Abstract: | 阿斯巴甜為食用最多非營養性甜味劑。研究證實給予懷孕大鼠阿斯巴甜,會造成胎盤、 卵巢氧化壓力上升、粒線體功能降低;粒線體為母系遺傳,原先儲備於卵母細胞中的
粒線體決定卵的品質,進而影響受孕能力;母代下視丘-腦下垂體-性軸線其性激素分 泌狀態,可能會透過此路徑影響後代性成熟階段。因此,本次研究目的為探討母代暴 露阿斯巴甜,是否因母代性激素分泌多寡而影響子代性成熟過程及生殖器官之氧化壓 力、粒線體功能。本次實驗將母代大鼠 24 隻分 3 組:控制組、高劑量組、低劑量組, 持續管餵阿斯巴甜持續 14 週後分娩;將子代 (隨機取 54 隻) 分 6 組:公/母鼠子代控 制組、公/母鼠子代低劑量組及公/母鼠子代高劑量組,離乳後,持續管餵阿斯巴甜持 續 8 週。結果顯示阿斯巴甜會影響母代性激素分泌、卵巢儲備能力下降;造成雌性子 代晚性成熟、發情週期異常及其雌激素、助孕酮下降;雄性子代陰莖長度較短及其睪 固酮下降;子代生殖器官氧化壓力上升、粒線體功能障礙及粒線體生合成路徑受阻。 因此,本次研究發現阿斯巴甜可能透過母代暴露,進而影響子代生育能力。
Aspartame is one of the non-nutritive sweetener and is commonly used as a food additive in the market. Studies have confirmed that administration of aspartame to pregnant rat may increase oxidative stress of the placenta and ovaries and decrease its’ mitochondrial function. Another study pointed out that mitochondria are maternally inherited. The mitochondria originally stored in the follicles determines the quality of the oocytes. The sex hormone secretion state of the maternal hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis may affect the sexual maturation of the offspring through this pathway. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether maternal exposure aspartame could affect offspring sexual maturation, oxidative stress of reproductive organs and mitochondrial function due to the secretion of maternal sex hormones. SD female rats were randomly divided into three groups: Control group, low and high dose of aspartame group. After 14-week gavage and delivery, offspring were divided into 6 groups: Male/Female offspring control group, male/female offspring low-dose group and male/female offspring high-dose group. Aspartame continuous intervene for 8-week after sexual maturation. The results showed that aspartame affected the secretion of maternal rats sex hormones and decreased ovarian reserve. In addition, caused female offspring late for sexual maturation, abnormal estrus cycle and decreased estradiol and progesterone; caused male offspring shorter penis length and decreased testosterone. Eventually, increased oxidative stress in offspring reproductive organs, mitochondrial dysfunction and blocked mitochondrial biogenesis pathway. Therefore, this study found that aspartame may affected offspring fertility through maternal exposure. |