摘要: | 在今日越為進步的世代,傳統的 3D 列印無法滿足科技的需求,4D
列印 (4D printing)因此而出現。2012 年 Tibbits 教授首先提出 4D 列
印的概念,其意義即 3D 列印加上時間一項,使得既有成品不再受限於
(metamaterial) 因為具有獨特的機械特徵和來自其結構形狀而非其
熱、電、磁、pH 等)會因而產生變形。因此在超材料結構設計概念下,
配合形狀記憶材料暨 4D 列印技術,即可創造出 4D 列印未來的春天。
本論文以 3D 列印技術配合形狀記憶複合材料形成 4D 列印技術,
並對刺激響應記憶複合材料(聚乳酸 (polylactic acid, PLA)/熱塑性
聚胺脂 (thermoplastic polyurethane, TPU))設計不同方向單元排
列的超材料結構,研究其特性及機制。 Due to the increasingly progressive generation, traditional 3D printing can't meet the needs of technology, and 4D printing was then raised up. In 2012, professor Tibbits proposed the concept of 4D printing that is 3D printing plus time, and so that the finished product is no longer limited to stationary objects, and the product can be dynamically changed by external stimulation. Metamaterials are at the forefront of micro structural engineering because of their unique mechanical characteristics and extraordinary properties from their structure rather than their composition. These artificial metamaterials are engineered through structures to produce unprecedented characteristics such as negative refractive index, negative Poisson’s ratio or shear stress disappear. Shape memory materials are known for their shape memory behavior, which can be deformed under various stimulating environments (water, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, pH, etc.). Therefore, the concept of the metamaterial structure design, with the shape memory material and 4D printing technology, can create future spring of 4D printing.
This thesis first uses 3D printing technology with shape memory composite material to form 4D printing and with the concept of metamaterial, the stimuli-responsive memory composite material units (polylactic acid ,PLA) /thermoplastic polyurethane ,TPU) were arranged in different direction of metamaterial structure, and then the characteristics and mechanism were observed. |