[今日北醫] 2016年2月號
[今日北醫] 2021年01月號
范家堃 ; 莊校奇 ; 張君照 ; 郭宜潔 ; 譚家偉
[內科學科] 期刊論文
The C-terminal domain of thrombomodulin regulates monocytes migration with interleukin-6-stimulation
Lin, YW ; Huang, CY ; Shih, CM ; Chang, WL ; Shyue, SK ; Tsai, YT ; Lin, CY ; Lee, CY ; Chang, YJ ; Chang, NC ; Lin, FY
[內科學科] 期刊論文
The Role of calpain-myosin 9-Rab7b pathway in Mediating the Expression of Toll-Like Receptor 4 in Platelets: A Novel Mechanism Involved in a-granules trafficking
Tsai, JC ; Lin, YW ; Huang, CY ; Lin, CY ; Tsai, YT ; Shih, CM ; Lee, CY ; Chen, YH ; Li, CY ; Chang, NC ; Lin, FY ; Tsai, CS
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis Infection among preschool children in kindergartens of Taipei City, Taiwan in 2008.
張君照 ; Chang TK ; Liao CW ; Huang YC ; Chang CC ; Chou CM ; Tsay HC
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Extremely high prevalence and genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus infection among HIV-1 infected injection drug users in Taiwan.
劉永慶 ; Liu JY ; Lin HH ; Liu YC ; Lee SSJ ; Chen YL ; Hung CC ; Ko WC ; Huang CK ; Lai CH ; Chen YS ; Shih YL ; Chung HC ; Liang SH ; Lin JN
[內科學科] 期刊論文
A case of human diphyllobothriasis in northern Taiwan after eating raw fish fillets.
張君照 ; Lou HY ; Tsai PC ; Chang CC ; Lin YH ; Liao CW ; Lin HC
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 考古題
盧盡良 ; 范家堃
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 考古題
盧盡良 ; 范家堃
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among pre-school children aged 1-5 years in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe; Western Africa.
邱弘毅 ; Fan CK ; Hung CC ; Su KE ; Sung FC ; Chiou HY ; Gil V ; Reis Ferreir M d C d ; Carvalho JM d ; Cruz C
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Serological screening and toxoplasmosis exposure factors among pregnant women in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tom and Principe
邱弘毅 ; Hung CC ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Sung FC ; Chiou HY ; Gil V ; da Conceicao dos Reis ; Ferreria M et al.
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among inhabitants in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
邱弘毅 ; Fan CK ; Hung CC ; Su KE ; Chiou HY ; Gil V ; Ferreir Mda Ca ; Tseng LF
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Head injuries in adolescents in Taiwan: a comparison between urban and rural groups
趙馨 ; Chiang MF ; Chiu WT ; Chao HJ ; Chu SF ; Chen SJ ; Hung CC ; Tsai SH
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Pediatric traumatic brain injuries in Taiwan: an 8-year study
邱弘毅 ; Tsai WC ; Chiu WT ; Chiou HY ; Choy CS ; Hung CC ; Tsai SH
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma Gondii Infection among Two Mountain Aboriginal Populations and Southeast Asian Laborers in Taiwan
邱弘毅 ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Wu GH ; Chiou HY
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Work-related psychosocial factors and the risk of musculoskeletal
林慶豐 ; 呂淑妤 ; 蘇千田 ; Su CT ; Lyu SY ; Lin CF ; Fan CK ; Shieh YH ; Chiu WT
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among Atayal aboriginal people and their hunting dogs in northeastern Taiwan
林慶豐 ; 邱弘毅 ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Chung WC ; Tsai YJ ; Chiou HY ; Lin CF
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiological study of hepatitis C virus infection in the Hsin-Chu area, Taiwan.
薛玉梅 ; Hwu NY ; Fan CK ; Chung WC ; Wang CY ; Hsueh YM ; Chen HH ; Lin CF ; Su TT
[公共衛生學科] 期刊論文
The effect of the Taiwan motorcycle helmet law on motorcycle crash fatalities and head injuries.
葉錦瑩 ; Kuo CY ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC ; Pai L ; Hen BC ; Chiou HY ; Yeh CY ; Chen M ; You YC ; Yu CT.
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis infections among preschool children in kindergartens of Taipei City, Taiwan in 2008
范家堃 ; Chang TK ; Liao CW ; Huang YC ; Chang CC ; Chou CM ; Tsay HC ; Huang Alice ; Guu SF ; Kao TC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Blood-brain barrier impairment with enhanced SP, NK-1R, GFAP and Claudin-5 expressions in experimental cerebral toxocariasis.
