[今日北醫] 2011年12月號
[內科部] 期刊論文
Spontaneous splenic rupture in a patient who received haemodialysis: case report and a review of the literature
Yu CC ; Lee CC ; Hsieh MC
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Advanced Gastric Cancer eith Long Term Survival for over Ten Years:
連吉時 ; Chan TS ; Lien GS ; Cheng YS ; Hsieh MC ; Cheng CJ
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Early colonic carcinoma with extensive lymp node metastases: case report and review of literature
潘憲 ; 陳盛煊 ; 鄭勇山 ; 連吉時 ; Lien GS ; Chen CN ; Cheng YS ; Chen SH ; Pan S ; Hsieh MC ; Fang CL ; Itzkowitz S
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Acrokeratosis paraneoplasica (Bazex syndrome) with adenocarcinoma of the colon: report of a case and review of the literature
鄭勇山 ; 潘憲 ; 連吉時 ; Hsu YS ; Lien GS ; Lai HH ; Cheng YS ; Hu CH ; Hsieh MC ; Fang CL ; Pan S.
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Chinese version of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey: cross-cultural instrument adaptation.
陳怡樺 ; 邱弘毅 ; Chen ; PL ; Chiou ; HY ; Chen ; YH
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Support and Impact on Smoke-Free Restaurants in Taipei—Viewpoints of Public from 2003 to 2006
陳怡樺 ; Chen ; Yi-Hua ; Chiou ; Chin-Chie ; Yeh ; Ching-Ying ; Chen ; Ruey-Yu ; Hsieh ; Ming-Zhe ; Yu ; Po-Tswen ; Chao ; Kun-Yu ; and Han ; Bor-Cheng
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Evaluation of a School-Based Prevention-Intervention Program for Adolescent Depression in Taiwan
陳怡樺 ; Chen ; YH ; Liu ; YH ; Hsiao ; YW ; You ; SY ; Chiou ; HY
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Epidemiologic evidence of diabetogenic effect of arsenic
薛玉梅 ; Tseng ; C.H. ; Tseng ; C.P. ; Chiou ; H.Y. ; Hsueh ; Y.M. ; Chong ; C.K. and Chen ; C.J.
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Internet / Intranet-Based Oral Ultrasound Teaching System
彭建綸 ; 林哲堂 ; Yu-Hsine ; Lin ; Chien-Lun ; Peng ; Che-Tong ; Lin ; Hung-Yi ; Chiou
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Nodal dissection for patients with gastric cancer: a randomized controlled trial
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsiung CA ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Chen JH ; Li AFY ; Lui WY ; Whang PJ
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Complications following D3 gastrectomy: post Hoc analysis of a randomized trial.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Chang IS ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Chen JH ; Lui WY ; Whang PJ
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Multiple primary cancers in patients with gastric cancer
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Chen JH ; Hsieh MC ; Li Anna FY ; Lui WY
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the female breast-A case report
謝茂志 ; Yao MS ; Chan WP ; Chen CY ; Chu JS ; Hsieh MC
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Stage migration influences on stage-specific survival comparison between D1 and D3 gastric cancer surgeries
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsiung CA ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Chen JH ; Li AF ; Lui WY ; Whang PJ
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Randomized clinical trial of morbidity after D1 and D3 surgery for gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsiung CA ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Shia LT ; Whang-Peng J
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.
謝茂志 ; Fang CL ; Chu JS ; Hsieh MC ; Wu MS ;
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Incidence and factors associated with recurrence patterns after intended curative surgery for gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Shen KH ; Hsieh MC ; Chen JH ; Chiang JH ; Lin HJ ; Li AFY ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Higher morbidity and mortality after combined total gastrectomy and pancreaticosplenectomy for gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Shen KH ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Peritoneal carcinomatosis and lymph node metastasis are prognostic indicators in patients with Borrmann type IV gastric carcinoma.
謝茂志 ; Chen CY ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY ; Shen KH
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Comparison of the UICC/AJCC 1992 and 1997 pN categories for gastric cancer patients after surgery.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Shen KH ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Procedures of gastric cancer surgery.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Wu CW ; ; ;
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Early colonic carcinoma with extensive lymph node metastasis: case report and review of literature
謝茂志 ; Lien GS ; Chen CN ; Cheng YS ; Chen SH ; Pan S ; Hsieh MC ; Fang CL ; Itzkowitz S.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex syndrome) with adenocarcinoma of the colon: report of a case and review of the literature.
