset Headache Predicts Good Outcome in Patients With First-Ever Ischemic Stroke PK, Chen; PY, Chiu; IJ, Tsai; HP, Tseng; JR, Chen; SJ, Yeh; SJ, Yeh; Sheu, Jau-Jiuan; CP, Chung; MH, Wu; CJ, Hu; CY, Chang; CY, Wei; PK, Yip; SF, Sung; SJ, Wang; Hsu, C
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2013 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Associated With Chronic Periodontitis: A Population-Based Study Wu, Chuan-Song; Yang, Tzong-Hann; Lin, Herng-Ching; Sheu, Jau-Jiuan; Chu, Dachen
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2013 Onset Headache Predicts Good Outcome in Patients With First-Ever Ischemic Stroke PK, Chen; PY, Chiu; IJ, Tsai; HP, Tseng; JR, Chen; SJ, Yeh; SJ, Yeh; Sheu, Jau-Jiuan; CP, Chung; MH, Wu; CJ, Hu; CY, Chang; CY, Wei; PK, Yip; SF, Sung; SJ, Wang; Hsu, C
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2009 Botulinum toxin for diabetic neuropathic pain. A randomized double-blind crossover trial. 胡朝榮; 袁瑞昱; 許昭俊; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Chen WT; Tseng IJ; Chang HH; Hu CJ
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2008 The epigenetic effects of amyloid-B1-40 on global DNA and neprilysin genes in murine cerebral endothelial cells 袁瑞昱; Kun-Lin Chen; Sheng-shih Wang; Yi-Yuan Yang; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ruei-Ming Chen; Chaur-Jong Hu
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2007 Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and stroke in type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan 許昭俊; Tseng CH; Tseng CP; Chong CK; Sheu JJ; Cheng JC
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern-reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine. 許昭俊; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Hu CJ; Sheu JJ; Wang HJ; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern-reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine. 袁瑞昱; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Hu CJ; Sheu JJ; Wang HJ; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparatine tests in the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome 袁瑞昱; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparative tests in the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome 胡朝榮; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparative tests un the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 許昭俊; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; HU CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with dementia in L-dopa treated patients with Parkinson's disease 袁瑞昱; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Chen WT; Chiang TR; Hsu YH; Chen CH
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with dementia in L-dopa treated patients with Parkinson's disease. 許昭俊; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Association Beteween Homocysteine and Disability in L-dopa Treated patients with Parkinson's Disease. International Conference on Healthy Aging. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Jeng C; Wang YH; Hung YL; Hsieh CY
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Elevated Plasma Homocysteine Levels in L-dopa Treated Parkinson's Disease Patients with Dementia. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Hung YL; Lo PN;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Neuromagnetic SII responses do not fully reflect pain scale. 袁瑞昱; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Shih YH; Yeh TC; Hung DL; Wu ZA; Ho LT; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 Proteomic Identification of Lower Apolipoprotein A-I in Alzheimer's Disease. 袁瑞昱; Liu HC; Hu CJ; Chang JG; Sung SM; Lee LS; Yuan RY; Leu SJ
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 病例報告:在胰臟癌病患以Cisplatin為主的化學治療可能導致多發性腦梗塞.台灣神經學年 袁瑞昱; Yang SK; Dai CJ; Hu CJ; Yuan RY;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2006 INCREASED IMC of CAROTID ARTERY AND PLASMA TOTAL HOMOCYSTEINE IN L-DOPA-TREATED PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON' S DISEASE.2006 International Symposium on Stroke Research. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Hung YL; Chiang TR;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; ; Wei-Ta Chen