范家堃 ; Liao CW ; Cho WL ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibition influenced granuloma formation withs uppressed collagen expression in myositis caused by Toxocara canis in mice
范家堃 ; Lin SM ; Liao CW ; Lin YH ; Lee CC ; Kao TC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Brain injury-associated biomarkers of TGF-beta1, S100B, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, AbetaPP, and tau were concomitantly enhanced and the UPS was impaired during acute brain injury caused by Toxocara canis in mice.
范家堃 ; Liao CW ; Fan CK ; Kao TC ; Ji DD ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Cho WL
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Blood-brain barrier impairment with enhanced SP, NK-1R, GFAP and claudin-5 expressions in experimental cerebral toxocariasis.
廖建維 ; Liao CW ; Cho WL ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced expression of transforming growth factor-β1 in inflammatory cells, α-smooth muscle actin in Stellate cells, and collagen accumulation in experimental granulomatous hepatitis caused by Toxocara canis in mice
范家堃 ; Wu MS ; Liao CW ; Du WY ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Chang CC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Brain injury-associated biomarkers of TGF-beta1, S100B, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, AbetaPP, and tau were concomitantly enhanced and the UPS was impaired during acute brain injury caused by Toxocara canis in mice.
廖建維 ; Liao CW ; Fan CK ; Kao TC ; Ji DD ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Cho WL
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Time-dependent persistence of enhanced immune response by a potential probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei NTU 101
范家堃 ; Tsai YT ; Cheng PC ; Fan CK ; Pan TM ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Suppression of host Th1-type granulomatous inflammation by Taenia solium metacestodes is related to down-regulation of osteopontin gene expression
范家堃 ; Wang IC ; Fan PC ; Lu SC ; Fan CK ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Serological screening and toxoplasmosis exposure factors among pregnant women in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
范家堃 ; Hung CC ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Sung FC ; Chiou HY ; Gilf V ; dos Reis Ferreir MC ; de Carval JM ; Cruz C
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among inhabitants in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
范家堃 ; Fan CK ; Hung CC ; Su KE ; Chiou HY ; Gil V ; Ferreira MCR ; Tseng LF
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Case report: A case of human diphyllobothriosis latum after eating raw fish fillets in northern Taiwan
范家? ; Lou HY ; Tsai PC ; Chang CC ; Lin YH ; Liao CW ; Kao TC ; Lin HC ; Lee WC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
A case of human diphyllobothriasis in northern Taiwan after eating raw fish fillets.
廖建維 ; Lou HY ; Tsai PC ; Chang CC ; Lin YH ; Liao CW ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Chang CC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1 in inflammatory cells, alpha-smooth muscle actin in stellate cells, and collagen accumulation in experimental granulomatous hepatitis caused by Toxocara canis in mice.
廖建維 ; Wu MS ; Liao CW ; Du WY ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Chang CC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibition influenced granuloma formation with suppressed collagen expression in myositis caused by Toxocara canis in mice.
廖建維 ; Lin SM ; Liao CW ; Lin YH ; Lee CC ; Kao TC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Angiostrongylus cantonensis: Apoptosis of in inflammatory cells induced by treatment with mebendazole or/and interleukin 12 in mice
范家堃 ; Chuang CC ; Chen CW ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Tsai YT ; Du WY
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Cross-reactions of sera from Ascaris suum, Toxocara canis, and Angiostrongylus cantonensis infected mice with Ascaris suum antigens
范家? ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; ; ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Experimental ocular toxocariasis in mice infected with long-term-maintained embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis
范家? ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Su KE ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced expressions of transforming growth factor-β1 in inflammatory cells and secretory granules in Paneth cells in the small intestine of mice infected with Toxocara canis
范家? ; Fan CK ; Hung CC ; Lin HY ; Li MH ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Larval migratory behavior of long-term-maintained Toxocara canis embryonated eggs in mice
范家? ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Su KE ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitrotyrosine accumulation in experimental granulomatous hepatitis caused by Toxocara canis in mice
范家? ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Chang SF ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis infection among mountain aboriginal schoolchildren living in contaminated districts in eastern Taiwan
范家? ; Fan CK ; Hung CC ; Du WY ; Liao CW ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence of Pediculus capitis infestation among school children of Chinese refugees residing in mountanous areas of northern Thailand.
