摘要: | 在近代應用醫學統計中存活分析(survival analysis)扮演相當重要的角色,
速又正確的統計分析,因此本文將存活率計算與Web-Base 結合,發展一套
本文使用的癌症資料為台北榮民總醫院癌病中心-癌症登記資料庫(Cancer Register Data Management System),內容為1993 年至2002 年癌症個案,
資料筆數共50500 筆,包含人口學特性資料庫及癌症特性資料庫。
利用存活分析中三種常見的方式:對存活率估算的Kaplan Meier、兩組存活
曲線比較的Logrank Test 及多種預後因子之存活分析的Cox Proportional
Hazards Model。 The study of longitudinal analysis plays an important role in contemnor
medicine. The results may address the way to improve the efficacy and the
efficiency of therapy. In most of problems, time occurs as an important factor
for analyzing the data. Survival analyses are therefore to treat time as outcome.
In survival analyses, probabilities are calculated not just for groups but
individuals in a group. For clinical work, it is a great sufficiency for us to create
the beneficiary of medical cares.
Cancer has become the first leading cause of deaths in Taiwan since 1982.
Although the medicine and technology have significantly improved, there are
still bottlenecks in the cancer treatment areas which need to be broken.
Analyzing of cancer patient’s data can be a useful way to increase the
effectiveness of cancer treatments. Hence that we are going to build a web-based
survival analysis, OTSAS (abbreviated from Online Analytic System for Tumor
Survival Analysis), offering the convenient dynamic query, that is able to assist
the medical researchers efficiently and easily analyze the structure of
information by using three famous survival statistical analyses.
This thesis uses the data of CRDMS (Cancer Registry Data Management System)
from VGH Taipei (Taipei Veterans General Hospital), which contains over
50500 cancer cases from year 1993 to year 2002, including the demography
properties database and cancer properties database.
This thesis provides three famous survival analysis methods: First is the Kaplan
Meier method for generating the survival curve; second is the Logrank test for
generating and comparing the survival curves of two groups, the last one is the
Cox Proportional Hazards Model for estimating the risk ratio of some prognosis
factors. |