摘要: | 依據內政部警政署2011年至2016年道路交通事故肇事件數按車種別統計,共有3,616,997件,其中機車交通事故就有1,971,745件,占54.5%,其死亡人數為各車種中最高。「機車自撞」的傷害嚴重性,往往比起多車輛事故更為嚴重,機車若因此衝出路外(running-out-of-roadway crashes),事故撞擊力則無緩衝,搜救更費時困難且撞擊嚴重度提高,更容易造成機車騎士死亡或重傷。 本研究分析2011-2016年內政部警政署交通事故統計資料檔(A1、A2資料庫),探討台灣機車自撞事故中機車衝出路外的危險因子。其中案件總數為3,616,997件。排除了當事者區分遺漏值人數(n=25,883)、非機車事故人數(n=1,619,369)、年齡遺漏值(n=8,987)、事故類型及型態中非汽(機)車本身以外之變數(n=1,812,875)。最後,篩選出兩大類別:機車自撞衝出路外事故(n=6,527)及機車自撞其他事故(n=144,356)。 研究結果發現性別(男性危險性較高,AOR=1.086,P<0.004)、年齡(65歲以上族群危險性最高AOR=1.887,P<0.001)、保護措施(沒有戴安全帽危險性高AOR=1.212, P<0.001)、有無喝酒(酒測值越高危險性越高AOR=2.378,P<0.001)、有無駕照(沒有駕駛危險性較高AOR=1.131, P<0.001)、事發地點光線狀況(燈光昏暗下危險性較高AOR=2.639, P<0.001)、時間點(深夜時段0-6時危險性較高AOR=1.363, P<0.001)、速限(AOR=1.259, P<0.001)等變項對於在機車騎士衝出路外有著顯著性的差異。 According to the statistics of the number of road traffic accidents by vehicle type from 2011 to 2016 by the Police Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, there were 3,616,997 cases, of which 1,971,745 were motorcycle accidents, accounting for 54.5%, and the death toll was the highest among all vehicle types. The seriousness of the injury of "Single-motorcycle crashes" is often more serious than that of a multi-vehicle accident. If the motorcycle runs out of the road (running-out-of-roadway crashes), the impact force of the accident will not be buffered, and search and rescue will be more time-consuming and difficult. The severity of the impact is increased, and the motorcycle rider is more likely to die or be seriously injured. This study analyzes the 2011-2016 traffic accident statistical data files (A1 and A2 databases) of the Police Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, and explores the risk factors of motorcycle running-out-of-road in Taiwan. Of these, the total number of cases was 3,616,997. The number of parties with missing values (n=25,883), the number of non-motorcycle accidents (n=1,619,369), the missing values of age (n=8,987), and the types and types of accidents other than the vehicle itself were excluded. (n=1,812,875). Finally, two categories were screened out: running-out-of-roadway crashes (n=6,527) and other accidents (n=144,356). The results of the study found that gender (males were at higher risk, AOR=1.086, P<0.004), age (groups over 65 had the highest risk AOR=1.887, P<0.001), protective measures (no helmets were at higher risk AOR= 1.212, P<0.001), drinking alcohol (the higher the alcohol test value, the higher the risk AOR=2.378, P<0.001), the existence of a driver’s license (the higher the risk of driving without a driving AOR=1.131, P<0.001), the light of the incident location Condition (high risk AOR=2.639 in dim light, P<0.001), time point (high risk AOR=1.363, P<0.001 in late night period 0-6), speed limit (AOR=1.259, P<0.001 ) and other variables make a significant difference for the motorcycle running-out-of-roadway crashes. |