"YH, Chen"的相关文件
显示 54 项.
[口腔衛生學系] 期刊論文
Pregnancy outcomes of anti-hypertensives for women with chronic hypertension: a population-based study
CY, Su ; HC, Lin ; HC, Cheng ; AMF, Yen ; YH, Chen ; Kao, S
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Thrombomodulin gene polymorphism (C1418T) is associated with the development of coronary allograft vasculopathy
CS, Tsai ; nYW, Li ; CC, Shih ; YH, Chen ; CY, Lin ; YT, Tsai ; FY, Lin
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Relationship between the distribution of cefepime minimum inhibitory concentrations and detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production among clinically important Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan:
SS, Jean ; WS, Lee ; KJ, Bai ; Lam, C ; CW, Hsu ; KW, Yu ; CH, Liao ; FY, Chang ; WC, Ko ; JJ, Wu ; YH, Chen ; YS, Chen ; JW, Liu ; MC, Lu ; CY, Liu ; RJ, Chen ; PR, Hsueh
[內科學科] 期刊論文
Suppression of voltage-gated Na+ channels and neuronal excitability by imperatorin
KC, Wu ; YH, Chen ; KS, Cheng ; KuoYH ; CT, Yang ; RSC, Wu ; KL, Wong ; YK, Tu ; Chan, P ; YM, Leung
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 其他
Associations among Eczema, Asthma, Serum Immunoglobulin E and Depression in Adults: A Population-Based Study
YW, Yang ; KC, Tseng ; YH, Chen ; JY, Yang
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Psychiatric Diseases Predated the Occurrence of Parkinson's Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study
HL, Lin ; HC, Lin ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Adequate prenatal care reduces the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with history of infertility: a nationwide population-based study
Alibekova, R ; JP, Huang ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Biological correlates of psychological states among young children: a cross-sectional examination of roles of aspartate transaminase/alanine aminotransferase, insulin, and cytokines
KH, Chung ; CM, Hu ; YR, Chen ; HY, Chiou ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
?Reconstruction of exposed cohort and cumulative dose of radio-contaminated building residents for epidemiological study - Updated information
SO, Chiang ; CH, Chen ; CJ, Tung ; Chou, P ; Whang-Peng, J ; HY, Chiou ; CJ, Chen ; YH, Chen ; LH, Yu ; JY, Chang ; Jyuhn-Hsiarn, Lee L ; SH, Liou
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Subsequent Risk of Depressive Disorder: A Population-based Follow-up Study
YH, Chen ; JK, Keller ; JH, Kang ; HJ, Hsieh ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Adequate prenatal care reduces the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with history of infertility: a nationwide population-based study
Alibekova, R ; JP, Huang ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Use of arsenic-induced palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and skin cancers to predict risk of subsequent internal malignancy
LI, Hsu ; GS, Chen ; CH, Lee ; TY, Yang ; YH, Chen ; YM, Hsueh ; HY, Chiou ; MM, Wu ; CJ, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Risk Factors Correlated With Risk of Insulin Resistance Using Homeostasis Model Assessment in Adolescents in Taiwan
SY, Lin ; CT, Su ; YC, Hsieh ; YL, Li ; YR, Chen ; SY, Cheng ; CM, Hu ; YH, Chen ; FI, Hsieh ; HY, Chiou
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Pneumonia and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Nationwide Population-based Study
YH, Chen ; Keller, J ; IT, Wang ; CC, Lin ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A Method for Analyzing Clustered Interval-censored Data Based on Cox’s Model
CT, Kor ; KF, Cheng ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Increased risks of parkinsonism in the three years after chronic renal failure
HL, Lin ; HC, Lin ; YH, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Increased Risk of Schizophrenia Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study in Taiwan
YH, Chen ; WT, Chiu ; SF, Chu ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Population-Based Study Suggests Increased Risk of Stroke