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 The Association of Severity Stages on Motor and ADL in Parkinson’s Disease. 袁瑞昱; Ing-Jy Tseng; Chii Jeng; Mei-Fang Chiu; Rey-Yue Yuan;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 次級感覺皮質之磁性活化反應與痛覺刺激強度之關係. 許昭俊; Wei-Ta Chen; Rey-Yue Yuan; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chen CH;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 Prevalence and risk factors for stroke in Type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey of a national sample by telephone interview 許昭俊; Tseng CH; Chong CK; Sheu JJ; Wu TH;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 The association of severity stages on motor and ADL in Parkinson’s Disease 曾櫻枝; 鄭綺; 邱美芳; 袁瑞昱;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 The influence of Severity on motor ADL among patients with Parkinson' s disease. The 23rd Quardrennial ICN Congress 2005. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Jeng C; Yuan RY; ;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 正中神經之比較性電生理研究用於診斷腕道症候群 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 次級感覺皮質之磁性活化反應與痛覺刺激強度之關係. 陳韋達; 袁瑞昱; 許昭俊; 陳紀勳; 林永煬
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 Brain single photon emission computed tomography in patients with A3243G mutation in mitochondrial DNA tRNA., 袁瑞昱; Thajeb Peterus; Wu MC; Shih BF; Tzen CY; Chiang MF; Yuan RY
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2005 正中神經之比較性電生理研究用於診斷腕道症候群 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson Disease Patients Treated with Levodopa. 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jan-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen; Tsuey-Ru Chiang
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 袁瑞昱; JAU-JIUAN SHEU; REY-YUE YUAN; CHI-HSUN CHEN; WEI-TA CHEN;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients. 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen; Tsuey-Ru Chiang
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson Disease Patients Treated with Levodopa. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jan-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2004 Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 許昭俊; JAU-JIUAN SHEU; REY-YUE YUAN; CHI-HSUN CHEN; WEI-TA CHEN;
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2001 Superficial radial neuropathy following venepuncture 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2001 Delirium following a switch from cimetidine to famotidine 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Chiung-Rey Kao; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hum Chen; Chun-Sum Ho
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2001 Delirium Following a Switch from Cimetidine to Famotidine 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Chiung-Rey Kao; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Chun-Sam Ho
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2000 Diagnosis and monetary quantification of occupational injuries by indices related to human capital loss: Analysis of a steel company as an illustration 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Jing-Shiang Hwang; Jung-Der Wang
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2000 Anthropometric and Nutrient Status in Parkinson Disease Patients 袁瑞昱; Shene-Pin Hu; Mei-Yiao Wu; Pi-Yu Chao; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 2000 Antioxidant Status in Patients with Parkinson's Disease 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Mei-Yiao Wu; Shene-Pin Hu
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1999 Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenous injection 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1999 Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenou injection. 袁瑞昱; Sheu Jau-Jiuan; Yuan Rey-Yue
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1999 Tuberculous meningitis in a filipino maid. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 盧章智; 鍾啟禮; 許昭禹
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1999 Tuberculous Meningitis in a Filipino Maid. 袁瑞昱; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Reu-Yue Yuran; Jang-Jih Lu; Chi-Li Chung; Chao-Yu Sheu
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1998 Determinants of lethality from Suicidal Pesticide Poisoning in Metropolitan Hsinchu 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Jung-Der Wang; Yu-Kuei Wu
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1997 Foster Kennedy syndrome: a case report with literature review 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Po-Nan Chen; Bak-Sau Yip; Mei-Lan Ko
