摘要: | 中高齡者使用社群媒體應具備獲取、瞭解、評估、應用健康資訊的能力,良好的健康識能增加採取健康行為和提升生活品質的可能性。本研究目的旨在探討國內中高齡者社群媒體健康識能、健康行為、生活品質之關係,並探討社群媒體健康識能在健康行為影響生活品質的調節效果。本研究為橫斷式研究,研究對象為國內55歲以上使用社群媒體之中高齡者,採便利抽樣在台北市及新北市社區據點發放紙本問卷、社群媒體平臺發放網路問卷。以結構式自填問卷進行資料收集,內容包括個人背景變項、社群媒體健康識能、健康行為、生活品質。統計分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸分析。本研究回收330份有效問卷進行分析,結果顯示性別、教育程度對社群媒體健康識能有顯著差異;年齡、社群媒體使用頻率分別對社群媒體健康識能有負向、正向顯著影響。社群媒體健康識能對飲食行為有正向顯著影響,對吸菸行為則有負向顯著影響,對生活品質各範疇皆有正向顯著影響;社群媒體健康識能具有顯著削弱身體活動量影響生活品質之調節效果;性別、年齡、社群媒體使用頻率、慢性病情形、社群媒體健康識能、健康行為能解釋生活品質19.1%的變異量。本研究提出中高齡者社群媒體健康識能的重要性,建議提升中高齡者之健康識能、提供社群媒體健康資訊查證管道,使得中高齡者能透過強化社群媒體健康識能、改善健康行為及維持生活品質。 Middle-aged and older adults should have the ability to obtain, understand, appraise, and use health information on social media platforms. Better health literacy may enhance individuals' health behavior and quality of life. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between social media health literacy, health behavior, and quality of life among middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan, as well as to explore the moderation effect of social media health literacy between health behavior and quality of life. This study was a cross-sectional study. Participants were citizens aged 55 years old, living in Taiwan, and who use social media. Convenience sampling was adopted to recruit participants from community centers in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The survey was also conducted through social media platforms. A self-reported, structured questionnaire was used for data collection, including personal background, social media health literacy, health behavior, and quality of life. Descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, One-way ANOVA, and linear regression analysis were performed for data analysis. A total of 330 validly responded. Results revealed there were significant differences in the score of social media health literacy among different sex and education groups. Age had a significant negative association, while time spent using social media had a significant positive association with the score of social media health literacy, respectively. Social media health literacy had a significant positive association with dietary behavior and quality of life, while it had a significant negative effect on smoking behavior. Furthermore, social media health literacy had a moderating effect between physical activity and quality of life. The variation of quality of life can be explained by sex, age, time spent using social media, chronic disease, social media health literacy and health behavior were 19.1%. This study indicates the importance of social media health literacy in middle-aged and older adults. This study suggests that fact-checking functions for health information on social media platforms. Enhancing social media health literacy to promote health behavior and quality of life is recommended for middle-aged and older adult populations. |