摘要: | 本研究目的為:(1).探討住院癌症病患疲憊、疼痛、營養狀態及憂鬱、症狀困擾之現況,及(2).瞭解住院癌症病患疲憊、疼痛、營養狀態及憂鬱、症狀困擾之相關性。研究採橫斷式設計,以立意取樣於北部某區域教學醫院進行資料收集;研究工具包括疲憊症狀量表、簡易疼痛評估量表、二十四小時飲食記錄表、醫院焦慮憂鬱量表、症狀困擾評估量表、Karnofsky身體功能狀況量表。資料以描述性統計、One-way ANOVA檢定、Pearson’s correlation分析。結果顯示:(1).疲憊為住院癌症病患症狀困擾中第一排序,平均強度為3.25(SD=1.32) (2).疲憊強度對生活的干擾、血紅素、症狀困擾呈顯著相關(r=.67, p=.000;r=-.39, p=.020;r=.51, p=.001) (3).病患平均疼痛強度為2.58 (SD=1.20),在統計上與疲憊強度無顯著相關(r=.02, p=.901),但在病患症狀困擾排序中僅次於疲憊 (4).憂鬱與疲憊強度在統計上無顯著相關(r=.06, p=.724),但與疼痛強度達顯著相關(r=.32, p=.046) (5).飲食攝取量及營養基本資料除血紅素外與疲憊程度無關。本研究結果顯示病患最嚴重之症狀困擾即為疲憊,而如何改善疲憊,為健康照護者之重要課題。
關鍵詞:疲憊、疼痛、營養、憂鬱、症狀困擾 The purpose of this study was to (1). describe in hospitalized cancer patients’ fatigue﹑pain﹑nutrition status﹑depression and symptom distress ; and (2). explore fatigue and its correlates. A cross-sectional descriptive design was used in this study. Patients were recruited using purposive sampling from one of the teaching hospital in Taipei. Background Information Form﹑Pain Assessment Form﹑24-Hour Food Recall Form﹑Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale﹑Symptom Distress Scale and Karnofsky Performance Status Scale were used to collect data. The data in this study was analyzed using descriptive analyses﹑One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation . The result showed that:(1). fatigue was the most disturbing as symptom with mean scores 3.25. (2). the severity of fatigue was associated with fatigue interference﹑hemoglobin, and symptom distress (r=.67, p=.000 ; r=.39, p=.020 ; r=.51, p=.001) (3). there was no significant correlation between pain and fatigue (r=.02, p=.901). However, pain was ranked only next to fatigue in the order of symptom (4). there was no significant between depression and fatigue (r=.06, p=724), but it was related to the severity of pain (r=.32, p=.046) (5). The amount of food intake and basic nutrition data were not related to the fatigue, except for hemoglobin. This study result suggested that fatigue was the most severe symptom distress for hospitalized cancer patient. How to deal with fatigue is the challenge for health care providers.
Key words :fatigue, pain, nutrition, depression, symptom distress |