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1997 Effectiveness of Low-Dose ASA in Prevention of Secondary Ischemic Strokes, The ASA Study Group in Taiwan. 袁瑞昱; Lee Ti-Kai; Chen Kin-Wei A; Huang Zei-Shung; Ng Sien-Kiat; Lin Ruey-Tay; Po Helen L; Yuan Rey-Yuan; Lai Ming-Liang
    [神經學科] 期刊論文 1996 Application of polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. 袁瑞昱; Yuan Rey-Yue; Lin Hsiu-Wei; Yeh Geng-Chang
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2013 Increased Risk of Cancer Following Bell's Palsy: A Five-year Follow-up Study Sheu, Jau-Jiuan; Lin, Herng-Ching
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2013 Effects of treadmill exercise training on forward and backward gait between Parkinson’s disease patients with poorer and better attention capabilities: A preliminary report Yuan, Rey-Yue; Tseng, Ing-Jy
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2013 Effects of treadmill exercise training on backward gait in early Parkinson's disease Yuan, Rey-Yue; Tseng, Ing-Jy
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2008 病例報告:顱底骨纖維性發育不良呈現姿勢性頭痛Fibro-osseous dysplasia of the skull base presenting with orthostatic headache: A Case Report 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Chang JC; Yau JM; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Yuan RY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2008 Changes of Sleep Architecures in Patients with Cognitive Impairment. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Liu HC; Hu CJ
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2008 病例報告:可逆性腦後部病變症候群合併急性腦梗塞 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome combined with an acute cerebral infarct: A Case Report 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Yang JF; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Yau CM; Yuan RY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2008 病例報告:糖尿病洗腎病患出現的亞急性左多巴反應性巴金森症候群 Subacute Levodopa-Responsive Parkinsonism in a Diabetic Uremic Patient: A Case Report 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Yang SK; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Yau CM; Yang JF
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2007 巴金森氏病患者有無服用左多巴其MTHFR C677T與A1298C基因多型性對血漿中同半胱胺酸的影響. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Hong YL; Jang TSR
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2007 Polymnography Studies in Patients with Cognitive Impairment. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Liu Hsing; Hu CJ
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2007 The Effect of MTHFR C677T and A1298 polymorphisms on Homocysteine Levelsin Parkinson's Disease Patients with and without L-dopa Administration. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Hung YL; Chiang TR
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2007 iNOS and PER1 Expression in REM Sleep among The Patients with Congnitive Impairment. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Liu HC; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JY; Hu CJ
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with dementia in L-dopa treated patients with Parkinson's disease. 許昭俊; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparatine tests in the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome 袁瑞昱; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparative tests in the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome 胡朝榮; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; Hu CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern-reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine. .():-. 許昭俊; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Hu CJ; Sheu JJ; Wang HJ; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparative tests un the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 許昭俊; Sheu JJ; Yuan RY; Chiou HY; HU CJ; Chen WT
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern-reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine. 袁瑞昱; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Hu CJ; Sheu JJ; Wang HJ; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Association Beteween Homocysteine and Disability in L-dopa Treated patients with Parkinson's Disease. International Conference on Healthy Aging. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Jeng C; Wang YH; Hung YL; Hsieh CY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with dementia in L-dopa treated patients with Parkinson's disease 袁瑞昱; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Chen WT; Chiang TR; Hsu YH; Chen CH
