摘要: | 口腔衛生在全世界各先進國家之老人健康促進政策中皆為重要議題之一,日常口腔自我照護行為有助於維持良好的口腔衛生及功能。本研究目的在於運用整合行為模式來預測及解釋社區中老年人口腔自我照護行為。
結果發現,口腔健康識能(β=-.255, p<.001)、口腔自我照護意圖(β=.327, p<.001)、主觀感受環境限制(β=-.148, p=.014)對口腔自我照護行為之直接效果顯著,解釋變異量為.169,估計標準誤係數為.912(F(3,259)=18.714)。以口腔自我照護意圖為依變項時,口腔自我照護態度之路徑係數為.131(p=.002),主觀感受他人信念之路徑係數為.391(p<.001),口腔自我照護效能之路徑係數為.484(p<.001),直接效果皆顯著,解釋變異量為.550,估計標準誤係數為.671(F(3,259)=107.952)。
口腔自我照護行為的提升,可以藉由增強口腔健康識能來影響並提高口腔自我照護態度的正向程度、主觀感受他人信念的認同與支持、口腔自我照護效能的增加,進而來提升口腔自我照護意圖,並且降低主觀感受環境限制來達成。未來健康政策、衛生教育與研究能夠針對社區民眾之口腔自我照護行為發展介入措施,並提升國人口腔健康識能與建立良好的口腔自我照護行為,促進口腔健康生活品質。 Oral health is one of the most important issues addressed by many national policies or projects in both developed and developing countries. A good oral self-care behavior (OSC) is considered as an effective strategy to maintain oral function and oral health. The aim of this study was to explain and predict oral self-care behavior of community mid-aged and older adults based on the Integrated Behavioral Model.
Cross-sectional research design and purposive sampling was performed. A total of 263 participants were recruited from community care centers in Taipei city, Taiwan. Stracture questionnaire was used to collect all data.
Results showed that oral health literacy (β=-.255, p<.001), Intention of OSC (β=.327, p<.001), subjective perception of environmental constraints (β=-.148, p=.014) have direct effect to behavior of OSC significantly (F(3,259)=18.714, R2=.178, Se=.907). Attitude of OSC, subjective perception of significant others beliefs, Self-efficacy of OSC’s path coefficient were .131 (p=.002), .391 (p<.001), .484 (p<.001), respectively, have significantly direct effect to intention of OSC (F(3,259)= 107.952, R2=.550, Se=.671).
In this study, we identified that strategy for improving the oral health knowledge, self-care skill and ability should emphasize on one’s attitude, subjective perception of significant others beliefs, and self-efficacy of OSC behavior. Intervention of improving oral self-care behavior should be develop the implemented in future studies. |