摘要: | 過重與肥胖為全世界的公共衛生議題,其存在與代謝性疾病有密切的關係,肥胖
有效率的減重。本次研究,收集2 組不同班別,各別為代餐藥物二合一組及藥物組的
減重病患資料共50 名,自費減重療程為期8 週,在第0、8 週時,進行體組成分析、
使用生物電阻測量儀器分析。2 組減重療程後的體重、腹部脂肪、血脂、血糖及丙酮
酸轉胺酶都有減少,其中代餐藥物二合一組的病患,體重、身體質量指數BMI (Body
Mass Index)、體脂重、空腹血糖皆顯著下降優於藥物組。 Overweight and obesity are public health issues around the world, and their existence is
closely related to metabolic diseases. The indirect cost of obesity derived from obesity,
including direct medical care costs, reduced productivity, and early mortality, has been
greater than direct cost, so weight reduction has become a shortcut to reduce the huge
medical burden. However, weight loss requires the establishment of personalized eating
habits, the deployment of meal replacement nutrition and the assistance of weight loss
drugs, and all-round monitoring to achieve efficient weight loss. In this study, a total of 50 weight loss patients were collected from 2 groups, namely the meal replacement drug
group and the drug group. The weight loss treatment at own expense lasts for 8 weeks. At
the 0th and 8th weeks, body composition analysis, abdominal ultrasound examination, and
blood biochemical analysis were performed. Every week after that, a bioelectrical
impedance (BIA) instrument was used to track body composition. After 8 weeks of the
experiment, the weight, BMI, body fat, and fasting blood glucose of patients in the meal
replacement drug group were significantly lower than those in the drug group. |