摘要: | 研究背景
針對受傷相關因素,將因家暴返診族群與未返診族群互相比較後,無顯著差異,當使用邏輯式迴歸分析(logistic regression analysis)家暴再返診族群當中以年齡差、教育程度差、種族、婚姻狀況、工作狀況做為影響返診的危險因子。分析後發現,本國籍再返診勝算是非本國籍的0.263倍;受暴者與施暴者在婚姻中,返診勝算是非婚姻關係中的3.345倍,也就是說婚姻中再返診勝算比比較高。 Background
In 2009, the United Nations announced that the third targets in Millennium were about human rights of women and to reduce violence against women. Since 2009, these issues become more and more important worldwide. One of violence against women is intimate partner violence (IPV) with 35% prevalence. IPV can result in physical and mental problems as well as psychological impacts in family members.
There were several factors associated with domestic violence, alcohol or drugs, race, psychological problem, culture, and pregnancy. The studies of domestic violence in United States and Canada found that the race was an important risk factor. Overall, most present studies focused on the characteristics of abusers. However, the characteristics of victims need to be addressed carefully. Also, the study in the risk factor of domestic violence needs to be done.
Another important issue is re-victimization. The injury severity and frequency of violence were found to be associated with re-victimization. However, there is still no guideline in severity and frequency of injury for re-victimization. The most commonly instrument to assess the severity of injury is ISS (Injury Severity Score), but most of IPV were not evaluated their corresponding injury severity by ISS. In addition, some victims went to the same hospital but some were not, because of the geographic locations of hospitals in Taiwan. Therefore, the frequency of injury caused by IPV is hard to count and it would be not a good index for evaluating re-victimization.
In this study, the goals are to find the risk factor between abuser and victims for the intimate partner violence events, and to find out he related features of the re-victimization group.
This study collected medical records of the patients who came to Shang-Ho hospital from January 1th to December 31th in 2013, and they reported about domestic violence by themselves. We collected the abusers’ and victims’ data as following: age, gender, education level, marriage status, types of work, time of domestic violence, alcohol and drugs. We also collected victims’ injury severity (contusion, abrasion, fracture, complaint pain), and body location of injury (head and neck, trunk, limbs). The definition of re-victimization we had was these domestic violence patients revisited out hospital during 2013.01 – 2014.12. The number of returns and the reasons of returns were calculated. The returning reasons were classified into three categories: 1. intimate partner violence, 2. chronic disease, 3. intimate partner violence sequels. The factor, marriage status between abusers and victims, included marriage, separated, divorce, and cohabit. Other than the above relationships were excluded from this study. For analysis the risk factors of IPV, Chi-square and Logistic regression analysis were used.
In this study, there were 402 IPV. Female Victims were 87.56%, and in marriage status 68.41%. Most victims aged 31-40years (39.80%), and most of victims had senior high school education (37.07%). Most of victims were Taiwan citizens and non-aboriginal (82.09%). Most abusers aged 31-40 years (25.37%) and had senior high school education level (28.61%). Most of abusers were Taiwan citizens and non-aboriginal (74.88%).
There were 51 victims who returned to hospital and caused byIPV. Female victims were 86.28% (44 people) and 41.18% of Victims aged 31-40 years (21 people). Most of corresponding abusers aged 41-50 years ( 25.49%). Victims and abuser had the same distribution in education level and race.
There were 34 victims who returned to hospital caused by IPV sequels, and most of them were in marriage status. Female of victims were 31 persons and most of them aged 31-40years (9 people). There were 16 people who returned to hospital more than twice caused by intimate partner violence, and most of them were in marriage status. There were 15 victims of female, and 6 persons aged 31-40years (40%) as well as 5 persons aged 41-50 years (31.25%). In this group, the numbers of people had college education were different between abusers and victims,( victims, 1 person and abuser, 4 persons). The distribution of education level was not different between abusers and victims who returned to hospital.
Comparing victims who returned or did not return to hospital, the risk factors were not significant. When using a logistic regression analysis, we found the odds of re-victimization for the citizenship was 0.263 times for non-citizenship. The odds of re-victimization for the victims in marriage was 3.345 times for victims in non-marriage status. |