摘要: | 一、 摘要 ? 研究背景 國小學童齲齒是口腔常見的疾病之一,會直接或間接的影響學童生長發育與學習效果。然而較少研究對於居住偏鄉或都市兒童在衛教實施後,對於其口腔保健知識及態度及行為改變進行探討。 ? 研究目的 本研究旨在探討口腔衛教介入對於國小高年級,即11~12歲學童口腔知識與習慣研究。主要目的,除了瞭解研究對象之基本變項、口腔衛生知識與習慣之現況外,亦進一步探計研究對象之基本變項、口腔衛生知識、習慣與口腔衛生教育彼此之關係,最後依據研究結果提出具體建談,作為未來推動國小學童促進口腔保健計劃之參照依據。 ? 研究方法 本研究所使用之資料皆為去識別化之次級資料,來源為衛福部委託計畫主持人周幸華教授執行於 105 年所進行之計畫,採用計畫名稱「口腔健康整合行銷宣導計畫」之問卷調查結果作為繼續延伸研究,研究對象以國小五、六年級,即11~12歲學生共1602人為研究對象,先分析五、六年級全體學童,再深入分類出城鄉比較與男女學童比較,以評估口腔習慣、知識變化。 ? 結果 結果顯示,都市學童每天刷牙三次以上比例為58.7%,偏鄉學童每天刷牙次數三次以上則為69.7%,偏鄉 有44.1%牙膏使用有含氟化物,多於都市學童 38.5%,58.9%偏鄉學童使用漱口水保持口腔清潔,亦較多於都市學童 的50.5%。都市前測分數為62.5分,後測73分,口腔衛生教育介入後進步了10分。而偏鄉前測分數為66分,後測74.5分,口腔衛生教育介入後進步9分。偏鄉之男學童前測分數為62分,後測71分,則是進步9分,女學童的部分,前測分數為66分,後測76分則是進步10分。學童口腔知識及態度不論是前測或是後測分數,女學童均優於男學童,偏鄉普遍優於都市學童,而經口腔衛生教育介入後,男女學童都有一致性進步,偏鄉與都市學童亦都有一致進步。此外,城鄉、性別及年齡因子對不同口腔衛生知識改變有不同影響。
? 結論 本研究發現,偏鄉學童在口腔保健習慣,氟化物具有高度使用習慣。女性學童較男性學童在基礎口腔知識及習慣上有較佳表現,偏鄉學童較都市學童也有較佳表現,但經口腔衛生教育介入後,都會有一致性的進步。研究亦發現各面向的口腔衛生知識表現與城鄉、性別、年齡等不同因子有關。 bstract
Background Dental caries in elementary school children is one of the most common oral diseases, which can directly or indirectly affect children's growth, development, and learning outcomes. However, there are few studies that explore the changes in oral health knowledge and habits of children living in rural or urban areas after the implementation of oral hygiene education. This study aims to examine the effect of oral hygiene education on the oral health knowledge and habits of senior elementary school students. Methods In this study, elementary school children in the fifth and sixth grades in regular courses in 87 elementary schools in distant areas were evaluated using a quasi-experimental research design.1602 students were enrolled in study. They were given a 60-minute oral health care course lecture and administered a pre-test prior to the experimental lecture. After the course teaching intervention, a post-test was administered to examine changes in oral health care knowledge and habits. Results The results showed that 58.7% of urban students brushed their teeth three times a day, compared to 69.7% of rural students. Additionally, 44.1% of rural students used fluoride toothpaste, more than the 38.5% of urban students. Furthermore, 58.9% of rural students used mouthwash to maintain oral hygiene, compared to 50.5% of urban students. Urban students scored 62.5 points on the pre-test and 73 points on the post-test, showing a 10-point improvement after the oral health education intervention. Rural students scored 66 points on the pre-test and 74.5 points on the post-test, showing a 9-point improvement. Among rural male students, the pre-test score was 62 points, and the post-test score was 71 points, showing a 9-point improvement. Rural female students scored 66 points on the pre-test and 76 points on the post-test, showing a 10-point improvement. Female students outperformed male students in oral knowledge in both pre-tests and post-tests. Rural students generally performed better than urban students, and after oral health education intervention, both male and female students showed consistent improvement, as did both rural and urban students. Additionally, factors such as location (urban or rural), gender, and age had different impacts on changes in different aspects of oral health knowledge. Conclusions This study found that rural students performed better in oral health behaviors than urban students. Female students performed better than male students in basis oral knowledge, and rural students performed better than urban students. However, after the oral health education intervention, there was consistent improvement in all groups. The study also found that the performance in various aspects of oral health knowledge was related to factors such as location, gender, and age. |