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 INCREASED IMC of CAROTID ARTERY AND PLASMA TOTAL HOMOCYSTEINE IN L-DOPA-TREATED PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON' S DISEASE.2006 International Symposium on Stroke Research. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Hung YL; Chiang TR;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Proteomic Identification of Lower Apolipoprotein A-I in Alzheimer's Disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord.(21):155-161. 袁瑞昱; Liu HC; Hu CJ; Chang JG; Sung SM; Lee LS; Yuan RY; Leu SJ
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 病例報告:在胰臟癌病患以Cisplatin為主的化學治療可能導致多發性腦梗塞.台灣神經學年 袁瑞昱; Yang SK; Dai CJ; Hu CJ; Yuan RY;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Neuromagnetic SII responses do not fully reflect pain scale. 袁瑞昱; Chen WT; Yuan RY; Shih YH; Yeh TC; Hung DL; Wu ZA; Ho LT; Lin YY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2006 Elevated Plasma Homocysteine Levels in L-dopa Treated Parkinson's Disease Patients with Dementia.臺北醫學大學九十四學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Hung YL; Lo PN;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 The Association of Severity Stages on Motor and ADL in Parkinson’s Disease. 袁瑞昱; Ing-Jy Tseng; Chii Jeng; Mei-Fang Chiu; Rey-Yue Yuan;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; ; Wei-Ta Chen
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 次級感覺皮質之磁性活化反應與痛覺刺激強度之關係. 許昭俊; Wei-Ta Chen; Rey-Yue Yuan; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chen CH;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 Prevalence and risk factors for stroke in Type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey of a national sample by telephone interview 許昭俊; Tseng CH; Chong CK; Sheu JJ; Wu TH;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 Brain single photon emission computed tomography in patients with A3243G mutation in mitochondrial DNA tRNA., 袁瑞昱; Thajeb Peterus; Wu MC; Shih BF; Tzen CY; Chiang MF; Yuan RY
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 The influence of Severity on motor ADL among patients with Parkinson' s disease. The 23rd Quardrennial ICN Congress 2005. 袁瑞昱; Tseng IJ; Jeng C; Yuan RY; ;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 正中神經之比較性電生理研究用於診斷腕道症候群 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 正中神經之比較性電生理研究用於診斷腕道症候群 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 次級感覺皮質之磁性活化反應與痛覺刺激強度之關係. 陳韋達; 袁瑞昱; 許昭俊; 陳紀勳; 林永煬
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2005 The association of severity stages on motor and ADL in Parkinson’s Disease 曾櫻枝; 鄭綺; 邱美芳; 袁瑞昱;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson Disease Patients Treated with Levodopa. 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jan-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen; Tsuey-Ru Chiang
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 袁瑞昱; JAU-JIUAN SHEU; REY-YUE YUAN; CHI-HSUN CHEN; WEI-TA CHEN;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. 許昭俊; JAU-JIUAN SHEU; REY-YUE YUAN; CHI-HSUN CHEN; WEI-TA CHEN;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson Disease Patients Treated with Levodopa. 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jan-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen;
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2004 L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients. 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Ing-Jy Tseng; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Wei-Ta Chen; Tsuey-Ru Chiang
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2001 Delirium Following a Switch from Cimetidine to Famotidine 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Chiung-Rey Kao; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hsun Chen; Chun-Sam Ho
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2001 Delirium following a switch from cimetidine to famotidine 許昭俊; Rey-Yue Yuan; Chiung-Rey Kao; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Chi-Hum Chen; Chun-Sum Ho
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2001 Superficial radial neuropathy following venepuncture 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2000 Diagnosis and monetary quantification of occupational injuries by indices related to human capital loss: Analysis of a steel company as an illustration 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Jing-Shiang Hwang; Jung-Der Wang
