摘要: | 吳茱萸為吳茱萸( Evodia rutaecarpa, 屬於芸香科)的未成熟乾燥果實,
被收載於神農本草經中品,其記載: 吳茱萸性溫具有辛辣味,可溫身,除
廣泛用於治療頭痛,腹痛,痢疾,產後出血和閉經等疾病。 @有關其成分
研究報告指出,吳茱萸含有多種 quinazolinocarbo- line alkaloids,
如 evodiamine,rutaecarpine,dehydroevo- diamine.....等。而它們
分別被證實具有強心(evodiamine),增強子宮收縮力( rutaecarpine,
dehydroevodiamine ),降血壓、抗心律不整、舒張血管(
dehydroevodiamine)等活性。臺灣產吳茱萸屬植物,除吳茱萸( Evodia
rutaecarpa )外,尚有山刈葉( E. merrillii ),臭辣樹( E.
meliaefolia )和三叉虎( E.lepta)。其果實成分均未見有過報告,本研
法,分別自吳茱萸( Evodiae fructus ),山刈葉( Evodia merrillii
),臭辣樹( E. meliaefolia ),及三叉虎(Evodia lepta )的乾燥果實之
合物,其中包含六個新的苯乙酮類化合物,四個類黃酮素,及 adenosine
合物,其中八種為天然界新發現之化合物。 @ Wu-Chu-Yu, the dried unripen fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa (i.e.
Fructus Evodiae ), is a commonly used Chinese medicine and well
documented in Chinese medical book " Sheng Nung Pents''ao Ching
". Traditionally, Wu-Chu-Yu has been used for the treatment of
headache, abdominal pains, dysentery, post- partum hemorrhage
and amenorrhea. Wu-Chu-Yu contains a variety of
quinazolinocarboline alkaloids including evodiamine,
rutaecarpine, and dehydroevo- diamine. These compounds were
found to be active in cardio- tonic( evodiamine ), uterotonic(
rutaecarpine and dehydro- evodiamine ), vasodilative(
dehydroevodiamine ), hypotensive( dehydroevodiamine ),and
antiarrhythmic ( dehydroevodiamine ) actions. Since there are
Evodia rutaecarpa, E. merrillii, E. meliaefolia; and E. lepta
that belong to Evodia genus in Taiwan, study of the
constituents of these Evodia fruits, therefore, became our
interest. The alcoholic extracts of the dried unripen fruits of
Evodia genus were charged to column chromatographic metho-
dology for separation and purification of its constituents.
From E. Fructus, a new quinazolinocarboline alkaloids( 7-
hydroxyrutaecarpine ) was obtained; from E. merrillii, six
novel acetophenones [ 4-(1''- geranyloxy)- 2,6-di-hydroxy-3-
isopentenylacetophenone, 2 - (1''-geranyloxy)- 4,6-dihydroxy
acetophenone, 4 -(1''-geranyloxy)-2, 6-dihydroxyacetophenone,
4-(1''-geranyloxy)- 2,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone, 4-(1''-
geranyloxy)-2,6,β -trihydroxy-3-dimethylallylacetophenone, and
2-(1''-geranyloxy)-4,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone] were isolated;
from E. meliaefolia, 17 known compounds were isolated; and from
E. lepta , a novel acetophenone C-glyco- side (
2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone-3,5-di-C-glucoside) was isolated.
Overall, thirty eight compounds were isolated and iden- tified
from the fruits of Evodia plants in Taiwan, and eight of them
were characterized as new compounds. |