摘要: | 年幼孩童因探索環境活動行為,常常將手往嘴裡放,增加暴露汙染物的機會;考量台灣目前無孩童呼吸速率(respiratory rate)參數,為更加了解孩童暴露危害物情形,需要建立台灣孩童相關的人體暴露參數。本研究建立台灣孩童呼吸速率數據,運用在評估台灣6歲以下孩童經由飲食(攝入)與家戶室內落塵(攝入、吸入、皮膚接觸)暴露鉛、鎘、汞與砷之健康風險評估,並了解不同暴露途徑對於重金屬暴露的貢獻百分比,進而提供降低孩童重金屬暴露的建議。 本研究使用穿戴式遙測多功能生理監測系統BioHarness?,分別收集6-12歲50位孩童於安靜和淋浴狀態下的呼吸速率;在飲食攝入途徑參數部分,參考過去研究了解我國6歲以下孩童常食用的食物種類,於傳統市場、超級市場或大賣場採買共61個食物樣本,引用112年國家攝食資料庫0-3歲與3-6歲孩童的飲食頻率;家戶室內落塵暴露途徑參數部分,自2019年1月至2021年11月於大台北地區6歲以下孩童家中採集共50個家戶落塵樣本。食物、落塵樣品經由微波消化,使用火焰式原子吸收光譜儀、感應耦合電漿質譜儀進行鉛、鎘和砷濃度的分析、使用冷蒸氣原子吸收光譜儀進行汞濃度的分析,透過Crystal Ball 軟體進行蒙地卡羅分析以估算健康風險。 本研究測得台灣6-12歲孩童在安靜及淋浴狀態下的呼吸速率分別為15.3 m3/day和21.9 m3/day 皆遠大於美國環保署使用的能量代謝推估法;在市售食物中鉛、鎘、汞與砷的幾何平均濃度,以全榖雜糧類的鉛濃度0.0082±0.0004 (mg/kg w.w.)、乾豆堅果類的鎘濃度0.0071±0.0003 (mg/kg w.w.)、魚與水產類的汞濃度0.0355±0.0068 (mg/kg w.w.)和砷濃度0.8829±0.0147 (mg/kg w.w.)測得最高;家戶落塵中鉛、鎘、汞和砷的幾何平均濃度依序為64.46±2.68(mg/kg)、0.91±2.06 (mg/kg)、0.37±2.37 (mg/kg)、1.67±1.79 (mg/kg)。使用蒙地卡羅分析健康風險評估結果顯示,食物攝入暴露到汞和砷對孩童可能有潛在的非致癌風險,食物攝入的砷危害有致癌風險疑慮,落塵攝入是孩童鉛暴露主要影響途徑之一。建議孩童避免食用過量高汞和砷污染的魚類和水產品,減少家庭室內落塵的累積,以降低孩童重金屬鉛的暴露。 Younger children are mostly exposed to pollutants due to their hand-to-mouth behaviors when exploring the environment. The respiratory rate exposure parameter for Taiwanese children still needs to be determined. Establishing these exposure parameters for children enhances the assessment of health risks associated with children's exposure to hazards. This study aims to evaluate respiratory rate data and assess the health risks of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As) through dietary intake and household dust exposure for children under 6 years of age in Taiwan. Respiratory rates during the rest and shower phases were measured using the BioHarness? in 50 children aged 6 to 12. We also determined Pb, Cd, Hg, and As concentrations in 61 food samples, as well as 50 indoor dust samples from a residential area where children lived between 2019 and 2021. The dietary ingestion rates of preschool children were based on the National Food Consumption Database. Our research revealed that the respiratory rates for children aged 6 to 12 during the resting and showering phases were 15.3 m3/day and 21.9 m3/day, respectively. These rates were higher than those measured by the USEPA applying the energy metabolism method. The highest concentrations of Pb and Cd were found in whole grains and cereals (0.0082±0.0004 mg/kg) dried beans and nuts (0.0071±0.0003 mg/kg), respectively. Meanwhile, fish and aquatic products contained the highest levels of Hg (0.0355±0.0068 mg/kg) and As (0.8829±0.0147 mg/kg). The concentrations of Pb, Cd, Hg, and As in indoor dust were found to be 64.46±2.68 mg/kg, 0.91±2.06 mg/kg, 0.37±2.37 mg/kg, and 1.67±1.79 mg/kg, respectively. In the health risk assessment using Monte Carlo simulation, the results indicate that dietary exposure to mercury and arsenic may pose potential non-carcinogenic risks to children. Food ingestion may potentially carcinogenic risks to children. Dust ingestion is identified the primary pathways for children's lead exposure. It is recommended that children avoid excessive consumption seafood that are highly contaminated with mercury and arsenic. Furthermore, should be reduce the accumulation of household dust to lower children's exposure to lead. |