摘要: | 3D列印技術已廣泛應用於牙科領域。由於數位化技術的發展和市場的廣泛推廣,口內掃描儀、CNC車銑加工床和3D列印機已成為當今臨床牙科的基本配備。當談到3D列印牙科端的應用時,可以分為以下幾個部分,義齒製作(牙冠、假牙)、手術導板、隱形牙套和其他矯正用輔助用途的模型。隨著科技的進步和牙科知識資訊的普及,越來越多的患者尋求牙齒矯正治療,以達到更好的美觀和適當的咬合關係。患者還要求治療必須快速、簡單、舒適並同時具有美觀性,因此隱形牙套的矯正模式已成為傳統固定矯治器的替代品。
在這項研究中,我們將套討一種使用生物相容性 3D 列印光敏樹脂生成3D列印直接列印隱形牙套的流程及方法。該材料可以直接在 DLP 3D 列印機(LUX3,LuxCreo Inc.,美國)上直接列印牙套,代替傳統的列印模型、熱成型和修邊方法來生產隱形牙套。該材料經測試符合 ISO10993(生物相容性)並在口腔中表現良好,具有符合 ISO20795-2 的良好材料物理特性。這些成分具有生物相容性,可與皮膚接觸 30 天以上,與粘膜接觸至少 24 小時。該3D列印直接列印隱形牙套每天應至少佩戴20小時,並應在飲水或進食時取出。通過3D列印隱形牙套,它可以減少大量的時間、材料成本和人工費用。
3D printing has been widely used in dental field for manufacturing dental prosthetics. Due to digital technology development and widely promoting in the market, intraoral scanners, milling machines and 3D printers has become the basic production facilities in the clinic nowadays. When talking about 3d printing in dental application, it separates into couple parts, prosthetics (crowns, and dentures), surgical guides, aligners, and models for other auxiliary use. With the advancement of technology and the popularization of dental knowledge information, more and more patients are seeking treatment for orthodontics to achieve better aesthetics and correct occlusion. Patients also demanded that the treatment must be quick, simple, comfortable and have aesthetic simultaneously, so aligners has become the alternatives to conventional fixed appliances.
In this study, we developed a biocompatible 3D printing photosensitive resin that can directly print on DLP 3D printer (LUX3, LuxCreo Inc., USA) to produce aligners instead of the traditional method by printing model, thermoforming, and trimming. The material is tested conforming to ISO10993 (biocompatibility) and well-performed in mouth with good material physical properties that follows ISO20795-2. The ingredients are biocompatible for skin contact for over 30 days, and mucosa contact at least 24 hours. The aligner should wear at least 20 hours per day and should take it out when drinking or eating. By the 3D printing aligner, it can reduce lots of time, material cost, and labor fee. |