廖建維 ; Fan CK ; Liao CW ; Wu MS ; Hu NY ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis infection among mountain aboriginal adults in Taiwan.
廖建維 ; Fan CK ; Lan HS ; Hung CC ; Chung WC ; Liao CW ; Du WY ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Combined treatment with interleukin-12 and mebendazole lessened experimental eosinophilic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis in ICR mice
范家? ; Du WY ; Liao JW ; Fan CK ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Infectivity and pathogenicity of 14-month-cultured embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis in mice
范家? ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Du WY ; Su KE
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among Chinese aboriginal and Han people resident in mountainous areas of northern Thailand.
范家? ; Fan CK ; Liao CW ; Wu MS ; Su KE ; Han BC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Determination on evagination and survival of cysticerci of Taenia saginata asiatica in bile of pig.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Wang IC ; Chung WC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Studies on abnormality of metacestodes and adult worms of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata asiatica in rodents and pigs.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Wang IC ; Chung WC ; Guo JX ; Ma XY ; Xu ZJ
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Rodent model for long-term maintenance and development of the viable cysticerci of Taenia saginata asiatica.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Chung WC ; Lu SC ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Epidemiological studies on Enterobius vermicularis infection among aboriginal school children in northern Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chang CK ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence and treatment of Pediculus capitis infestation among school children in northern Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Huang P ; Yen CW
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Oncospheres of Taenia solium and T. saginata asiatica develop into metacestodes in normal and immunosuppressed mice.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Ma YX ; Guo JX ; Chung WC ; Lu SC ; Ito A ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Sexual development of Taenia solium in hamsters form rodent-derived cysticerci.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Guo JX ; Ma YX ; Chung WC ; Lu SC ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Current status of Enterobius vermicularis among school children in Taiwan and offshore islands.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chang KC ; Huang P ; Yen CW
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Current status of enterobius vermicularis in Taiwan and offshore islands.
范家? ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chang KC ; Huang P and Yen CW
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Studies on pediculosis control among school children in Taiwan and offshore areas.
鍾文政 ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chen ER ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among Atayal aboriginal people and their hunting dogs in northeastern Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Chung WC ; Tsai YJ ; Chiou HY ; Lin CF ; Su CT ; Tsai MC ; Chao PH
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Prevalence and chemotherapy of Pediculus capitis infestation among school children in mountainous and plain areas of Pingtung, Kaohsiung, Yunlin, and Ilan counties, Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Yen CW ; Huang P
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 期刊論文
Studies on pediculosis control among school children in Taiwan and offshore areas.
范家? ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chen ER and Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Infectivity and pathogenicity of long-term maintained Toxocara canis embryonated eggs in mice. The 8th Asian-Pacific Congress for Parasitic Zoonoosis and Taiwan-Japan Academic Exchange Congress on Infectious Diseases, Sep.3-4, 2004, Tainan, Taiwan
范家 ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Su KE ;
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Cysticercosis in domestic animals and rodents.
鍾文政 ; Fam PC ; Chung WC ; Guo JX ; Ma XY ; Wang IC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Cysticercosis of human Taeniid in domestic animals and rodenrs.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Guo JX ; Ma XY ; Xu ZJ ; Wang IC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Experimental studies on survival of cysticerci of Taenia saginata asiatica in normal and immunosuppressed mice.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Fan PC ; Chung WC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Studies on abnormality of metacestodes and adult worms of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata asiatica in rodents and pigs.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Wang IC ; Chung WC ; Guo JX ; Ma XY ; Xu ZJ
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among Atayal aborigines, Hsin-Chue county, Paiwan, Bunun, and Amis aborigines in Taitung county.
鍾文政 ; Fan CK ; Liao CW ; Kao TC ; Hwu NY ; Tsai YJ ; Chung WC ; Che YS ; Lin CF
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Studies of Pediculus capitis infestation among school children in Taiwan and offshore with a special emphasize on evaluation of pediculosis control program in the past years.
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Mass metacestodes of Taenia saginata asiatica development within tumor-like cysts in severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID) mice.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Chung WC ; Lu SC ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Pathological studies in visceral organs of ICR strain mice infected with Toxocara canis.
鍾文政 ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Chung WC ; Su KE ; Lu JL ; Kao TC ; Liao CW ; Tsai YJ
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among Atayal aborigines and local animals in Nan-ao district, Ilan county and Jen-ai district, Nan-tou county, Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Chung WC ; Tsai YJ ; Chiol HY ; Lin CF ; Su CT ; Chao PH
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Survey of intestinal parasitic infection among alien labourers.
