摘要: | 肥胖是世界重要的公共衛生問題,人們需將肥胖視為疾病並積極預防與治療。隨著永續環保議題興起,人們開始提倡食物療法,藥食同源是其中重要且具有治療潛力的選擇。近年來,許多文獻證實了薑科植物的抗氧化、抗發炎和改善代謝不良的效果。在這些植物中,高良薑 (Alpinia officinarum Hance) 是一種在中國、東南亞和歐洲被廣泛用於香料的草本植物,在中國長久以來也被用作中藥使用。為了研究傳統中藥高良薑 (Alpiniae officinarum Rhizoma) 的抗肥胖效果,本研究以細胞實驗進行篩選,配合高脂飼料餵食脂動物實驗。結果顯示,高良薑乙醇抽取物有效降低了3T3-L1細胞的脂質生成;進一步將乙醇抽取物分配萃取,獲得之分層區分物中,乙酸乙酯分層區分物 (EA) 在降低3T3-L1細胞的脂質生成方面顯示出最佳效果;進一步研究從EA分離出的8種RV純化合物,其中具有1,7-二苯基庚烷結構的RV107與RV133,和具有類黃酮結構的RV129,在降低3T3-L1細胞的脂質生成方面顯示出最佳效果 (IC50 = 73.43 ± 1.05 μM、89.61 ± 3.06 μM、68.45 ± 4.28 μM)。並經由細胞活性測試、生物能量代謝與即時定量聚合?連鎖反應,進一步研究EA以及純化合物RV107、RV133與RV129,對3T3-L1前脂肪細胞分化的影響,發現最主要作用於分化前期(0~2天),且能降低分化相關基因的表現量,具有抑制分化的能力。動物實驗結果顯示,在進食累積飼料沒有顯著差異下,乙醇抽取物、EA與RV129能顯著減少高脂飼料誘導肥胖小鼠的體重增加,並改善了血糖耐受性。這些結果顯示,高良薑具能有效改善肥胖和脂質累積的能力,並擁有可以開發為保健品與改善肥胖藥物的潛力。 Obesity is a significant global public health issue. With the rise of sustainable and environmental issues, food and medicine with the same origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become important and potentially therapeutic choices. In recent years, data from numerous studies have confirmed that many plants in the Zingiberaceae family exhibit effects of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and improved metabolic dysfunctions. Among these plants, Alpinia officinarum Hance (Galangal) is a widely used as a spice resource and herbal plant. The extracts, partitioned fractions, and purified compounds of Alpiniae officinarum Rhizoma (AO) were used to investigate anti-obesity effects using differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes as cell models and high-fat diet-induced obese animal models. It was found that the ethanol extract of AO effectively reduced lipid accumulations in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes during 8-day cultures. Among partitioned fractions of ethanol extract, the ethyl acetate fraction (EA) showed the best reduction activities in lipid accumulations in 8-day differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The eight purified compounds from EA fraction were used to identify the active components in reducing lipid accumulations in 8-day differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Among them, RV107 and RV133, which have a 1,7-diphenylheptane skeleton, and RV129, which has a flavonoid skeleton, exhibited the best activities in reducing lipid accumulations in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes (IC50 = 73.43 ± 1.05 μM, 89.61 ± 3.06 μM, and 68.45 ± 4.28 μM, respectively). By means of different cell viability assays, extracellular flux analysis, and real-time quantitative PCR, the possible mechanisms of EA and the RV compounds (RV107, RV133, and RV129) on inhibition of lipid accumulations in early differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes (0-4 day) were investigated. It was found that the gene expressions were reduced during the 0-2 day differentiated phase, which might reduce lipid accumulations in the end. The high-fat diet-induced ICR mice obesity, and at the same time, the co-oral administration showed that ethanol extract, EA, and RV129 significantly reduced weight gains under the same feed intakes, and also improved glucose intolerance. These findings suggest that Alpiniae officinarum Rhizoma has the potential to be developed into anti-obesity therapeutic drugs and health supplements. |