謝茂志 ; Hsu YS ; Lien GS ; Lai HH ; Cheng YS ; Hu CH ; Hsieh MC ; Fang CL ; Pan S
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Surgical mortality, survival and quality of life after resection for gastric cancer in the elderly.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Shen KH ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Factors correlated with number of metastatic lymph nodes in gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Shen KH ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Hsia CY ; Chiang SC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Poor prognosis in young patients with gastric cancer?
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Kuo HS ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Shyr YM ; Wang HC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Serum progesteron level in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma before and after gastrectomy.
謝茂志 ; Wu ; CW ; Chi CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Shen KH ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Serum tumor necrosi factor in patient with gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Wu ; CW ; Chi CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Shen KH ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Management strategies of marginal ulcers.
謝茂志 ; Chung HC ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Heat shock and cytokines modulate the expression of adhesion molecules in different human gastric cancer cell lines.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Wu CW ; Tsay SH ; Lui WY and Peng FK
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Relation of number of positive lymph nodws to the prognosis of patients with primary gastric adenocarcinoma.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Tsay SH ; Lui WY and Peng FK
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Results of curative gastrectomy for carcinoma of the distal third of the stomach.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Wang ; Lui WY and Peng FK
[外科學科] 期刊論文
The relationship between age and clinical characteristics of patients with gastric cancer. J. Gastroenterol.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Kuo HC ; Lui WY and Peng FK
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Clinicpathological significaance of intestinal and diffuse types of gastric carcinoma in Taiwan Chinese.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Tsay SH ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Wang ; Lui WY and Peng FK
[外科學科] 會議論文
Complications of intra-operative intra-peritoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy in treating gastric cancer with peritoneal disseminations (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (63th), ROC, Taipei 2006.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Hsiao BK ; Wu CW ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Extremely High Serum CA19-9 Levels is An independent Prognostic factor After Gastric Cancer Surgery(Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (63th), ROC, Taipei 2005.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Shen KH ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Lymphatic metastasis of hepatoduodenal ligament is a prognostic indicator for gastric cancer patients. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (63th), ROC, Taipei 2004
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Hsiao PK ; Shen KH ; Lo SS ; Wu CW
[外科學科] 會議論文
Successful treatment of a gunshot penetrating abdominal injury in Wan-Fang Hospital: a case report. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (63th), ROC, Taipei 2004.
謝茂志 ; Kuo CW ; Hsieh MC ; Jen CY ; Wang DY ; Lee CC ; Chen CS ; Hsiao PK.
[外科學科] 會議論文
A rare case report of salmonella pyomyositis. (Poster) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (63th), ROC,Taipei 2004
謝茂志 ; Lee CL ; Hsu WS ; Chang LB ; Hsieh MC ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Recurrence of benign breast tumor after Mammotome excision. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (62th), ROC, Taipei 2003
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Treatment of pseudomyxoma peritonei by chemo-hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion: a case report. (Poster) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (62th), ROC,Taipei 2003
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Tam Ka-Wei ; ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Intraoperative Chemo-Hyperthermia. (Speaker) presented at the Symposium in “Clinical Pathway of Peritoneal Dissemination from Gastric Cancer”, Shizuoka, Japan, 2002.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC
[外科學科] 會議論文
Mammotome® excision for breast tumor. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (61th), ROC, Kaohsiung 2002.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Gastric cancer surgery: procedures of hepatoduodenal ligament and along the upper border of the pancreas. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (61th), ROC, Kaohsiung 2002.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; Li-Ming Wei ; Chew-Wun Wu ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Short term results of gastric cancer surgery. (Free paper) presented at the General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association (61th), ROC, Kaohsiung 2002.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; Chew-Wun Wu ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Peritonectomy. (Speaker) presented at the Symposium in “Clinical Pathway of Peritoneal Dissemination from Gastric Cancer”, Shizuoka, Japan, 2002.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Gastric Cancer with retro-pancreatic head lymph nodes metastasis.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Chew-Wun Wu ; Shi-Shun Lo ; King-Han Shen.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia by expanded polytetrafluoroethylene mesh: two-case experiences.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; Jun-Yih Jean ; Chern-Hsin Chen
[外科學科] 會議論文
Morbidity after D1 and D3 surgery for gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Wu CW ; Hsiung C ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Shen KH ; Shia LT ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK ; Wang-Peng J
[外科學科] 會議論文
Primary appendiceal mixed adenocarcinoma-carcinoid: a case report.
謝茂志 ; Wei LM ; Chen CH ; Hsiao PK ; Hsieh MC ; Jean JY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Recurrent gastrointestinal stromal tumor with peritoneal sarcomatosis causing acute hemorrhagic shock: a case report.