YH, Chen ; JH, Kang ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Increased Mortality Risk among Offspring of Mothers with Postnatal Depression: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Taiwan
YH, Chen ; SY, Tsai ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Poor Clinical Outcomes among Pneumonia Patients with Schizophrenia
YH, Chen ; HC, Lin ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Deliberate self-harm by Taiwanese adolescents
MH, Tsai ; YH, Chen ; CD, Chen ; CY, Hsiao ; CH, Chien
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Stabilization of nickel-laden sludge by a high-temperature NiCr2O4 synthesis process
NH, Li ; YH, Chen ; CY, Hu ; CH, Hsieh ; SL, Lo
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Biodiesel production in a rotating packed bed using K/?-Al2O3 solid catalyst
YH, Chen ; YH, Hung ; NC, Lin ; NY, Shang ; CY, Chang ; CC, Chang ; PC, Chiang ; CH, Hu
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferase (GST) superfamily and risk of arsenic-induced urothelial carcinoma in residents of southwestern Taiwan
LI, Hsu ; WP, Chen ; TY, Yang ; YH, Chen ; WC, Lo ; YH, Wang ; YT, Liao ; YM, Hsueh ; HY, Chiou ; MM, Wu ; CJ, Chen
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Association between social climate for smoking and youth smoking behaviors in Taiwan: an ecological study
YH, Chen ; PL, Chen ; WG, Huang ; HY, Chiou ; CY, Hsu ; KY, Chao
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Risk of Death by Unnatural Causes During Early Childhood in Offspring of Parents With Mental Illness
YH, Chen ; HY, Chiou ; CH, Tang ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Prevalence and Risk of Atopic Disorders Among Schizophrenia Patients: A Nationwide Population Based Study
YH, Chen ; HC, Lee ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Panic Disorder - Do Panic Attacks during Pregnancy Matter?
YH, Chen ; HC, Lin ; HC, Lee
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Significant Effects of Implementation of Health-Promoting Schools on Schoolteachers’ Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Intake in Taiwan
YH, Chen ; CY, Yeh ; YM, Lai ; ML, Hsu ; KC, Huang ; HY, Chiou
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Increased Risk of Schizophrenia Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study in Taiwan
YH, Chen ; WT, Chiu ; SF, Chu ; HC, Lin
[公共衛生學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Tuberculosis and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke. A 3-Year Follow-Up Study
JJ, Sheu ; HY, Chiou ; JH, Kang ; YH, Chen ; HC, Lin
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Protein Expression in the Cerebral Cortex after Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
YH, Chen ; YH, Chiang ; HI, Ma
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Clinical Evaluation of CyberKnife in the Treatment of Vestibular Schwannomas Volume
JT, Tsai ; JW, Lin ; CM, Lin ; YH, Chen ; HI, Ma ; YM, Jen ; YH, Chen ; DT, and Ju
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Dopamine Release Impairment in Striatum after Different Levels of Cerebral Cortical Fluid Percussion Injury
YH, Chen ; EY, Huang ; TT, Kuo ; HI, Ma ; BJ, Hoffer ; PF, Tsui ; JJ, Tsai ; YC, Chou ; YH, Chiang
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Remote Effects on the Striatal Dopamine System after Fluid Percussion Injury
EYK, Huang ; TH, Tsai ; TT, Kuo ; JJ, Tsai ; PF, Tsui ; YC, Chou ; HI, Ma ; YH, Chiang ; YH, Chen
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Amantadine ameliorates dopamine-releasing deficits and behavioral deficits in rats after fluid percussion injury
EY, Huang ; PF, Tsui ; TT, Kuo ; JJ, Tsai ; YC, Chou ; HI, Ma ; YH, Chiang ; YH, Chen
[外科學科] 期刊論文
Postnatal systemic inflammation exacerbates impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity in an animal seizure model
YH, Chen ; TT, Kuo ; MT, Chu ; HI, Ma ; YH, Chiang ; EY, Huang
