摘要: | 在這項研究中,我們利用場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FESEM)、俄歇電子能譜學(AES)、表面粗糙度測量儀和透射電子顯微鏡(TEM),探索了利用氫氟酸(HF)預處理後進行陽極氧化並經過陰極化處理後,在鈦(Ti)表面形成的潛在自抗菌氧化層。根據 JIS Z2801:2010 標準,我們評估了這些表面對革蘭氏陽性菌金黃色葡萄球菌(S. aureus)和革蘭氏陰性菌大腸桿菌(E. coli)的體外抗菌性能。研究結果顯示,經過 0.5% HF 預處理後,陽極氧化鈦樣品展現出了平坦的納米多孔結構。這種結構特徵不僅能增加表面積,有助於與生物環境進行有效互動,還能提升植入物的生物相容性。此外,AES分析顯示,陽極氧化後,該樣品表面形成了約 350 nm 厚的二氧化鈦層,這種氧化層的形成對於促進骨骼整合至關重要。 抗菌性能測試結果表明,經過 0.5% HF 預處理的陽極氧化鈦樣品對 S. aureus(75.1 ± 3.5%)和 E. coli(90.5 ± 1.6%)均具有顯著的抑制效果(*p < 0.05)。這一發現顯示,HF 預處理能有效賦予鈦表面自抗菌性能,有助於減少植入物周圍的細菌定居和感染風險,從而改善臨床應用中的病患結果。這些鈦表面的納米結構特徵經過 TEM 驗證,顯示其氧化層屬於金紅石相二氧化鈦,這種結構對於與生物組織的良好互動和細胞附著至關重要。這些微結構洞察進一步驗證了陰極化處理的 HF 預處理陽極氧化方法,作為調節鈦表面以滿足嚴格生物醫學需求的可行途徑。 總結而言,這項研究的發現突顯了陰極化處理的 HF 預處理陽極氧化方法作為製造具有自抗菌性能的生物功能表面的潛力。這些表面特性不僅有助於改善植入物的生物相容性,還能有效提升其長期穩定性和臨床效果。未來的研究可以進一步擴展對其他細菌的抗菌譜及長期動物實驗,以驗證這些有前景的成果在臨床應用中的可行性。 In this study, a comprehensive array of analytical techniques including field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), surface roughness measurements, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to investigate the formation of a potential self-antibacterial oxide layer on titanium (Ti) surfaces. The oxide layer was generated through anodization with hydrogen fluoride (HF) acid pretreatment using a cathodization approach. This research aimed to explore the surface modifications that enhance the biofunctional properties of Ti implants, particularly focusing on their self-antibacterial capabilities against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli), adhering to JIS Z2801:2010 specifications for antibacterial assessment. Upon pretreatment with 0.5% HF, the anodized Ti specimens exhibited a distinct nanostructured surface characterized by a flat nanoporous topography. This structural feature is pivotal as it promotes increased surface area and potential interactions with biological environments, crucial for enhancing cellular responses and overall biocompatibility of implants. Additionally, AES analysis revealed the formation of a significantly thicker titanium dioxide (TiO2) layer (~350 nm) on the Ti surface post-anodization with HF pretreatment. The presence of this oxide layer is known to play a critical role in promoting osteointegration—a key factor in the long-term success of biomedical implants. The antibacterial evaluation conducted in vitro demonstrated compelling results: the anodized Ti specimens with 0.5% HF pretreatment exhibited notable inhibitory effects on both S. aureus (75.1 ± 3.5%) and E. coli (90.5 ± 1.6%) growth (*p < 0.05). This finding underscores the effectiveness of HF pretreatment in imparting self-antibacterial properties to Ti surfaces, crucial for mitigating bacterial colonization and infection risks around implanted devices. Such properties are essential for minimizing post-operative complications and improving patient outcomes in clinical settings. Furthermore, the observed nanostructures on the Ti surface were corroborated by TEM, which revealed a rutile phase TiO2 composition in the oxide layer—a characteristic known for its favorable interaction with biological tissues and potential for enhancing cellular adhesion. This microstructural insight further supports the suitability of anodization with HF pretreatment as a viable method for tailoring Ti surfaces to meet stringent biomedical requirements. In conclusion, the findings highlight the potential of anodization with HF pretreatment via cathodization as a robust approach for engineering biofunctional surfaces on Ti implants. These surfaces exhibit enhanced self-antibacterial properties, facilitating their integration within biological systems and thereby improving the longevity and biocompatibility of biomedical implants. Future research directions could explore broader antibacterial spectra and long-term in vivo evaluations to validate these promising results in clinical applications. |