摘要: | 緒論:在通貨膨脹、社會環境變遷以及失業率高升等眾多壓力下,民眾的壓力與日俱增,許多人因為這些龐大的壓力而深陷痛苦之中,長久下來民眾的心理健康便出現了問題。許多民眾會透過各種社會支援及管道來排解負面情緒,其中地方心理衛生中心便是民眾最好的選擇之一。地方心理衛生中心每天需要面對著不同負面情緒的民眾,且地方心理衛生中心的業務量又十分繁雜,在不斷接受各種程度的負面情緒及壓力之下,地方心理衛生中心組織人員是否可以維持其幸福感而不受影響呢?
研究方法:本研究採取立意抽樣法,以我國六都地方心理衛生中心人員為主要研究對象,收案期間從民國112年2月6日至112年3月31日,樣本人數共101名,已設定每個帳號僅能填答一次且每題為必答題,因此無重複填答或無效之問卷。研究工具則採用自填結構式問卷進行資料收集,並採用李克特五分量表作為評分工具。待資料收集完畢後,利用IBM SPSS 25.0版本進行相關資料處理及統計分析,統計分析包括描述性統計以及推論性統計如獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析以及多元迴歸分析。
討論:本研究結果僅限於我國六都地方心理衛生中心職員,無法推及全國地方心理衛生中心,但本研究有助於瞭解地方心理衛生中心人員幸福感,研究結果當中發現人格特質與個人背景屬性對幸福感具有預測力,所得結論可供未來學術研究者參考。 Introduction:Under numerous pressures such as inflation, social environmental changes, and rising unemployment rates, the pain on the general public has been increasing. Many individuals find themselves trapped in distress due to these overwhelming pressures, leading to issues with their mental well-being over time. To alleviate negative emotions, many people looking for various forms from social support and resources. In these methods, local mental health centers being one of the preferred choices. Local mental health centers deal with individuals experiencing different levels of negative emotions on a daily basis, and their workload is quite demanding. In the face of continuously encountering various degrees of negative emotions and stress, can the staff of local mental health centers maintain their sense of well-being without being affected?
Methods:This study adopts the intentional sampling method, and takes the staff of the local mental health centers in Liudu as the main research objects. The case acceptance period is from February 6, 2012 to March 31, 2012. The sample size is 101 in total. The account can only be answered once and each question is a compulsory question, so there are no repeated or invalid questionnaires. The research tool used a self-administered structured questionnaire for data collection, and a five-point Likert scale was used as a scoring tool. The data obtained were analyzed by the IBM SPSS statistical software version 25.0 ,statistical analysis includes descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics,such asIndependent Sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, multiple linear regression.
Results: According to the regression analysis results, the following two conclusions are drawn.1.In the regression analysis of personality traits on well-being, the personality traits of extraversion, emotional stability and openness have predictive power.2.Among the personal attribute variables, men and those aged 41-50 have predictive power for happiness.
Discussion:The results of this study are limited to the staff of local mental health centers in the six major cities of our country. Unfortunately this study cannot be generalized to all local mental health centers nationwide. However, this study contributes to understanding the satisfaction of local mental health center personnel. The findings reveal that personality traits and personal background attributes have predictive power for satisfaction. The conclusions obtained can serve as a useful reference for future academic researchers. |