謝茂志 ; Tam KW ; Chen CH ; Hsiao PK ; Hsieh MC ; Jean JY
[外科學科] 會議論文
Small bowel lymphoma presented as intussusception: a case report.
謝茂志 ; Chen CH ; Hsiao PK ; Hsieh MC ; Jean JY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Procedures of gastric cancer surgery. (Gastric Cancer Video Session) presented at the 11th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists. Crete, Greece.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Wu CW ; ; ;
[外科學科] 會議論文
Expression of CD40 in gastric carcinoma.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Shen KH ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Implication of gross appearance of gastric carcinoma.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Shen KH ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Expression of gamma-catenin and its clinicopathological relationships in gastric cancer patients.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Chew-Wun Wu* ; Shi-Shun Lo* ; Jin-Han Shen*
[外科學科] 會議論文
Cholangio-gastro-cutaneous fistula – a case report.
謝茂志 ; Hsieh MC ; Pin-Kun Hsiao ; Jun-Yih Jean ; Chern-Hsin Chen.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Chemoradiotherapy for obstructive jaundice caused by gastric cancer metastasis.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Ji KH ; Tseng SS ; Shen JH ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
The factors of gastric cancer cell differentiation.
謝茂志 ; Shen JH ; Wu CW ; Lo SS ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 會議論文
The relationship of tumor stromal pattern and gastric cancer.
謝茂志 ; Lo SS ; Wu CW ; Shen JH ; Hsieh MC ; Lee FY ; Lui WY.
[外科學科] 會議論文
The role of tumor necrosis factor in gastric cancer patients.
謝茂志 ; Fan YG ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Comparison of UICC/AJCC 1992 vs. 1997 staging system for patients after radical gastrectomy.
謝茂志 ; Tsai TJ ; Wu CW ; Hsieh MC ; Lo SS ; Shen JH ; Lui WY ; P’eng FK.
[外科學科] 會議論文
Mini-laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (Free paper)
謝茂志 ; Hsiao BK ; Hsieh MC.
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Separation and structure determination of nicardipine photoproducts by LC-ESI-MS
張怡怡 ; Chen SM ; Hsieh MC ; Chao SH ; Chang EE ; Wang PY ; Wu AB
[生理學科] 期刊論文
Electrophysiological Study on the Effects of Leptin in Rat Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus.
林佑穗 ; 黃玲玲 ; Li TL ; Chiou LC ; Lin YS ; Hsieh JR ; Hwang LL
[生理學科] 期刊論文
Analgesic Effects of Orexins. 1(1): 77-87. (Invited review)
黃玲玲 ; Cheng ; J.-K. ; Hwang ; L.-L. ; Chou R. C.-C. ; Chiou ; L.-C. ;
[生理學科] 期刊論文
Central pressor effects of CART peptides in anesthetized rats
黃玲玲 ; Hwang L-L ; Chen C-T ; Li T-L ; Chiu C-Z ; Chi S-F
[生理學科] 期刊論文
A simple quantitative method for evaluation of angiogenesis activity
黃玲玲 ; Wang H-S* ; Hwang L-L* ; Sue H-F ; Lee K-M and Chen C-T (*Both authors contributed equally)
[生理學科] 期刊論文
Antiallodynic effects of intrathecal orexins in a rat model of postoperative pain
黃玲玲 ; Cheng JK ; Chou RCC ; Hwang LL and Chiou LC (All authors contributed equally to this work.)
[生理學科] 期刊論文
Sympathoinhibitory action of nociceptin in the rat spinal cord.
黃玲玲 ; Brailoiu ; G. ; Lai ; C.C. ; Chen ; C.-T. ; Hwang ; L.-L. ; Lin ; H.H. ; and Dun ; N.J.
[生理學科] 會議論文
The circadian related genes expression on peripheral tissues in high fat diet-induced obesity mice.
黃玲玲 ; Hsieh MC ; Hwang LL ; Shieh KR
[生理學科] 會議論文
An electrophysiological study of the actions of leptin in rat dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
黃玲玲 ; Hwang LL ; Li TL ; ; ;
[生理學科] 會議論文
Impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning performance in diet-induced obese male, not female, mice.
黃玲玲 ; Hwang LL ; Wang CH ; Li TL ; Chen CP ; Chang SD ; Chen CT ; Liang KC ; Chiou ; LC
[生理學科] 會議論文
Effects of leptin in rat dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
黃玲玲 ; Hwang LL ; Li TL ; ; ;
[生理學科] 會議論文
Impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning memory performance in high-fat diet-induced obese male, but not female, mice
黃玲玲 ; Wang CH ; Hwang LL ; Li TL ; Chen CT ; Chen CP ; Chiou LC
[生理學科] 會議論文
Anti-angiogenic Effects of Tubulin-Interacting Agents.
