摘要: | 研究背景:腦中風目前在全球罹患人數超過一億人,在台灣列為10大死因的第4位,在2012年世界中風日的訪查中,得知台灣民眾之腦中風知識偏低,只有5.71%民眾能達到”良好”等級。本研究目的主要是調查目前台灣的社區民眾腦中風知識與健康識能程度,並探討應用互動式桌遊衛教介入之成效。 研究方法:研究設計採用隨機對照試驗;對象為社區民眾;腦中風知識與健康識能評估工具採用半結構式問卷,問卷分為三個部分,包括「腦中風知識」、「健康識能」、「個人基本資料」。桌遊衛教組採取互動式桌遊衛教方式,一般衛教組進行一般健康衛教方式。統計方法以獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定進行兩組之人口學屬性分佈與腦中風知識與健康識能現況進行分析;介入後以卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定分析腦中風知識與健康識能在桌遊衛教組與一般衛教組之成效差異並探討其是否與人口學變項影響。 結果:本研究共納入104位社區民眾,桌遊衛教組(n=52)、一般衛教組(n=52)。在腦中風知識部分,介入前社區民眾的腦中風知識達到”良好”之人數僅1.9%,介入後兩組間”良好”之人數達顯著差異(p<0.05),且效果能維持到一個月後(p<0.05)。在健康識能部分,介入後兩組間之健康識能分數未達顯著差異(p=0.186),但在一個月後之追蹤後測呈現顯著差異(p<0.05),且兩組間之成效皆與人口學變項無顯著影響(p>0.05)。 結論:本研究發現應用桌遊衛教介入相較於一般衛教介入更能提升民眾之腦中風知識,且能夠有延續的效果。而在健康識能部分,桌遊衛教介入相較於一般衛教介入無顯著提升,但具有延續效果。期待本研究結果可實際應用在社區健康促進行動中,進一步提供政府部門制訂健康促進政策之參考。 Background: Currently, there are more than 100 million people suffering from stroke in the world, and it ranks fourth among the top 10 causes of death in Taiwan. During the survey on World Stroke Day in 2012, we learned that the knowledge of stroke in Taiwanese people is low, only 5.71% of the population can achieve a "good" stroke knowledge . The purpose of this study is to investigate the current level of stroke knowledge and health literacy among community-dwelling people in Taiwan, and to explore the effect of applying interactive board game health education. Methods: The research design adopts a randomized controlled trial; the subjects are the community-dwelling people; the assessment tool for stroke knowledge and health literacy adopts a semi-structured questionnaire, which is divided into three parts, including "stroke knowledge", "health literacy", "basic personal information". The board game health education group adopts the interactive board game health education method while the general health education group adopts the general health education method. Independent sample t test and chi-square test were used to analyze the distribution of demographic attributes and the current status of stroke knowledge and health literacy in the two groups. Chi-square test and independent sample t test were used to analyze stroke knowledge and health literacy after intervention. The difference in the effectiveness of the board game health education group and the general health education group and whether it was related to demographic variables were also investigated after intervention. Results: A total of 104 community people were included in this study, the board game health education group (n=52) and the general health education group (n=52). In the part of stroke knowledge, only 1.9% of the community residents had "good" stroke knowledge before the intervention, and there was a significant difference between the two groups after the intervention (p < 0.05), and the effect could be maintained for one month after (p < 0.05). In the part of health literacy, there was no significant difference in the scores of health literacy between the two groups after intervention (p=0.186), but there was a significant difference in one month of follow-up (p<0.05) and the effect between the two groups was no significant correlations with demographic variables (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study found that the application of board game health education intervention can improve community-dwelling people's stroke knowledge more than general health education intervention, and it can have a lasting effect. In the health literacy part, the board game health education intervention has no significant improvement compared with the general health education intervention, but it has a lasting effect. It is expected that the results of this study can be practically applied in community health promotion actions, and further provide reference for government departments to formulate health promotion policies. |