摘要: | 宗教在人類的社會中擁有著不可或缺的地位,人們在面對未知、迷惘, 無法以理性的角度判斷事情時,總是會想尋求信仰的力量來達到一種心靈 療癒之效。在這變動快速的時代,分分鐘都會有新產物、新發現,各種資 訊不斷進入腦中,帶來便利的同時也增加了更多的不確定,使人心更加躁 動無法安頓。因此,發展出蓬勃的宗教信仰文化。根據行政院 2019 年國情 介紹,臺灣的宗教建築(寺廟教堂數)總計為 15,175 座,佛道寺廟達 12,279 座,光是道教宮廟就達 9,684 座,佛教寺廟達 2,317 座。由此數字可看出 台灣人對於宮廟信仰的重視,但由於宮廟數量眾多,在這個「宮廟也會倒」 的競爭年代,加上現代社會少子化的影響,信眾的年齡逐漸邁向高齡化, 許多宮廟依舊維持著原本的經營模式,沒有完善的規劃及行銷手法,便意 味著,絕大多數以中高齡信徒為主的宮廟,未來恐怕會出現倒閉潮。本研 究將探討-宗教之於社會的影響力及蘆洲五福宮是如何化危機為轉機,在 顛沛流離了 32 年,缺乏香油錢與資金短缺下,透過群眾募資,面對轉型壓 力並針對這競爭及高齡化的宮廟年代所提出之相關企劃案、結論與建議, 作為五福宮周遭地方創生開啟之途徑。 Religion has an indispensable place in human society. When people are faced with the unknown, confused, and unable to judge things from a rational perspective, they always seek the power of faith to achieve a kind of spiritual healing. In this era of rapid change, new products and discoveries are made every minute, and all kinds of information are constantly entering the mind, bringing convenience but also increasing uncertainty and making the mind more restless and unsettled. As a result, a vibrant culture of religious beliefs has been developed. According to the 2019 State of the Nation, there are 15,175 religious buildings (temples and churches) in Taiwan, including 12,279 Buddhist and Taoist temples, 9,684 Taoist temples alone, and 2,317 Buddhist temples. However, due to the large number of temples and the competition of "temples can fall down", coupled with the influence of modern society's childlessness, the age of the believers is gradually getting older, many temples still maintain their original operation mode without perfect planning and marketing methods, which means that most of the temples with middle and old age believers will probably be This means that the majority of temples, which are mainly for middle-aged and elderly worshippers, may close down in the future.This study will explore the influence of religion in society and how the Wufu Temple in LuZhou turned a crisis into an opportunity to turn around. After 32 years of subversive exile, lack of incense oil money and shortage of funds, the public raised funds to face the pressure of transformation and proposed relevant plans, conclusions and recommendations to address the competition and aging temple era, as a way to create a new life around the Wufu Temple. |