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    Title: 認知行為治療團體對憂鬱青少年的治療成效之研究
    The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups with Depressed Adolescents
    Authors: 余葳貞
    Wei-Zhen Yu
    Contributors: 護理學研究所
    Keywords: 認知行為團體治療
    Cognitive behavioral group therapy
    Parental support and education group
    Depressed adolescents
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 15:38:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的為探討憂鬱青少年認知行為治療團體之實施成效,研究設計採類實驗法,研究對象為選取自北市某公立高中具憂鬱及自殺傾向之高中生,研究工具包括兒童憂鬱量表、自殺意念量表、認知三角及檢測唾液中Cortisol的濃度,研究對象在進行前測篩檢後,經研究對象及父母同意後,分為三組:認知行為團體治療輔以父母支持衛教(A組)、認知行為團體治療(B組)及控制組閣C組)。統計方法採用描述性及推論性統計方法,以檢視認知行為治療團體的成效。研究結果發現實驗A、B組均較控制C組在憂鬱症狀方面有明顯的進步;自殺意念量及認知三角方面,實驗A組亦較其他B、C兩組在得分上有明顯的改善。結果顯示認知行為團體治療,尤其再輔以父母支持及衛教團體,能有效改善憂鬱及自殺傾向青少年的憂鬱症狀、自殺意念及認知型態。本研究結果有助護理人員運用認知行為治療及父母支持及衛教團體以預防青少年憂鬱及自殺。
    The purpose of the present study was to develop a localized program of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups with depressed adolescents. By carrying the unit out, and assessing the comparisons and analysis of the effectiveness of this program. The research design was to adopt the experimental method and the subjects are the high school students with depressed tendency. The research instruments used included the Children’s Depression Inventory, the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation, the Cognitive Triad Inventory, and concentration test of the cortisol in saliva. After these subjects selected by above tests, with their and their parents’ agreement, separated them into three groups by their leisure and convenience. ( Group A : Treatment for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and mental support education for parents. Group B : Treatment for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Group C : Controlled waiting list. ) Statistics method is a descriptive and ratiocinated method to test the results of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In Children’s Depression Inventory, Both the Group A and B are more significant improving than Group C. Such as in the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation and the Cognitive Triad Inventory, Group A is also more outstanding significantly different with notable better scored than the other two group. Therefore, to assess the influences of the mental support education for parents acceded to Group A in dissertation, including the factors of the - parent-child interaction in disciplining filiations, communication pattern, and the social sources increasing, etc. But also the courses of much slowly response in Group B, and the aid of initiation of individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy consult in tracing period for three months. The results of this research will help driving the policy of prevention of depressed and, suicide adolescents, and also expanding the playing roles of these nursing personnel in mental health prevention in schools.
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing] Dissertation/Thesis

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