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    Title: 高血膽固醇者的飲食型態以及血中銅、鋅的濃度和相關抗氧化酵素的探討
    The characteristics of dietary pattern and copper╱ zinc level 、 copper related antioxidant enzymes in hypercholesterolemic subjects.
    Authors: 許青雲
    Hsu Ching-Yun
    Contributors: 藥學研究所

    Date: 1992
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:50:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要的目的是藉著生化指標來評估人體微量礦物質-銅、鋅的營養
    狀況與血膽固醇之關係。研究對象乃篩選成年男女共79人 (平均年齡約55
    歲,男35人、女44人) ,依據血膽固醇值分成三族群, 高血膽固醇組(總
    膽固醇值大於240 mg/dl n=23),邊緣性高血膽固醇組 (總膽固醇值介
    於200 至 240 mg/dl n=31) 及正常膽固醇組 (總膽固醇值小於200 mg/
    dl n=25)。分析三組血中的脂質,銅、鋅值以及Ceruloplasmin、SOD及
    較高 (p<0.05),GSHPx 在三組之間有統計上的差異 (p<0.05),高血膽
    醇組低,且有統計上之差異 (p<0.05),但在Ceruloplasmin、SOD方面則
    前者攝取三層肉類頻率較高(p<0 .05),在粗纖維的攝取上:水果類和葉
    菜類食物在此二組之間也有統計上的差異 (p<0.05)。在飲食行為上三組
    的差異 (p<0.05),即對高血膽固醇組受試者的營養教育上應多加強。
    Hypercholesterolemia has been shown to be a consequ- ence of
    dietary copper (Cu) deficiency in experime- ntal animals.
    There are several biochemical changes in Cu deficiency. We
    examined the lipid level, sup- eroxide dismutase(SOD),
    glutathione peroxidase(GSHPx) ,ceruloplasmin (Cp) and plasma
    Cu and Zn levels in hyperchoesterolemic subjects (N=23, TC
    >240 mg/dl)、 borderline-hypercholesterolemic subjects (N=31,
    200 ≦TC< 240mg/dl) and control subjects (N=25,TC<200mg /dl).
    Total cholesterol、TG and LDL-C levels appeared to be higher
    than normal in hypercholesterolemic pa- tients (p<0.05).
    However,the SOD、Cp and Zn levels in hypercholesterolemic
    subjects didn&apos;t significantly differ from control.
    Hypercholesterolemic subjects had lower Cu level than control&apos;
    s ( p<0.05 ). As a result,lipids levels were not related to
    plasma Cu 、SOD and Cp among the three groups.Plasma GSHPx
    levels was positively correlated with SOD、Cp value in control
    subjects (r=0.40,r=0.45 p<0.05) , but no correlation in
    hypercholesterolemic subjects was found. Results of
    semiquantitative food frequency questio- nnaire (FFQ) showed
    that intake of fatty meat was higher in hypercholesterolemic
    subjects than control , but the intake of crude fiber of fruits
    and leafly -vegetable had significant reverse relationship(p
    <0.05) . The score test of nutritional knowledge in
    hypercholesterolemic subjects were lower than the other two
    groups (p<0.05).
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[School of Pharmacy] Dissertation/Thesis

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