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2000 Antioxidant Status in Patients with Parkinson's Disease 袁瑞昱; Rey-Yue Yuan; Mei-Yiao Wu; Shene-Pin Hu
    [神經學科] 會議論文 2000 Anthropometric and Nutrient Status in Parkinson Disease Patients 袁瑞昱; Shene-Pin Hu; Mei-Yiao Wu; Pi-Yu Chao; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1999 Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenous injection 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Rey-Yue Yuan
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1999 Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenou injection. 袁瑞昱; Sheu Jau-Jiuan; Yuan Rey-Yue
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1999 Tuberculous Meningitis in a Filipino Maid. 袁瑞昱; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Reu-Yue Yuran; Jang-Jih Lu; Chi-Li Chung; Chao-Yu Sheu
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1999 Tuberculous meningitis in a filipino maid. 許昭俊; 袁瑞昱; 盧章智; 鍾啟禮; 許昭禹
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1998 Determinants of lethality from Suicidal Pesticide Poisoning in Metropolitan Hsinchu 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Jung-Der Wang; Yu-Kuei Wu
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1997 Foster Kennedy syndrome: a case report with literature review 許昭俊; Jau-Jiuan Sheu; Po-Nan Chen; Bak-Sau Yip; Mei-Lan Ko
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1997 Effectiveness of Low-Dose ASA in Prevention of Secondary Ischemic Strokes, The ASA Study Group in Taiwan. 袁瑞昱; Lee Ti-Kai; Chen Kin-Wei A; Huang Zei-Shung; Ng Sien-Kiat; Lin Ruey-Tay; Po Helen L; Yuan Rey-Yuan; Lai Ming-Liang
    [神經學科] 會議論文 1996 Application of polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. 袁瑞昱; Yuan Rey-Yue; Lin Hsiu-Wei; Yeh Geng-Chang
    [高齡健康管理學系] 期刊論文 2009 Botulinum Toxin for Diabetic Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized Double-Blind Cross-over Trial 曾櫻枝; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Chen WT; Tseng IJ; Chang HH; Hu CJ
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2008 Changes of Sleep Architecures in Patients with Cognitive Impairment 曾櫻枝; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Liu HC; Hu CJ
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2007 iNOS and PER1 Expression in REM Sleep among The Patients with Cognitive Impairment 曾櫻枝; Tseng IJ; Liu HC; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JY; Hu CJ
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2007 Polymnography Studies in Patients with Cognitive Impairment 曾櫻枝; Tseng IJ; Yuan RY; Sheu JJ; Yu JM; Liu Hsing; Hu CJ
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2007 The Effect of MTHFR C677T and A1298 polymorphisms on Homocysteine Levelsin Parkinson’s Disease Patients with and without L-dopa Administration. 曾櫻枝; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Hu CJ; Hung YL; Chiang TR
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2006 Elevated Homocysteine Levels are Associated with Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Treated with L-dopa. 袁瑞昱; 曾櫻枝; 許昭俊; 胡朝榮; 陳韋達; 江翠如; 許玉慧; 陳繼勳
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2005 Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease. 袁瑞昱; 曾櫻枝; 江翠如; 許昭俊; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2005 L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients 袁瑞昱; 曾櫻枝; 許昭俊; 陳紀勳; 陳韋達; 江翠如
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2005 The association of severity stages on motor and ADL in Parkinson’s Disease 曾櫻枝; 鄭綺; 邱美芳; 袁瑞昱
    [高齡健康管理學系] 會議論文 2004 Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Treatment With Levodopa. 曾櫻枝; Yuan RY; Tseng IJ; Sheu JJ; Chen C H
    [新臺北醫學期刊] 第2卷第1期 2000 Practice and Knowledge of Adults Consuming High-Cholesterol and High-Fiber Foods in Taipei Shene-Pin Hu; Luen-Huen Jan
    [醫學系] 考古題 2003 92學年臨床診斷學 袁瑞昱; 胡維恆; 劉美瑾; 謝銘勳; 何昭德; 黃千玲
    [醫學系] 考古題 2003 92學年神經學(內科) 袁瑞昱; 劉祥仁; 胡朝榮; 鄧樂明; 洪啟宗; 施茂雄; 陳紀勳; 許昭俊
    [醫學系] 考古題 2001 90學年臨床診斷學 袁瑞昱; 劉美瑾; 黃千玲; 江漢聲; 謝銘勳; 陳盛煊; 許淳森
    [醫學系] 考古題 2000 89學年實驗診斷學 袁瑞昱; 王躬仁; 李英雄; 陳培源; 曾凱元
    [醫學系] 考古題 2000 89學年臨床診斷學 袁瑞昱; 劉美瑾; 黃千玲; 胡維恆; 許淳森; 江漢聲; 謝銘勳
    [醫學系] 計畫報告 2008 The Impact of iNOS and PER1 Expression in Sleep on Memory Consolidation among Neurodegenerative Diseases 胡朝榮; 李信謙; 袁瑞昱
    [藥學系] 期刊論文 2013 Development of a Taiwan Version of the Eight-item Morisky Medication Lin, Yu-Syuan; Ho, Yih; Hu, Chaur-Jong; Hsu, Kuang-Yang; Shen, Winston W.; Chiueh, Chuang Chin; Yuan, Rey-Yue

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