黃玲玲 ; Tung ; F.-F. ; Wang ; H.-S. ; Chen ; C.-T. ; Hwang ; L.-L. ;
[生理學科] 會議論文
Effects of high-fat diet on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning memory behavior in male and female adult mice.
黃玲玲 ; Chiou ; L.-C. ; Wang ; C.-H. ; Hwang ; L.-L. ; Chen ; C.-T. ; Chan ; M.-D. ; Chen ; C.-P.
[生理學科] 會議論文
Central pressor effects of CART peptides in anesthetized rats
黃玲玲 ; Hwang LL ; Chen CT ; Li TL ; ;
[生理學科] 會議論文
Age-dependet changes of synpatic plasticity in hippocampal slices from normal and APP695SWE transgenic mice
黃玲玲 ; Wang CH ; Chyan YJ ; Chen CT ; Hwang LL ; Wu RY ; Chiou LC
[生理學科] 會議論文
Dioxin alters intracellular calcium homeostasis in cortical neurons
黃玲玲 ; Lin CH ; Lee WS ; Sun YY ; Chang SF ; Yang LY ; Hwang LL ; Leu SJ ; Lee YH
[生理學科] 會議論文
Intrathecal orexins reduce incision-induced allodynia in a postoperative pain rat model.
黃玲玲 ; Chou RC-C ; Hwang L-L ; Cheng J-K and Chiou L-C
[生理學科] 會議論文
Effects of leptin in dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in rat brain slices.
黃玲玲 ; Li T-L and Hwang L-L
[生理學科] 會議論文
A Simple Quantitative Method for Evaluation of Angiogenesis Activity.
黃玲玲 ; Wang H-. ; Sue H-F ; Lee K-M ; Chen C-T and Hwang L-L
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Sonoporation-mediated anti-angiogenic gene transfer into muscle effectively regresses distant orthotopic tumors
ZK, Liao ; KC, Tsai ; Wang, H ; SH, Tseng ; WP, Deng ; WS, Chen ; LH*, Hwang
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
謝明芝 ; 陳啟昌 ; 李潤川 ; 陳榮邦 ; Hsieh MC ; Chan CC ; Lee RC ; Chan WP
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
張博彥 ; 謝明芝 ; 賴映蓉 ; 陳榮邦
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Cetuximab plus chemotherapy as salvage treatment for advanced colorectal cancer in Taiwanese;Experiences in Taipei Medical University Hospital
邱仲峰 ; C ; J ; Tai ; C ; H ; Wu ; C ; S ; Chen ; M ; T ; Huang ; J ; F ; Chiou ; C ; J ; Tai
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Usefulness of Thallium-201 SPECTScintimammography to Differentiate Benign from Malignant Brease Masses in Mammographically Dense Breasts.
邱仲峰 ; Chiou ; JF ; Lin MC ; Cher DR ; Yick F ; Jim ; Kao CH
[放射線學科] 會議論文
MRI of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma with Intramedullary Invasion.
陳榮邦 ; Hsieh MC ; Chan KY ; Chan WP ; ;
[放射線學科] 會議論文
Rhabdomyosarcoma of Left Thigh: MRI Findings.
陳榮邦 ; Chang PY ; Hsieh MC ; Chan WP ; Yu C ;
[放射線學科] 會議論文
Rhabdomyosarcoma of Left Thigh: MRI Findings.
陳榮邦 ; Chang PY ; Hsieh MC ; Chan WP ; Yu C ;
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Lipid metabolism in hypercholesterolemic rats affected by feeding cholesterol-free diets containing different amounts of undialyzed soybean protein fraction.
陳俊榮 ; Chen ; JR ; Chiou ; SF ; Suetsuna ; K ; Yang ; HY ; and Yang ; SC
[病理學科] 期刊論文
SCUBE2 suppresses breast tumor cell proliferation and confers a favorable prognosis in invasive breast cancer.