鍾文政 ; Chung WC ; Chang LS ; Lin JR ; Fan CK ; Lu JL
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Studies on prevalence and treatment of pediculosis capitis among school children in Taiwan and offshore islands in 3 years(1995-1998).
鍾文政 ; Fan PC ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Huang P ; Yen CW ; Chang KC ; Chen ER
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Sexual Development of Taenia solium from rodent to rodent.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Kuo CH ; Ma YX ; Chung WC ; Lu SC ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
范秉真 ; 鍾文政 ; 范家 ; 張克儉 黃萍 ; 顏至蔚
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among dogs in Taipei, Taiwan.
鍾文政 ; Fan CK ; Tsai YJ ; Chung WC ; Chang JS ; Chao PH
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Study on intestinal parasite infections among alien labourers (The 3rd year report)
鍾文政 ; Chung WC ; Chang LS ; Lin JR ; Fan CK ; Lu JL
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Studies on pediculosis control among school children in Taiwan and offshore areas.
鍾文政 ; Chung WC ; Fan CK ; Chen ER ; Fan PC
[分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科] 會議論文
Oncospheres of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata asiatica decelop into metacestodes in normal, immunosuppressed and immunodeficent mice.
鍾文政 ; Wang IC ; Ma XY ; Kuo CH ; Chung WC ; Fan PC
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
SRC family kinases mediate betel quid-induced oral cancer cell motility and could be a biomarker for early invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
劉巡宇 ; Chen JY ; hung CC ; Hung KL ; Chen YT ; Liu SY ; JOU YS
[牙醫學系] 期刊論文
Involvement of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in oral cancer cell motility: a novel biological function of MAP2 in non-neuronal cells
劉巡宇 ; Liu SY ; Chen YT ; Tseng MY ; Hung CC ; Chiang WF ; Chen JY
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Neurotrauma research in Taiwan
林家瑋 ; Lin J W ; Tsai JT ; Lin CM ; Hung KS ; Hung CC ; Chiu WT
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Intracranial pressure fluctuation during hemodialysis in renal failure patients with intracranial hemorrhage
林家瑋 ; Lin CM ; Lin JW ; Tsai JT ; Ko CP ; Hung KS ; Hung CC ; Su YK ; Wei L ; Chiu WT ; Lee LM
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced immune response by amphotericin B following NS1 protein prime-oral recombinant Salmonella vaccine boost vaccination protects mice from dengue virus challenge
王先震 ; Liu WT ; Lin WT ; Tsai CC ; Chuang CC ; Liao CL ; Lin HC ; Hung YW ; Huang SS ; Liang CC ; Hsu HL ; Wang HJ ; Liu YT
[生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科] 期刊論文
Requirement of nuclear localization and transcriptional activity of p53 for its targeting to the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) nuclei in zebrafish embryo and its use for apoptosis assay.(in press)
周志銘 ; Chen GD ; Chou CM ; L. Hwang SP ; Wang FF ; Chen YC ; Hung CC ; Chen JY ; Huang CJ
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Blood-brain barrier impairment with enhanced SP; NK-1R; GFAP and Claudin-5 expressions in experimental cerebral toxocariasis.
林永和 ; Liao CW ; Cho WL ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Fan CK*
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Enhanced expression of transforming growth factor-β1 in inflammatory cells; α- smooth muscle actin in Stellate cells; and collagen accumulation in experimental granulomatous hepatitis caused by Toxocara canis in mice.
