摘要: | 因為過度使用網路對發育中之兒童及青少年認知功能影響甚大,所以本研究目的旨在探討小學學童網路成癮與執行功能、學習注意力之相關性。本研究為橫斷式研究設計,採立意取樣,以新北市某市立國小五、六年級之學童進行調查,第一階段為篩選有無網路成癮,共收取267位個案,第二階段探討學童有無網路成癮與執行功能、學習注意力之相關性。研究工具包括網路成癮量表、叫色測驗、威斯康辛卡片分類測驗、記憶廣度測驗及課室專注力量表。資料分析採描述性統計及卡方檢定檢測有無網路成癮在各變項間之差異,另以獨立樣本t檢定檢測有無網路成癮對執行功能及學習注意力的影響並以多元逐步迴歸分析找出影響網路成癮之預測因子。
研究結果發現,國小五、六年級學童之網路成癮量表平均得分為47.64 ± 16.74分,其中,有網路成癮有50人,佔18.7 %,有網路成癮者控制干擾能力方面,文字與顏色不相同反應時間(t = - 2.446, p < 0.05)顯著高於無網路成癮者;在認知轉換能力,總錯誤率(t = - 4.705, p < 0.001)、固著反應率(t = - 9.167, p < 0.001)、固著錯誤率(t = - 7.703, p < 0.001)顯著高於無網路成癮者,而概念水準反應率(t = 4.009, p < 0.001)顯著低於無網路成癮者;在工作記憶能力之依序背誦得分(t = 3.114, p < 0.01)、反序背誦得分(t = 2.035, p < 0.05)及依序背誦+反序背誦總分(t = 3.017, p < 0.01)顯著低於無網路成癮者;有網路成癮者學習注意力分數(t = 7.073, p < 0.001)顯著低於無網路成癮者。而性別、網路使用時間、頻率為預測學童網路成癮的重要影響因子。
本研究結果提供醫護相關人員更了解學童網路成癮對執行功能與學習注意力之影響,有助於未來教師及家長幫助學童適當的使用網路避免網路成癮的發生。 Because children and adolescent excessive use of the internet will influence on their cognitive functions; therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between internet addiction and executive function and learning attention in elementary school of fifth and sixth grade students. This study was a cross-sectional design using a purposive sampling to recruit samples from New Taipei city elementary schools. The first phase was to survey 267 children. The phase two was to investigate understand the relationship of internet addiction on executive function and learning attention in children with and without internet addiction. Instruments used included Internet Addiction Scale, Stroop Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Digit Span Test and Classrooms Attention Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square test to detect the presence of internet addiction in the difference between the various variables. The independent samples t test was performed to detect whether internet addiction effects on executive function and learning attention, and stepwise multiple regression to identify the factors of internet addiction.
The results were as follows. The Internet Addiction Scale average score was 47.64 ± 16.74, were 50 people have Internet addiction, accounting for 18.7%. In control interference ability, internet addicts whose incongruence (t = - 2.446, p <0.05) were significantly higher than those without internet addicts. In mental set and shift, percent errors (t = - 4.705, p <0.001), percent perseverative responses (t = - 9.167, p <0.001), and percent perseverative errors (t = - 7.703, p <0.001) were significantly higher than those without internet addicts. Conceptual level responses (t = 4.009, p <0.001) were significantly lower than those without internet addiction. In working memory, in the forward digit-span task score (t = 3.114, p <0.01), in the backward digit-span task score (t = 2.035, p <0.05), and digit span total score (t = 3.017, p <0.01) were significantly lower than those without internet addicts. Internet addicts whose learning attention (t = 7.073, p <0.001) were significantly lower than those without internet addicts.
The findings can provide health care stakeholders to better understanding of the effects of internet addiction on executive function and learning attention in elementary children. Thus, parents and teachers can use the findings to help children to proper use internet and to prevent them from addition. |