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生藥學研究所 >
简介: 台北醫學大學有關生藥之研究,起始於民國五十二年(一九六三年),台北醫學院首任院長故徐千田博士遠赴日本國立京都大學禮聘顏焜熒教授返國,建立首座植物化學研究室,除負責本學院生藥學及中藥相關化學課程之教學外,亦是本學校研究生藥之骨幹。於民國七十二年,本校第一所研究所-藥學研究所成立時,招收首屆生藥組碩士班學生,並於民國七十五年成立博士班。七十九年十二月胡俊弘院長為配合健康科學大學之設立,擴大藥學院之架構,向教育部提出「生藥學研究所」之申請,隔年十一月十八日奉教育部台 (80) 高 61500字號函核准,並經院務會議通過,成立台灣第一所「生藥學研究所」,由顏焜熒教授擔任首任所長。第一屆碩士班研究生於八十一年六月正式招生,而於八十三年六月有第一屆畢業生,同年八月由楊玲玲教授接任第二任所長,直至八十九年七月屆滿。其後行政業務由李美賢副教授及徐鳯麟教授暫代,九十年八月續由徐鳯麟教授正式接掌本所,積極新聘兼任教師,規劃教學、研究及課程之整合。並於李美賢副教授、王靜瓊副教授、侯文琪副教授、陳彥州副教授、梁文俐助理教授之外,陸續增聘李慶國教授、李宗徽助理教授、盧重光助理教授、楊文彬助理教授、蔡祐輔助理教授等,增加教學陣容。自成立至九十五學年度為止,已孕育了十四屆畢業生。
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显示 25 项.
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Glycine hydroxamate inhibits tyrosinase activity and melanin contents through downregulating cAMP/PKA signaling pathways
YS, Lin ; WC, Wu ; SY, Lin ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Effects of yam dioscorin interventions on improvements of the metabolic syndrome in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
SL, Shih ; YS, lin ; SY, Lin ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Neurocytoprotective Effects of Aliphatic Hydroxamates from Lovastatin, a Secondary Metabolite from Monascus-Fermented Red Mold Rice, in 6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-Treated Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-Differentiated PC12 Cells
CM, Lin ; TY, Lin ; RD, Lin ; WJ, Huang ; MH, Lee
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Development of an Anti-Methoxy Poly(ethylene glycol) (α-mPEG) Cell-Based Capture System to Measure mPEG and mPEGylated Molecules
Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang ; Kao, Chien-Han ; Roffler, Steve R. ; Lu, Ssu-Jung ; Cheng, Ta-Chun ; Wang, Yun-Ming ; Chuang, Chih-Hung ; Hsieh, Yuan-Chin ; Wang, Yeng-Tseng ; Weng, Kuo-Yi ; Cheng, Tian-Lu
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Discovery of specific inhibitors for intestinal E coli. ?-glucuronidase through in silico virtual screening
Cheng, Ta-Chun ; Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang ; Roffler, Steve ; Cheng, Kai-Wen ; Leu, Yu-Lin ; Chuang, Chih-Hung ; Huang, Chien-Chaio ; Kao, Chien-Han ; Hsieh, Yuan-Chin ; Cheng, Tian-Lu ; Chen, Chien-Shu
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
A histone deacetylase inhibitor YCW1 with antitumor and antimetastasis properties enhances cisplatin activity against non-small cell lung cancer in preclinical studies
WJ, Huang ; YA, Tang ; MY, Chen ; YJ, Wang ; FH, Hu ; TW, Wang ; SW, Chao ; HW, Chiu ; YL, Yeh ; HY, Chang ; HF, Juan ; Lin, P ; YC, Wang
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
High-Throughput Sorting of the Highest Producing Cell via a Transiently Protein-Anchored System
KH, Chuang ; YC, Hsieh ; IS, Chiang ; CH, Chuang ; CH, Kao ; TC, Cheng ; YT, Wang ; WW, Lin ; BM, Chen ; SR, Roffler ; MY, Huang ; TL, Cheng
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
A Novel Hydroxysuberamide Derivative Potentiates MG132-Mediated Anticancer Activity Against Human Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancers TheRoleof Histone Deacetylase and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
YC, Chen ; WJ, Huang ; JL, Hsu ; CC, Yu ; WT, Wang ; JH, Guh
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Acacetin inhibits glutamate release and prevents kainic acid-induced neurotoxicity in rats
TY, Lin ; WJ, Huang ; CC, Wu ; CW, Lu ; SJ, Wang
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
N-Hydroxycinnamide derivatives of osthole inhibit cell migration and invasion by suppressing Smad2 and Akt pathways in human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells
LY, Liu ; WJ, Huang ; FM, Ho ; RJ, Lin ; SY, Lin ; FM, Suk ; YC, Liang
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
A Taiwanese Propolis Derivative Induces Apoptosis through Inducing Endoplasmic Reticular Stress and Activating Transcription Factor-3 in Human Hepatoma Cells
FM, Suk ; GS, Lien ; WJ, Huang ; CN, Chen ; SY, Lu ; YC, Yang ; MD, Yan ; YC, Liang
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
One-step mixing with humanized anti-mPEG bispecific antibody enhances tumor accumulation and therapeutic efficacy of mPEGylated nanoparticles
CH, Kao ; JY, Wang ; KH, Chuang ; CH, Chuang ; TC, Cheng ; YC, Hsieh ; YL, Tseng ; BM, Chen ; SR, Roffler ; TL, Cheng
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Studies on anti-inflammatory activity of sulfated polysaccharides from cultivated fungi Antrodia cinnamomea
JJ, Cheng ; CH, Chao ; PC, Chang ; MK, Lu
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Stimulation of osteogenic activity in human osteoblast cells by edible Uraria crinita
Mao, Yi-Wen ; Lin, Rong-Dih ; Hung, Hsiao-Chiao ; Lee, Mei-Hsien
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
DNMT3B Overexpression by Deregulation of FOXO3a-Mediated Transcription Repression and MDM2 Overexpression in Lung Cancer
Yang, Yi-Chieh ; Tang, Yen-An ; Shieh, Jiunn-Min ; Lin, Ruo-Kai ; Hsu, Han-Shui ; Wang, Yi-Ching
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Antioxidant and antiglycation activities of the synthesised dipeptide, Asn-Trp, derived from computer-aided simulation of yam dioscorin hydrolysis and its analogue, Gln-Trp
CH, Han ; YS, Lin ; SY, Lin ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Mimicking the germinal center reaction in hybridoma cells to isolate temperature-selective anti-PEG antibodies
YC, Su ; TS, Al-Qaisi ; HY, Tung ; TL, Cheng ; KH, Chuang ; BM, Chen ; SR, Roffler
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Vasorelaxing and antihypertensive activities of synthesized peptides derived from computer-aided simulation of pepsin hydrolysis of yam dioscorin
YS, Lin ; YL, Lu ; GJ, Wang ; HJ, Liang ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Asn-Trp dipeptides improve the oxidative stress and learning dysfunctions in D-galactose-induced BALB/c mice
CH, Han ; YS, Lin ; TL, Lee ; HJ, Liang ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Evaluation of the antihyperuricemic activity of phytochemicals from Davallia formosana by enzyme Assay and hyperuricemic mice model
CY, Chen ; CC, Huang ; KC, Tsai ; WJ, Huang ; WC, Huang ; YC, Hsu ; FL, Hsu
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Cucurbitane-type glycosides from the fruits of Momordica charantia and their hypoglycaemic and cytotoxic activities
LJ, Zhang ; CC, Liaw ; PC, Hsiao ; HC, Huang ; MJ, Lin ; ZH, Lin ; FL, Hsu ; YH, Kuoa
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Effects of yam tuber protein, dioscorin, on attenuating oxidative status and learning dysfunction in D-galactose-induced BALB/c mice
CH, Han ; YF, Lin ; YS, Lin ; TL, Lee ; WJ, Huang ; SY, Lin ; WC, Hou
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Diterpene glycosides and polyketides from Xylotumulus gibbisporus
YC, Chang ; CK, Lu ; YR, Chiang ; GJ, Wang ; YM, Ju ; YH, Kuo ; TH, Lee
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Aliphatic phenolic ethers from Trichobotrys effusa
JJ, Chen ; SW, Wang ; HY, Hsiao ; MS, Lee ; YH, Kuo ; TH, Lee
[生藥學研究所] 期刊論文
Cephalochromin from Cosmospora vilior Induces G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in A549 Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells by Inflicting Mitochondrial Disruption
CJ, Hsiao ; Hsiao, G ; WL, Chen ; SW, Wang ; CP, Chiang ; LY, Liu ; JH, Guh ; TH, Lee ; CL, Chung