摘要: | 本研究目的為:(1)了解並比較進階護理師的專科護理師證照通過與否,其個人屬性、職場支持、社會支持及自我效能之差異;(2)分析進階護理師職場支持、社會支持、自我效能與專科護理師證照通過與否之相關性。
本研究設計採橫斷式問卷調查法。研究對象為臨床實際從事專科護理師工作之進階護理師。研究工具包括受試者基本屬性調查表、職場支持量表、社會支持量表、自我效能量表等四大部分。資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、卡方檢定、點二系列相關係數與多元羅吉斯迴歸分析進行分析。
本研究共收集北區3家醫學中心及4家區域醫院,共發出429份問卷,回收有效問卷379份,問卷有效的回收率為88.34%。研究結果發現進階護理師的個人屬性與專科護理師證照通過與否具顯著差異,包括年齡(X2 = 35.044,p < .001)、婚姻狀況(X2 = 7.454,p = .007)、子女(X2= 11.315,p = .003)、進階護理師工作年資(X2 = 122.365,p < .001)、進階護理師隸屬管轄單位(X2 = 14.511,p = .001)、工作部門(X 2= 13.951,p = .001)及平均每月薪資(X 2= 21.840,p < .001)。而進階護理師的專科護理師證照通過與否,與職場支持、社會支持並無顯著差異;但與自我效能呈現顯著差異(t = 2.517,p = .012)。而進階護理師的職場支持與社會支持呈正向中度相關(r = .329,p < .01)、社會支持與自我效能呈正向中度相關(r = .325,p < .01)、職場支持與自我效能呈正低相關(r =.271,p < .01)。經多元羅吉斯迴歸分析後發現,進階護理師工作年資及進階護理師的管轄隸屬單位是影響專科護理師證照通過與否的重要因素(χ2=134.912,p < .001)。
本研究結果可作為未來進階護理師人力資源管理之參考,並強化進階護理師自我效能感受與職場與社會支持,使提升其未來臨床工作表現。 The purposes of the study were (1) to understand and compare the differences in workplace support, social support, and self-efficacy between advanced practice nurses with and without license, and (2) to analyze the relationships between workplace support, social support, self-efficacy and advanced practice nurses with and without license.
The study design was a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Subjects were advanced practice nurses who are currently engaged in nurse practitioner’s business. The questionnaire consisted of four parts: demographic collection tool, workplace support scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Chinese General Self-efficacy Scale (CGSS). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, chi-square test, point biserial correlation coefficient, and multiple logistic regression analysis.
Of the 429 questionnaires distributed to 3 medical centers and 4 district hospitals in northern Taiwan; 379 questionnaires were retuned, giving a return rate of 88.34%. The results showed that advanced practice nurses with or without licenses were affected by age (X2 = 35.044, p < .001), marital status (X2 = 7.454, p = .007), number of children (X2= 11.315, p = .003), year of work experience (X2 = 122.365, p < .001), management department (X2 = 14.511, p = .001), work unit (X 2 = 13.951, p = .001), and average monthly salary (X2 = 21.840, p < .001). There was no significant difference in workplace support and social support between advanced practice nurses with and without license. However, there was a significant difference in level of self-efficacy between advanced practice nurses with or without license (r = .2.517, p = .012). A moderate positive correlation was found between workplace support and social support (r= .329, p < .01) and social support and the level of self-efficacy (r = .325, p < .01). A low positive correlation was also found between workplace support and the level of self-efficacy (r =.271,p < .01). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that year of work experience and management department were important factors on advanced practice nurses with or without licenses (χ2=134.912,p < .001).
The findings can serve as a reference for managers in human resource department to strengthen the level of self-efficacy, workplace support, and social support for advanced practice nurses to enhance their performance in the future. |