[生醫材料暨組織工程研究所] 期刊論文
Extracellular Matrix Regulated Neural Differentiation of Human Multipotent Marrow Progenitor Cells Enhance Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury
WP, Deng ; CC, Yang ; LY, Yang ; CW, Chen ; WH, Chen ; CB, Yang ; YH, Chen ; WF, Lai ; Renshaw, Perry
[呼吸治療學系] 期刊論文
Carbapenem susceptibility among Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterobacter cloacae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan in 2005, 2007, and 2009
SS, Jean ; WS, Lee ; KJ, Bai ; KW, Yu ; CW, Hsu ; KW, Yu ; CH, Liao ; FY, Chang ; WC, Ko ; JJ, Wu ; YH, Chen ; YS, Chen ; JW, Liu ; MC, Lu ; CY, Liu ; RJ, Chen ; PR, Hsueh
[呼吸治療學系] 期刊論文
Relationship between the distribution of cefepime minimum inhibitory concentrations and detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production among clinically important Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan
SS, Jean ; WS, Lee ; KJ, Bai ; Lam, C ; CW, Hsu ; KW, Yu ; CH, Liao ; FY, Chang ; WC, Ko ; JJ, Wu ; YH, Chen ; YS, Chen ; JW, Liu ; MC, Lu ; CY, Liu ; RJ, Chen ; PR, Hsueh
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Endovascular stenting of an extracranial-intracranial bypass stenosis
YH, Chen ; CJ, Chen ; YS, Kuo ; YC, Tseng
[放射線學科] 期刊論文
Clinical Evaluation of CyberKnife in the Treatment of
JT, Tsai ; JW, Lin ; CM, Lin ; YH, Chen ; YM, Jen ; YH, Chen
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
A diet enriched with polyphenols from Oriental plums (Prunus salicina) improved cognitive functions and lowered brain cholesterol levels and expressions of neurodegenerative-related proteins in mice fed high - cholesterol diets
PH, Kuo ; CI, Lin ; YH, Chen ; WC, Chiu ; SH, Lin
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 期刊論文
Palmitic acid induced neuron cell cycle G2/M arrest and endoplasmic reticular stress through protein palmitoylation in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells
YH, Hsiao ; CI, Lin ; Liao, H ; YH, Chen ; SH, Lin
[保健營養學系暨研究所] 會議論文
Effects of perilla oil on bone loss in ovariectominzed rats
YS, Chiu ; CC, Huang ; YH, Chen ; WC, Chiu
[急診學科] 期刊論文
The physiological effects and quality of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation at sea level and high altitude
JC, Wang ; SH, Tsai ; YL, Chen ; CW, Hsu ; KC, Lai ; WI, Liao ; LY, Li ; WF, Kao ; JS, Fan ; YH, Chen
[解剖學暨細胞生物學科] 期刊論文
Perturbation of cytosolic calcium by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate and caffeine affects zebrafish myofibril alignment
HR, Wu ; TH, Fong ; SL, Chen ; JC, Wei ; IJ, Wang ; CC, Wen ; CY, Chang ; XG, Chen ; WY, Chen ; HM, Chen ; IL, Horng ; YH, Chen
[解剖學暨細胞生物學科] 期刊論文
Toxicity assessments of chalcone and some synthetic chalcone analogues in a zebrafish model
YT, Lee ; TH, Fong ; HM, Chen ; CY, Chang ; YH, Wang ; CY, Chern ; YH, Chen
[醫學科學研究所] 期刊論文
Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Nitric Oxide Production in Reciprocal Interactions of Glioma and Microglial Cells
SC, Shen ; MS, Wu ; HY, Lin ; LY, Yang ; YH, Chen ; YC, Chen
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
PA1 mutation induced mitochondrial nucleoid disruption leading to mitochondrial genome instability and respiratory chain dysfunction
YH, Chen ; HH, Wang ; CH, Lo ; YL, Yeh ; YC, Chen ; IC, Liu ; CY, Huang ; MY, Yen ; SH, Kao
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
OPA1 mutation induced oxidative insult, respiration chain uncoupling, and mitochondrial genome disintegrity
YH, Chen ; HH, Wang ; CH, Lo ; YL, Yeh ; MY, Yen ; SH, Kao
[醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系所] 會議論文
OPA1 in mitochondrial structural network organization and bioenergetics
SH, Kao ; MY, Yen ; YL, Yeh ; AL, Lin ; YH, Chen
[藥理學科] 期刊論文
Modeling pegylated liposomal doxorubicin-induced hand-foot syndrome and intestinal mucositis in zebrafish
YH, Chen ; YT, Lee ; CC, Wen ; YC, Chen ; YJ, Chen
[藥學系] 期刊論文
Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Receiving Zolpidem during Pregnancy
LH, Wang ; HC, Lin ; CC, Lin ; YH, Chen ; HC, Lin