摘要: | 本研究利用低溫輝光放電電漿 (glow discharge plasma) 將丙烯胺 (allylamine) 以25瓦特 (watts, W) 和50W不同能量方式接枝到氧化鋯 植體的表面,並且植入到兔子的大腿骨,最後分析接枝後的植體是否 有提升骨整合效果。 此實驗使用的氧化鋯植體,經清潔和滅菌後,在本實驗中當作 控制組。經由不同瓦數的低溫電漿25W和50W進行丙烯胺接枝後的 試樣,視為實驗組。將控制組和實驗組的氧化鋯植體植入兔子大腿 骨,並且做植體穩定度測試 (implant stability test,IST) 在植入前後做 比較;在評估實驗的氧化鋯植體和兔子的血液是否有產生交互作用, 有做血液檢測;在分析骨生長之部分,利用X光、電腦斷層 (computerized tomography) 和組織學影像檢測植入前後骨頭的高度; 在分析骨整合部分,利用組織學影像,測量不同組別螺紋間之骨植體 接觸百分比 (BIC, bone-to-implant contact)。 從IST、骨生長以及BIC實驗結果可以得知,經由25W和50W 的低溫輝光放電電漿所進行的丙烯胺接枝處理,和控制組相比,均有 很好的骨整合的效果,且植入後的植體都有很好的穩定度,但25W 從長期來說,更能促進骨生長的反應。因此,從此動物實驗我們可以 得知,選擇適合的能量在低溫輝光放電電漿進行丙烯胺的接枝,可以 有效地增加植體和骨頭間的生長,進而提升骨整合效率。 BACKGROUND: Nowadays, titanium implants have been widely used for the rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patients due to its capability for osseointegration and mechanical strength. Nevertheless, many drawbacks have been reported in recent years such as the nonesthetic color, hypersensitivity, and also bacterial colonization, which may cause peri-implantitis. As the demand of patients’ esthetic requirement and the concern of metallic allergy become higher, these have led to the new development of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) implants. ZrO2 implants are emerging as an alternative choice to conventional titanium implants, with a better tooth-like color, favorable mechanical properties, and great biocompatibility. However, ZrO2 implant surface is smooth and bioinert, which may cause unsatisfactory osseointegration outcomes. Modifying the finish of ZrO2 implant surface with allylamine by plasma creates a biomimetic surface, which increases osseointegration. In the current study, we investigated the efficacy of the ZrO2 implant surface treated with allylamine by plasma in promoting osseointegration.
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The aim of the present study was to demonstrate whether the ZrO2 implant surface treated with allylamine by glow discharge plasma improves the osseointegration outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: There were one control group and two experimental groups in this study. The control group was the ZrO2 implant without any surface treatment, while the two experimental groups were the ZrO2 implant surface cleaned with argon glow discharge plasma at 85W followed by allylamine grafting at 25W and 50W (i.e., the AA 25W and AA 50W groups). Then all of the implants were inserted into the lateral condyle of distal femur bones of New Zealand white rabbits by group. At the end of each time point (0 week, 4th week, 8th week, 12th week), we did the blood test, harvested the femur bone and analyzed the osseointegration properties through implant stability test (IST), CT, X-ray, and histology slide.
RESULTS: According to the implant stability test (IST) results, all three groups were equally good in achieving implant stability at 12 weeks. Blood test results before and after surgery showed that rabbits are overall healthy. Bone level measurements in X-ray, computerized tomography (CT) and histologic evaluation demonstrated that the AA 25W and AA 50W groups had statistically higher bone level gain than the control group. Although there was no statistical significance between the AA 25W and AA 50W groups in bone level gain, the AA 25W group had a higher bone level gain than the AA 50W group numerically. Histologic evaluation showed that bone implant contact in the control group and the AA 50W group decreased with time, whereas that in the AA 25W group increased temporally.
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that ZrO2 implant surface treated with allylamine by plasma significantly benefited osseointegration, potentially through creating a biomimetic surface. Our results showed that modifying ZrO2 implant surface with allylamine at 25W had the best result in bone growth. However, there was no statistically significant difference between allylamine at 25W and 50W. Nevertheless, more research is needed to confirm the benefit and establish the biological mechanism of allylamine modification in promoting implant osseointegration. |