摘要: | 本研究旨在了解醫療照護提供者對負壓隔離區之用後觀感及各樣本醫院在負壓隔離區設置後之益本比是否具顯著差異,並探討其相關之影響因素。本研究透過4場的焦點團體座談、9場次的實地訪查,及問卷調查方式進行。使用者用後觀感調查有效樣本為286份,有效樣本回收率為71.5%,益本比分析調查有效樣本為31份,有效樣本回收率為31.31%。另收集加拿大、英國、美國、澳洲及臺灣有關負壓隔離區設計指引彙整討論。
三、對後續研究者而言,該領域實證研究文獻極少,後續研究者可針對此議題進一步探討。 The major purposes of this study were to performe post-occupancy evaluations and cost-benefit analysis of negative-pressure isolation rooms in Taiwanese hospitals. The researchers held 4 focus group discussions, performed 9 field observations, and questionnaire surveys. A total of 286 questionnaires for the post-occupancy evaluations were collected, yielding a response rate of 71.5%. A total of 31 hospital questionnaires for the cost-benefit analysis were collected, yielding a response rate of 31.31%. In addition, the guidelines for designing negative-pressure isolation rooms of Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America and Taiwan were also compared for further suggestions.
Post-occupancy evaluations were carried out from 4 different perspectives, economic, functional, technical, and behavioral. The major findings were listed below:
1. From the economic perspective, the staffs in non-government hospitals tend to have a better understanding of the performance of negative-pressure isolation rooms.
2. From the functional perspective, staffs who had more experience in using the negative- pressure isolation rooms were able to evaluate the function of the negative-pressure isolation rooms.
3. From the technical perspective, staffs from hospitals, which are belong to the Infectious Disease Control Network, and non-government hospitals tend to have more knowledge on the technical performance of the negative-pressure isolation rooms.
4. From the behavioral perspective, age and educational levels of staff were associated with staff’s satisfaction in working environment of negative-pressure isolation rooms.
5. Results of the cost-benefit analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the cost-benefit ratio in terms of hospital accreditation levels, hospital locations and membership of the Infectious Disease Control Network.
6. The Taiwanese government set up the design guideline of negative-pressure isolation rooms just after the SARS epidemic of 2003. Therefore, compare to other countries, Taiwanese guideline has the highest standard in many aspects.. In order to abide by the guideline, hospitals will need to spend more operational expenses. Therefore, the current guidline should be reviewed to construct negative-pressure isolation rooms in the most cost-effective way.
Based on these findings, the suggestions were listed as follows:
1. The Taiwan CDC should subsidize those hospitals which are more cost-effective in operating negative-pressure isolation rooms.
2. Hospital administrators should further understand the needs of the staff and improve the working environment of negative-pressure isolation rooms.
3. Future researchers may test actual pressure differentials to examine the function of the negative-pressure isolation rooms. |