摘要: | 研究背景
此研究發現,以台灣全民健康保險觀點、並以一到三倍的台灣人均國內生產毛額作為閾值來評估,用於預防性凝血因子治療的長效型第八凝血因子跟標準型第八凝血因子相比,為不具成本效益的治療選項。建議未來研究可納入年度出血次數、凝血因子使用量及關節健康成效的真實世界證據,以優化成本效用分析模型。 Background
Extended half-life (EHL) factor VIII has been developed in recent years to reduce the dosing frequency of prophylaxis and to maintain higher factor trough levels for bleeding prevention in patients with severe hemophilia A.
To examine the cost-effectiveness of the prophylactic use of EHL factor VIII (FVIII) products, rFVIII-Fc and PEG-rFVIII, compared to standard half-life (SHL) FVIII in patients with severe hemophilia A from the perspective of the National Health Insurance in Taiwan.
A combination of a decision tree and a three-state Markov model was adopted, including no target joint (TJ), TJ, and dead states. The health effects of EHL FVIII and SHL FVIII were retrieved from clinical trials and real-world data in Taiwan, including annualized bleeding rate (ABR), TJ, and factor consumption. The utility decrement of TJs and bleeding episodes as well as the utility increment of decreased frequency of infusion were accounted for. The costs of factor consumption for prophylaxis and for treating bleeding events were calculated. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated and presented as costs per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) to compare the cost-effectiveness of EHL FVIII and SHL FVIII. One-way sensitivity analyses and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA) were conducted to test the robustness of the results.
The base-case analysis demonstrated that compared to SHL FVIII, rFVIII-Fc had a cost increase of NTD 63,016,954 and a QALY gain of 4.34, yielding an ICER of NTD 14,534,522 per QALY while PEG-rFVIII was dominated by rFVIII-Fc. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that utility weights and factor consumption of prophylaxis were key drivers of the results. The PSA results showed that the probability of rFVIII-Fc and PEG-rFVIII being cost-effective when compared to SHL FVIII was low.
Our findings suggest that the prophylactic use of EHL FVIII products may not be cost-effective compared to low-to-intermediate dose SHL FVIII using the threshold of 1 to 3 times GDP per capita in Taiwan. Future research incorporating real-world evidence of ABR, factor consumption, and joint health outcomes can help optimize the model for the evaluation of EHL FVIII products. |