摘要: | 背景暨目的:二十一世紀為再生醫療(Regenerative Medicine)的時代,基於對企業而言,管理之首要課題為確保公司永續性。又人力資本為企業永續經營之根本,亦是臺灣企業的最後競爭力。探討人力資本之於企業永續經營之影響,為職場管理者必須具備之永續管理素養。 研究方法:本研究以問卷量表為基礎,探討臺灣再生醫療產業鏈人員之企業永續經營理念認同度,問卷發放期程為民國112年05月間,回收有效樣本數123份。本研究之資料處理係針對「調查問卷」,於收集初步問卷資料後,藉由SAS統計軟體9.4版本之統計軟體進行資料處理及分析(資料編碼、建檔、及除錯等程序步驟),說明資料來源及統計分析方法。 研究結果:本研究經研究目的、文獻探討、研究架構、問卷設計、資料蒐集與統計分析後,主要結果歸納如下: 一、從業人員屬性部分影響企業永續經營理念認同度。 二、人力資本顯著影響企業永續經營理念認同度。 三、企業社會責任理念認知顯著影響企業永續經營理念認同度。 結論與建議:本研究經研究目的、文獻探討、研究架構、問卷設計、資料蒐集與統計分析後,主要結論歸納如下: 一、人力資本與企業永續經營認同度有顯著相關;可能是因從業人員大多認為人力資本可增進組織績效。 二、人力資本與企業社會責任理念認知有顯著相關;可能是因從業人員大多認為企業社會責任的理念認知可助於形塑人力資本之素質。 三、企業社會責任理念認知與企業永續經營認同度有顯著相關;可能是因從業人員大多認為機構實施企業社會責任將會提升其競爭?、企業形象、品牌知名?、顧客忠誠度及顧客滿意度。 四、人?資本、企業社會責任理念認知與企業永續經營認同度有顯著相關;代表從業人員大多認同人力資本為企業永續經營發展之關鍵要素,又企業社會責任(CSR)投資亦被稱為永續責任投資,且完善的履行企業社會責任亦可吸引投資人。 本研究亦分別對法規主管機關、產業鏈各機構及學術與研究界做出相關建議。 Background: The biomedical industry is gradually gaining the attention of consumers amidst the global population structure changes towards aging and declining birthrates, and people are paying more and more attention to their own health and the new thinking mode of improving living standards. In order to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan's industries, the government has created a new economic model with "innovation, employment, and distribution" as its core value and the pursuit of sustainable development. The government has promoted the “5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan" since 2016 as the core to drive the growth of next-generation industries, among which "biomedical industry" is one of them. In the early days, the biomedical industry was regarded as a highly professional and technical industry. However, in addition to capital, the barriers to entry into this industry are R&D talents and business models. The same is true for its subordinate regenerative medical industry chain. In addition, in the 2020 President's inaugural speech, he announced the promotion of "six core strategic industries" (structured on the basis of 5+2 industrial innovation), one of which is "precision health industry", and one of its three major aspects is "regenerative medicine ", (recognized as the most important and effective medical technology in the next stage), and cell therapy is the most important part in the field of regenerative medicine. For enterprises, the primary task of management is to ensure the sustainability of the company. Human capital is the foundation of a company's sustainable operation and the final competitiveness of Taiwanese companies. There is no sustainable enterprise without sustainable talents, so "human capital" can be described as "the most important asset of the industry and the lifeblood of achieving sustainable operation and development". Taken together, the everlasting business (that is, the sustainable operation of the enterprise), the strategy is the first, the strategy is implemented, and the talents are the first; from this we can see the impact of human capital on the sustainable governance of enterprises, the status of human assets in the sustainable development of enterprises; human capital Management is the key to the success and sustainable operation of enterprises. Methods: Based on the questionnaire, this study utilized the degree of recognition of the concept of corporate sustainable management among personnel in Taiwan's regenerative medicine industry chain. The questionnaire was distributed during May 2023, and a total of 123 valid samples were collected. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using SAS statistical software version 9.4. Results: After conducting the research, including stating the research purpose, literature review, establishment of research framework, questionnaire design, collection of data and statistical analysis, the main findings are summarized as follows: 1.The attributes of employees partially affect the recognition of the concept of sustainable management of enterprises. 2.Human capital significantly affects the recognition of the concept of sustainable management of enterprises. 3.Cognition of the concept of corporate social responsibility significantly affects the recognition of the concept of sustainable management. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1.There is a significant correlation between human capital and corporate sustainability recognition. 2.There is a significant correlation between human capital and corporate social responsibility concept cognition. 3.There is a significant correlation between corporate social responsibility concept cognition and corporate sustainability recognition. 4.There is a significant correlation among human capital, corporate social responsibility concept cognition and corporate sustainability recognition. |