摘要: | 背景:全球失智症人口逐年攀升,加上台灣高齡化及少子化問題加劇,失智症照護成為許多家庭面臨的困境。在長照資源供不應求的情況下,各種協助失智症照護之「智慧輔助科技」應運而生,且目前已有許多研究指出,輔助科技可為失智症照護帶來有效的幫助。但台灣目前對於輔助科技介入失智症照護之需求尚無詳盡研究,故本研究之目的為探討失智症照顧者對智慧輔助科技功能之需求與其相關影響因素。 方法:本研究於2022年4月至10月使用網路問卷進行調查,透過失智症相關網路社群平台廣泛收集全台灣20歲以上失智症照顧者對於智慧輔助科技在三大類功能,即安全照護、健康照護、日常生活共15題的功能需求意見。問卷內容亦包含:受訪者基本資料、失智者之工具性日常生活活動量表(IADL)、ZBI照顧者負荷量表。本研究最終回收233份有效樣本,並使用描述性統計、t-test、ANOVA、Tukey’s test、最小平方法複迴歸分析作為統計方法進行資料分析。 結果:照顧者對智慧輔助科技功能之需求以「安全照護」及「健康照護」兩大類別之需求程度較高,對「日常生活」類別之功能則需求程度較低。其中求救功能(mean=4.00)、定位失智者所在位置 (mean=3.99)、認知功能訓練(mean=3.90)、防止跌倒(mean=3.87)及用藥管理(mean=3.82)分別為得分最高的五項功能。而失智者失智程度較輕,以及照顧者為女性、年齡較小、教育程度較低、工作量較大、照顧負荷量較高者,對輔助科技之需求程度較高。 結論:本研究有助於了解失智症照顧者對於智慧輔助科技功能的實際需求,其結果可提供相關產業針對需求最為殷切之輔助科技進行開發,根據使用族群之需求進行智慧輔助科技的改良,亦可作為制定或改善長照政策之參考,以協助照顧者減輕負擔,提升失智者生活品質。 Background:As the population of dementia increases year by year, and the aging population in Taiwan, dementia care has become a grave problem for many families. With the shortage of long-term care resources, various "smart assistive technologies" have been developing to assist dementia care. As present, many documents have pointed out that assistive technology can have a positive impact on dementia care. However, there is scant research focusing on the needs of assistive technology in dementia care in Taiwan. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate the needs of dementia caregivers for the functions of assistive technology. Methods:An online survey was conducted to collect opinions on the needs for assistive technology of the dementia caregivers over 20 years of age through dementia online community platforms across Taiwan from April to October 2022. The 15 questions on needs for assistive technology were divided into three categories:safety care, health care, and daily living. The questionnaire also included information of respondents, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale for people with dementia, and ZBI scale for caregivers. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey's test, and multiple regression analysis were used to the data analysis. Result:A total of 233 questionnaires were collected in this study. The needs of caregivers for assistive technology is higher in categories of ‘safety care’ and ‘health care’, but lower in ‘daily living’. Top five highest scoring functions were getting help (mean=4.00), positioning the Dementia (mean=3.99), cognitive training (mean=3.90), fall prevention (mean=3.87), and medication administration (mean=3.82). People with Dementia that have lower CDR scores and caregivers who were female, younger, with lower education, working full-time, and had higher ZBI scores had higher needs for assistive technology. Conclusion:The study findings help to improve our understanding of the actual needs of dementia caregivers for assistive technology functions. It can be provided to industries for the development and improvement of assistive technology products, and can also be used as a reference for formulating or improving the long-term care policies, so as to reduce the burden on caregivers and improve the quality of life of people with dementia. |