摘要: | 研究目的:
近期資訊及通訊技發展日新月異, 服務提供者利用便利的預約系統以增加其效益。但是導入了預約系統並不等於使用者接受這項服務系統,所以藉由科技接受模式(Technology Accetpance Model, TAM, Davis et al., 1989)了解使用者認知易用性 (PEOU)、認知有用性 (PU) 及使用意願間簡單又易懂的關係,另根據D&M資訊系統成功模式探討本系統之滿意度和使用意願/使用和淨效益。
本研究結果了解使用者對健檢預約系統的使用態度是正向的,並可正向影響使用意願,顯示使用者對健檢預約系統接受度高,亦可從使用者滿意度得知使用者對健檢預約系統的接受程度。對受檢者淨效益而言,有效縮短每位受檢者健檢時間約33分鐘並節約到院領取體檢表來回時間共需78分鐘;就健檢中心淨效益而言,藉由降低等候時間,有效提升服務品質,節約人工安排體檢時段、回答受檢者電話或現場詢問健檢訊息等等時間。 Background and Objectives:
Based on the rapid growing trend of the information and communications technology, service providers introduced the new physical examination appointment system that can increase efficiency. However, the introduction of physical examination appointment system is not widely utilized immediately.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM, Davis et al., 1989) develops a simplified model with explanations for the relationship between perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU) and intentions in accepting new technologies. Satisfaction and intentions to explore and use the net benefit of the system under D & M information success model.
In this research of the Physical Examination Appointment System case, the main construct is to apply the TAM and Information System Success Model as the main tools. Explore the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use affect the attitude of users, thereby affecting satisfactions and intentions to use and net benefits. First an empirical study is conducted among user of the physical examination appointment system in a regional teaching hospital in Taipei. Then results are analyzed by using Statistics Analysis, SEM
Results and Conclusions:
The results of this Study to understand the user to use the appointment system of physical examination attitude is positive, and the positive influence intention to display the user accepts appointment system for physical examination and high user satisfaction can also be learned from the users' acceptance of the physical examination appointment system. For the users, each user 33 minutes effectively shorten the time physical examination and save to the hospital to receive medical report time 78 minutes; on physical examination centers, the reduce waiting time by effectively improve service qualities, time-saving artificial arrangements , answer the phone or ask on-site physical examination message times. |