摘要: | 職場暴力是全球近年來關注的議題之一。暴力可依受暴者傷害類型分
本研究為橫斷性研究,於2015 年5-6 月在台灣北部三家醫院利用自填
式問卷進行收樣,共收集504 位自願作答者資料。問卷內容包括:受詴者
各類型職場暴力過去12 個月的平均次數,言語暴力為4.32 次、身體
暴力2.06 次、心理威脅3.82 次、性騷擾2.54 次;言語與心理威脅盛行率
4.485, 2.446 );門診、精神科、加護病房和急診有較高的身體暴力風險
(OR=180.746, 143.490, 32.828, 30.062);精神科、門診、護理科和外科部門
有較高的心理暴力風險(OR=23.610, 13.926, 8.078, 8.068);精神科和綜合科
有較高的性騷擾風險(OR=335.418, 218.101)。有些環境因素與性騷擾除外
教育訓練與環境安全措施,以減少醫院職場的暴力事件。 Workplace violence is one of the issues of global concern in recent years.
The violences were briefly divided into four categories: verbal, physical,
psychological violence and sexual harassment. The previous studies of medical
workplace violence were mostly limited to the emergency room and psychiatric
medical staffs. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive survey
for all staffs in different department of hospitals.
This is a cross-sectional study during May and June 2015. Data of a
self-reported questionnaire were collected from 504 employees in three
hospitals in Northern Taiwan. The contents of questionnaire included:
demographic characteristics, work-related information, violence experiences in
the past twelve months, physical and mental status, the environmental risk
factors and the violence control strategies. Prevalences of various types of
violences were calculated. Associations of the violence and work-related,
psychological, and environmental factors were analysed by chi-squae test.
After adjusting confounding factors, multiple logistic regression models were
used to explain the association of violence and work-related, psychological,
and environmental factors.
The results showed that the average times of workplace violences in the
past 12 months were: the verbal violence 4.32, the physical violence 2.06, the
psychological threat 3.82, and sexual harassment 2.54. Prevalences of verbal,
psychological threat, physical violence and sexual harassment were 48%, 32%,
9% and 9% respectively. The risks of verbal violence in outpatient, emergency
and surgical departments were significant higher than administrative
department(OR=7.413, 4.485, 2.446 ); the risks of physical violence in
outpatient, psychiatric clinics,ICU and emergency departments were significant
higher than administrative department(OR=180.746, 143.490, 32.828, 30.062);
the risks of psychological violence in psychiatric clinics, outpatient, nursing
and surgical departments were significant higher than administrative
department(OR=23.610, 13.926, 8.078, 8.068); the risks of sexual harassment
in psychiatric clinics and integrated treatment departments were significant
higher than administrative department(OR=335.418, 218.101). Except sexual
harassment, several environmental factors were associated with violences
The results showed that, except emergency and psychiatric clinics
departments, outpatient, ICU and surgical departments were also the high risk
units suffered violences. To strengthen the trainings and environmental safety
measures in violence prevention of above high risk units is recommended. |