陳志榮 ; Cheng CJ ; Lin YC ; Tsai MT ; Chen CS ; Hsieh MC ; Chen CL ; Yang RB
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Advanced gastric cancer with long-term survivals for over ten years: Report of a case
鄭建睿 ; Chan TS ; Lien GS ; Cheng YS ; Hsieh MC ; Cheng CJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater
方嘉郎 ; Fang CL ; Chu JS ; Hsieh MC ; Wu MS ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater
朱娟秀 ; Fang CL ; Chu JS ; Hsieh MC ; Wu MS ;
[神經學科] 期刊論文
Characteristics of Alzheimer's Disease among Patients in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Beijing
YH, Yang ; Wang, H ; Lam, Lam L ; WC, Chan ; Yu, X ; Li, T ; WF, Wang ; PY, Chiu ; YT, Lin ; CJ, Hu ; JL, Fuh ; JC, Morris
[神經學科] 期刊論文
Characteristics of Alzheimer's Disease among Patients in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Beijing
YH, Yang ; Wang, H ; Lam, Lam L ; WC, Chan ; Yu, X ; Li, T ; WF, Wang ; PY, Chiu ; YT, Lin ; CJ, Hu ; JL, Fuh ; JC, Morris
[通識教育中心] 會議論文
A Preliminary Study of Pulse Analysis on Acute Hemorrhage
潘力誠 ; Lin Y. N. ; Hwang L. L ; Yang L. Y. ; Pan L. C.
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
Bibilometric Analysis of Process Safety and Environmental Protection
邱文達 ; Wei LM ; Hsieh MC ; Chiu WT ; Lee YS ; Ho YS
[學士後護理學系] 期刊論文
Comparing costs and hospital ownership for thyroidectomy patient.
張文英 ; Lin ; H-C. ; Yang ; C-H. ; Tung ; Y.C. ; Chang ; W-Y.
[醫務管理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Risk of Autism Assoicated with General Anesthesia During Cesarean Delivery: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Chien ; LN ; Lin ; HC ; Shao ; YH ; Chiou ; ST ; Chiou ; HY
[醫務管理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Newly Diagnosed Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Increased the Risk of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease during the First Year following Diagnosis-A Nationwide Population Based Cohort Study
Lin ; YH ; Tsai ; CL ; Chien ; LN ; Chiou ; HY ; Jeng ; C
[醫學系] 考古題
陳金山 ; 馮琮涵 ; 吳慶祥 ; 黃玲玲
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Neuronal mechanisms in obesity-related hypertension: Roles of prolactin-releasing peptide and leptin
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Neuronal mechanisms in obesity-related hypertension: Roles of prolactin-releasing peptide and
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Neuronal Mechanisms in Obesity-Related Hypertension
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Effects of Obesity-Related Peptides on Neurons of Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus in Rats (III)
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Effects of Obesity-Related Peptides on Neurons of Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus in Rats (III)
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Effects of Obesity-Related Peptides on Neurons of Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus in Rats (II)
[醫學系] 計畫報告
Effects of Obesity-Related Peptides on Neurons of Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus in Rats (I)
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 in rat arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation.
李文森 ; Lai K ; Wang H ; Lee WS ; Jain MK ; Lee ME and Haber E
[醫學資訊研究所] 期刊論文
Saturable absorber–based single-longitudinal mode tunable fiber laser using a Faraday rotator mirror as the rear cavity end
Wang, H ; HW, Chiu ; SK, Liaw ; CC, Fan
[醫學資訊研究所] 期刊論文
Predicting blood pressure change caused by rapid injection of propofol during Anesthesia Induction with a Logistic Regression Model
李友專 ; Rau RH ; Li YC ; Cheng JK ; Chen CC ; Ko YP ; Huang CJ
[藥學系] 考古題
[藥學系] 考古題
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Separation and determination of chemical constituents in the roots of rhus javanica L. var. roxburghiana.
李慶國 ; Lee ; TH ; Chiou ; JL ; Lee ; CK ; Kuo ; YH
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Early versus late nutrition support in premature neonates with respiratory distress syndrome
陳香吟 ; 顏瑜萱 ; Ho MY ; Yen YH ; Hsieh MC ; Chen HY ; Chiew SC ; Hua-Lee SM
[護理學系] 考古題
黃玲玲 ; 李文森
[護理學系] 專書
Hu ; S, H. ; Tung ; H, S. ; Chiu ; W, S.
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Gender differences associated with pain intensity and treatment in Taiwanese oncology outpatients
SY, Liang ; TJ, Wang ; SF, Wu ; TC, Tsao ; YH, Chuang ; SL, Tsay ; Tung ; HH ; MD, Lee
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Grief Reactions in Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients in Taiwan
林佳靜 ; Hsieh MC ; Huang MC ; Lai YL ; Lin CC
[護理學系] 期刊論文
Changes in levels of hope after diagnostic disclosure among Taiwanese cancer patients.
林佳靜 ; Lin ; C. ; Tsai ; S.F. ; Chiou ; J.F. ; Lai ; Y.H. ; Kao ; C.C. ; Tsou ; T.S.