摘要: | 本研究旨在調查居家脊髓損傷病患之主要照顧者在生理、心理、家庭社會方面之負荷情形,並探討影響這些負荷之相關因素及瞭解其所需要之協助。研究主要以台南縣、市脊髓損傷者協會會員及南部某醫學中心復健科門診病患為調查對象,以立意取樣方式,得有效樣本為53位。以結構式問卷為主要測量工具,另外針對樣本中具特殊及代表性之個案進行深度訪談,最後將所得資料,採量性與質性的方法加以分析,並整合比較。
關鍵詞:脊髓損傷、主要照顧者、負荷、需求 This study is designed to investigate the physiologic, psychologic and family- social burden for caregivers of spinal cord injury patients under home care. This study
aims to examine the related factors of burden and understand the needs of caregiver. The study population are the members of Spinal Cord Injury Patient Association in Tainan City and Tainan County and Rehabilitation clinic patients in a medical center located in southern Taiwan. The valid samples are 53 through purposive sampling.
The results show: (1) For the demographic data of patients, both “sex” and “membership of Spinal Cord Patient Association” variables are significantly associated with burden of caregiver. In interview findings, male patients demand more from carers membership; marriage crisis will compared with female patients cause burden of carers; the utilization of social services and lessen the burden of carers; the severity of pressure sores puzzles caregiver. (2) In demographic data of caregivers, four variables, “sex”,“education”,“actual caring time” and “religion” are significantly associated with caregivers’ burden. In qualitatively study, the carers adjust their career and life style for patients; the carers have the recognition of sex discrepancy and paternity; few change in the role of caring patients; most members of family will act together in caring patients. (3) In the support of carers, result is the same in quantitative and qualitative study, that is, the economic demand is the greatest; the support in whole is moderate, i.e. the more support, the less burden. (4) In the quantitative study of interactive relationship before and after caring patients and the change of health and economics, only economics is significantly associated with caregiver’s burden, but, in qualitative study, most of the interactive relationship gets better and health and economic status get worse. The worrying degree of main carers for patients is unanimously the greatest in burden both from quantitative and qualitative.
KEYWORDS: spinal cord injury, caregiver, burden, demand |