摘要: | 目的:本研究旨在探討瑪卡萃取物增補對力竭性耐力運動後氧化壓力、肌肉損傷及運動表現的影響。方法:本研究將20位實驗參與者以最大攝氧量成績配對分成實驗組 (n=9) 及安慰劑組 (n=11),並給予實驗參與者連續12週、每日早、晚各2250 mg的瑪卡萃取物或安慰劑增補,之後以70% 最大攝氧量的強度進行60分鐘的力竭性耐力運動後,再以90% 最大攝氧量的強度跑至力竭。運動測試期間紀錄運動至力竭時間、平均心跳率、最大心跳率及攝氧量峰值,並於力竭性耐力運動前、運動後立即、運動後2小時、運動後4小時與運動後24小時進行採血以分析氧化傷害指標 (硫化巴比妥酸反應物)、抗氧化系統活性 (穀胱甘?過氧化物?、超氧化物歧化?及過氧化氫?) 及肌肉損傷指標 (肌酸激?及乳酸脫氫?)。結果:增補前二組間各項數值均無顯著差異,而增補後全體實驗參與者在力竭性耐力運動後立即的穀胱甘?過氧化物?、超氧化物歧化?、過氧化氫?的活性、肌酸激?及乳酸脫氫?的濃度皆顯著高於運動前,但硫化巴比妥酸反應物濃度並無顯著差異,且二組在各時間點間的所有依變項皆無顯著差異。結論:本研究證實60分鐘的力竭性耐力運動會誘發肌肉損傷,但能在人體本身的抗氧化系統保護下避免氧化壓力上升,不過補充瑪卡萃取物並無額外增補效益。 Purpose: To evaluate the effects of Maca extract supplementation on the oxidative stress, muscle damage, and exercise performance after exhaustive endurance exercise. Methods: Twenty participants were divided into Maca extract group (n=9) or placebo group (n=11) based on the maximal oxygen consumption and were asked to consume Maca extract or placebo (2250 mg twice per day). After 12 weeks of supplementation, all participants completed exhaustive endurance exercise on a treadmill at the intensity of 70% maximal oxygen consumption for 60 minutes, after which intensity was increased to 90% maximal oxygen consumption until exhaustion. The time to exhaustion, average heart rate, maximum heart rate, and the peak of oxygen consumption were recorded during exhaustive endurance exercise. Venous blood samples were drawn before, immediately after, 2-hour after, 4-hour after, and 24-hour after exhaustive endurance exercise to determine the biomarkers of oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances), antioxidant system activity (glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase), and biomarkers of muscle damage (creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase). Results: There were no significant differences in all variables between the two groups before the supplement. After supplementation, the concentrations of glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase in all participants at immediately after exhaustive endurance exercise were significantly higher than before exercise. However, there was no significant difference in the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances among all participants at each time point. In addition, there were no significant differences in all variables between the two groups. Conclusion: 60-minute exhaustive endurance exercise on the treadmill can induce muscle damage and mitigate oxidative stress through its own antioxidant system. However, Maca extract had no additional benefit . |