摘要: | 中文摘要
指導教授:李 選 中山醫學大學護理學研究所 教授
蕭妃秀 臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 助理教授
本研究目的在探討精神科護理人員照護層面自我效能與關懷行為之現況、及以上變項間之關係。採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣,針對台北市二所分屬市立精神醫療網的核心醫院與軍方醫學中心的精神科急性病房之護理人員進行普查,以自擬之『精神科護理人員照護層面自我效能問卷調查表』與修訂之『關懷照護行為量表』為工具收集資料。有效度問卷,共計80份。資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、pearson correlation等統計方法進行分析。
關健詞: 精神科護理人員、照護自我效能、關懷行為 Abstract
Title of thesis: A Study of Relationship Between Psychiatric
Nurse''s Self-efficacy in Caring Aspect and Their
Caring Behaviors
Institution:Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical
Author: Chiu- Fen Hsu
Thesis directed by: Sheuan Lee Professor
Fei-Hsiu Hsiao Assistant professor
The aims of the study are to explore the psychiatric nurses'' self-efficacy in caring and their caring behaviors, and the relationship between these two variables. The study is a cross-sectional design. By purposive sampling, the psychiatric nurses were receuited from two hospitals, Taipei City Psychiatric Center and Armed Force General Hospital.『Psychiatric Nurse’s Self-efficacy in Caring Aspect Questionnaires』and the 『Caring Behaviors Questionnaires』were use to collect data. Eighty Questionnaires were recived. The methods for descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, chi-square and pearson correlation.
Research finding were indicated as follow:1. The result showed that the subjects appearced 70% confidence about their capacity to performing caring. Nevertheless, the score on self-efficacy in nursing practice was lower than the score on the expectation of self-efficacy. Caring behaviors were considered by the subjects as important. 2.Age and working experiences were found to influence self-efficacy in caring. 3. The expectation of self-efficacy and self-efficacy in nursing practice were positively related. 4. There appeared to have a positive correlation between the self-efficacy and caring behavior. 5. The factors that influenced self-efficacy included: external environment, such as policies of hospitals, medical teams, the differect unit, the aggreement on belief in caring between supervisors and nurse, and the supervisors’ support and positive assurance for nurses; personal factors, belief, coping, motivation, interest, professional skill, working experiences, learning attitudes, discontine with education, negative emotional responses, sense of no achievement and sense of powerless, lack of confidence.
The study indicated that : age and working experiences were two most important factors to influence self-efficacy. The nurses’ self-efficacy in caring had an impact on their nursing practice. There was a high correlated relationship between caring behavior and self-efficacy. Accordingly, increasing the nurses’ self- efficiency would help to enhance their caring behaviors. The results of the study could contribute to nursing managers’recruitment of new staff and development of caring education program for clinical nurses.
Key Words: Psychiatric nurses, Self-efficiency in caring, Caring behavior. |