摘要: | 在目前醫療市場競爭日益激烈的情形下,醫院管理階層唯有瞭解並提升醫院員工顧客導向行為,改善醫護及行政等人員與病患間的互動關係,其服務品質才可能提升。本研究的目的便針對國內醫院員工的顧客導向行為之相關因素予以探討。研究母群體為臺北市某私立區域教學醫院與某市立醫院之醫師、護理人員、其他醫事人員、及行政人員等四類員工;以結構式問卷採普查方式進行調查,回收之有效問卷數共797份,回收率則為39.13%。本研究的應變項為醫院員工的顧客導向行為,自變項則包含組織承諾、工作滿意度、內部行銷、及醫院員工屬性。研究結果顯示:1)在組織承諾此構面中,員工的情感性承諾或規範性承諾越高,其顧客導向行為程度也越高;2)在工作滿意度方面,員工的內在滿意度越高,則其顧客導向行為程度也越高;3)相較於女性員工而言,男性員工有較低程度的顧客導向行為;4)年齡愈大的員工,其顧客導向行為程度越高;5)相較於專科學歷的員工而言,研究所學歷的員工有較高程度的顧客導向行為,而高中職學歷的員工則有較低程度的顧客導向行為。實證結果顯示醫院員工屬性、組織承諾、及工作滿意度等變項,對於員工顧客導向行為呈現顯著的影響力。本研究的研究結果可提供給醫院經營管理階層,作為制定人力資源管理策略時的參考。 Facing a very competitive healthcare market, hospital administrators need to improve the quality of health services by understanding and enhancing their employees’ customer-oriented behavior, and by improving the interrelationships between employees and patients. This study aimed to explore the influential factors of hospital employees'' customer-oriented behavior. The study population included employees from one private regional teaching hospital and one municipal hospital in Taipei City. Structured questionnaires were sent to physicians, nurses, other medical staff, and administrative staff at the participating hospitals. A total of 797 questionnaires were returned, with an overall response rate of 39.13%. For the study, the dependent variable was hospital employees'' customer-oriented behavior, and the independent variables were organizational commitment (which was composed of three dimensions, affective, normative, and continual commitment), job satisfaction (which included internal and external satisfaction), internal marketing, and characteristics of employees. The results indicated: 1) Employees’ affective and continual commitment had positive effects on their customer-oriented behavior. 2) Employees who had higher internal satisfaction presented better customer-oriented behavior. 3) Compared to females, male employees had worse customer-oriented behavior. 4) The older the respondent was, the better his or her customer-oriented behavior was. 5) Educational achievements exerted significantly impacts on customer-oriented behavior. In conclusion, employees'' customer-oriented behavior was influenced by characteristics of employees, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. With this understanding, hospital administrators can design better human resources management strategies with the aim of improving the quality of health services provided. |