林永和 ; Wu MS ; Liao CW ; Du WY ; Kao TC ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Chang CC ; Fan CK*
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Case report: A case of human diphyllobothriosis latum after eating raw fish fillets in northern Taiwan
林永和 ; Lou HY ; Tsai PC ; Chang CC ; Lin YH ; Liao CW ; Kao TC ; Lin HC ; Lee WC ; Fan CK*
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Experimental Ocular Toxocariasis in Mice Infected with Long-term-maintained Embryonated Eggs of Toxocara canis
林永和 ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Su KE ;
[病理學科] 期刊論文
Seroepidemiologic survery of Dirofilaria immitis infection among domestic dogs in Taipei City and mountain aboriginal distributs in Taiwan (1998-1999)
林永和 ; Fan CK ; Su KE ; Lin YH ; Liao CW ; Du WY ; Chiou HY
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Neoadjuvant Leuplin treatment reduces the operation time and blood loss and pelvic adhesion of laparoscopic enucleation of endometriomas
曾啟瑞 ; Chen PH ; Chuang CC ; Chen D ; Hsu HC ; Tzeng CR
[婦產學科] 會議論文
Treatment of VWD patient with OHSS by abdominal tapping complicated by subcutaneous hematomas – Case report
曾啟瑞 ; Chen PH ; Chuang CC ; Chen D ; Hsu HC ; Tzeng CR
[麻醉學科] 期刊論文
Cilostazol Attenuates MCP-1 and MMP-9 Expression in vivo in LPS-administrated Balloon-injured rabbit aorta and in vitro in LPS-Treated THP-1 Cells
林豐彥 ; Tsai CS ; Lin FY ; Chen YH ; Yang TL ; Huang GS ; Lin CY ; Tsai YT ; Li CY
[復健學科] 會議論文
Comparison of Effectiveness of Supervised Aerobic Exercise and Home Exercise in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
陳適卿 ; Hsieh LF ; Chuang CC ; Chen WS ; Chen SC
[傷害防治學研究所] 計畫報告
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries in Taiwan: An 8-year Study
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Tsai WC ; Chiou HY ; Choy CS ; Hung CC ; Tsai SH
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on patients with traumatic brain injury.
邱文達 ; 洪國盛 ; Lin JW ; Lin CM ; Lee CC ; HUNG CC ; Hung KS ; Wei-Yi Chen ; Li Wei ; Chung-Po Ko ; Yu-Kai Su ; Wen-T
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries in Taiwan An 8-year study
邱文達 ; ChiuWT ; Tsai WC ; ChiouHY ; ChoyCS ; Hung CC ; TsaiSH
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Epidemiologic Study and Prevention of TBI in Taiwan - A 10-year Experience.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC ; Shih CJ
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Features of Spinal Cord Injury in Developing Country.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Features of traumatic intracranial hematomas in Taiwan
邱文達 ; Hung CC ; Chiu WT
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Head Injury and the Motorcycle Helmet Law in Taiwan.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Kuo CY ; Hung CC ; Chen Marcelo
[傷害防治學研究所] 期刊論文
Relationship between loss of consciousness, skull fracture, and intracranial hematomas: analysis of 16464 cases. 11th International Congress of Neurological Surgery.
邱文達 ; Chen SY ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC ; Lee LS
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries in Taiwan An 8-year study
邱文達 ; ChiuWT ; Tsai WC ; ChiouHY ; ChoyCS ; Hung CC ; TsaiSH
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Epidemiologic Study and Prevention of TBI in Taiwan - A 10-year Experience.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC ; Shih CJ
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Features of Spinal Cord Injury in Developing Country.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Features of traumatic intracranial hematomas in Taiwan
邱文達 ; Hung CC ; Chiu WT
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Head Injury and the Motorcycle Helmet Law in Taiwan.
邱文達 ; Chiu WT ; Kuo CY ; Hung CC ; Chen Marcelo
[傷害防治學研究所] 會議論文
Relationship between loss of consciousness, skull fracture, and intracranial hematomas: analysis of 16464 cases. 11th International Congress of Neurological Surgery.
邱文達 ; Chen SY ; Chiu WT ; Hung CC ; Lee LS
[醫務管理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Survey of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in Taiwan.
楊哲銘 ; Lin JW ; Tsai SH ; Tsai WC ; Chiu WT ; Chu SF ; Lin CM ; Yang CM ; Hung CC
[醫學系] 考古題
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Enhanced inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitrotyrosine accumulation in experimental granulomatous hepatitis caused by Toxocara canis
張淑芬 ; Fan CK ; Lin YH ; Hung CC ; Chang SF ; Su KE
[醫學資訊研究所] 期刊論文
Traumatic brain injury registry in taiwan.
李友專 ; Chiu WT ; Yeh KH ; Li YC ; Gan YH ; Chen HY ; Hung CC
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 考古題
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Process Development of an Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) for Biomedical Applications
何秀娥 ; 許明照 ; Chen RN ; Ho HO ; Tsai YT ; Sheu MT
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Viscoelastic characterizations of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) preparations for use as injectable implants
何秀娥 ; 許明照 ; Ho HO ; Tsai YT ; Chen RN ; Sheu MT
[護理學系] 考古題
范家堃 ; 盧盡良
[護理學系] 考古題
盧盡良 ; 范家堃
[護理學系] 考古題
范家堃 ; 盧盡良