摘要: | 在臨床上,全瓷冠?復物治療常常會需要將牙齒修磨成支台齒的形狀,或是使用植體取代牙齒再戴上製作好的全瓷冠,然而,在長期的臨床觀察下,發現全瓷冠會因支台齒的顏色漸漸變深,而在陶瓷較薄的齒齦交界處透出,讓全瓷冠的美觀性下降,此論文研究之目的為探討顏色過深之支台齒使用了內層上金之二氧化鋯全瓷冠後,是否可以提升遮色效果,進而解決此問題。
樣品製作完後先進行X光繞射法分析使用材料之結晶特性,再將樣品置於白色、18度灰、黑色之色卡上,用比色機檢測各樣品之CIE L*a*b*值並分析樣品的△E顏色差異值,討論二氧化鋯瓷塊上金與否以及背景顏色對樣品顏色的影響。
In clinical application, prosthodontic treatment using full-porcelain crown tends to prepare the natural tooth into abutment, or placing implant to attach the prosthesis. If the abutment color becomes dark after long-term usage, the aesthetics of the full-porcelain crown worsens. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether coating a thin layer of gold can improve the shading ability of full ceramic zirconia crown when applied on dark color abutment tooth.
In this study, we fabricated the sample by cutting the zirconia block into rectangular shape, followed by sintering and samples with a size of 10 x 10 mm2, and various thickness (0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 mm) can be prepared. After sandblasting, gold inner layer(s) were deposited. The samples were divided into three major groups (0,1,2 layers of gold) and each major group contained four minor groups (0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1mm).
The X-ray diffraction analysis was first performed, followed by thickness measurement, and at last the CIE L*a*b* color parameters were obtained by plating the samples on three different background color (white, grey, and black) using a colorimeter. The color differences among samples with different background colors, thicknesses of zirconia, and with/without gold inner layer(s) were evaluated.
The results showed that the thickness of zirconia affected the color of zirconia. The larger the thickness, the smaller the L* value. The chroma will
shifted to red and yellow color. Background color have significant impact on the sample color parameters. The deeper the background color, the larger the impact. Gold plated samples showed more resistance to the effect of the deep background color. Zirconia with a thick-enough gold inner layer revealed good shading effects and high potential to be use on dental prostheses. |