摘要: | 近年來,國內醫院經營環境丕變,醫療院所的管理者為了提升醫院的競爭力,並達到永續經營之目標,無不戮力於內部作業效率及效能的提升,以因應經營環境的挑戰。在新經濟時代,知識已成為企業最重要的資產,而有效地管理及運用知識,將成為企業管理的重要議題,然而資訊科技則是最有效之輔助工具。本研究依循著知識管理的理念,建構Web-Based之醫院知識共享平台,提供及時、個人化之資訊服務,使得組織成員可以透過瀏覽器,進行知識的分類、儲存、搜尋、擴散、分享、創新等活動,將員工個人的知識活化為組織的智慧動能,轉化成醫院的核心競爭力,並將知識管理之理念,落實於醫院日常作業活動中。
Recently, medical business environment change rapidly, the managers are striving to promote internal management capability energetically in order to adapt the fast changing environment and keep sustainable advantages. In the age of knowledge economy, the knowledge has become the most important asset of enterprise, it will be a significant issue in managing and applying knowledge effectively. IT can provide helpfulness in acquiring, saving, accumulating, applying, creating and managing knowledge effectively, to make KM work. This research based on a comprehensive literature review, takes personalized information service platform as the example, and constructs a web-based hospital knowledge-sharing platform in order to help the members to carry out knowledge management activity in the hospital. |