摘要: | 論 文 摘 要
研究生姓名:汪 蘋
指導教授:盧美秀 台北醫學大學護理學研究所教授
本研究以北部兩家醫學中心執行專科護理師業務之準專科護理師,相關科系專科醫師與其單位內N2級階臨床護理人員為研究對象,共計400名參與,目的在探討醫學中心準專科護理師、專科醫師、護理人員對準專科護理師執業範圍現況認知,現況觀察及期望並比較其差異,屬一描述性調查研究,在盧(1999a)以 Delphi technique科學性的方法彙整當年專家們的意見取得共同的看法,將專科護理師之工作內容定位在「病患照護、護理專業發展、一般醫療服務與專科醫療服務」,本研究引用上述工作內容定位之研究結果如下:一、準專科護理師執業範圍現況所呈現出病人照護及一般醫療服務之執行程度在「經常執行」與「偶而執行」之間;護理專業發展執行程度則在「很少執行」與「偶而執行」之間;專科醫療服務之執行程度在「很少執行」至「從未執行」之間。期望所呈現:在病人照護方面為「贊成執行」以上的程度;護理專業發展方面為「贊成」至「非常贊成」執行程度;一般醫療服務方面為在「贊成」與「部份贊成」執行程度;專科醫療服務則在「部份贊成」與「不贊成」執行程度,專科醫療服務項目中具侵入性臨床處置內容,均為「不贊成」或「極不贊成」。二、準專科護理師、專科醫師、護理人員對準專科護理師執業範圍現況之差異:病人照護之執行程度高於一般醫療服務,且依次高於護理專業發展與專科醫療服務;期望之差異則為病人照護之執行程度與護理專業發展兩類高於一般醫療服務與專科醫療服務。病人照護之各項執行現況與期望無差異。三、準專科護理師、專科醫師、護理人員三者在四類執業範圍間現況與期望看法之差異:在病人照護、護理專業發展、一般醫療服務之執行現況,為準專科護理師與專科醫師高於護理人員,但是在專科醫療服務現況上三者間沒有顯著差異;在病患照護之期望程度三者沒有顯著差異;在護理專業發展上,護理人員高於準專科護理師;在專科醫療服務上,專科醫師高於準專科護理師、高於護理人員。在專科醫療服務期望上,準專科護理師與專科醫師組及專科醫師與護理人員組,兩組間分析有顯著差異。期待研究結果可以提供作為未來在護理教育上、行政管理上、臨床服務及研究上的參考。
關鍵詞:準專科護理師、執業範圍、現況、期望 Abstract
Title of Thesis: Exploration of the role boundaries of the sub-clinical nurse specialists in medical center: Differences in actuality and expectation
Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
Thesis directed by::Lu,Meei-Shiow,RN, MS, Professor
The purposes of the study are to explore sub-clinical nurse specialists, nurses, and specialized doctors recognized perspectives on the role boundaries of the sub-clinical nurse specialists, and to compare the differences in actuality and expectation. A cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design was used in this study. Four hundred participations were recruited at two medical centers in the North area of Taiwan. The research instruments contain four categories of role boundaries: care patients, develop nursing specialty, general medical service, and special medical service. The major findings of this study were as follows: (1) Overall, in actuality, the most frequency of performance is ‘care patients’, and the other followings are ‘general medical care’, ‘develop nursing specialty’, ‘special medical service’. (2) In expectation, the highest level of subscription is ‘care patients’ and ‘develop nursing specialty’, and the other followings are ‘general medical service’ and ‘special medical service’; especially, the invasive treatments in special medical service are rated as ‘disapproval’ or ‘very disapproval’. (3) Difference between the three groups in actuality is that sub-clinical nurse specialists and special doctors perspective higher frequency of performance than nurses on care patients, develop nursing specialty, and general medical service, but there is no difference on special medical service. (4) Difference between the three groups in expectation is that nurses perspective higher level of subscription than on sub-clinical nurse specialists on special nursing specialty, special doctors perspective higher level of subscription than sub-clinical nurse specialists and nurses on special medical service, but there is no difference on care patients. The results of this study provide important implications for nursing education, administration management, clinical service, and research in future.
Key Words: role boundaries, actuality, expectation, nurse specialist. |