摘要: | 據統計調查,在 2010 年國人主要死因為惡性腫瘤,而腦癌 (brain tumor) 佔癌症死亡率的 1.75%,其中多形性神經膠母細胞瘤 (Glioblastoma multiforme ; GBM) 為最常見且具有高度侵犯性的惡性腦腫瘤。在過去研究發現,因 GBM 本身存在的一種癌幹細胞群,稱為 side population cells (SP cells),其上會存在有 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters,會將化療藥物由細胞內釋出細胞外,造成藥物的治療效果不佳及癌症對藥物的抗藥性的產生,導致目前 GBM 沒有可以完全根治的治療方法,其術後與化療後不只引起許多副作用,患者存活率也幾乎不超過 14 個月,且受到大分子藥物無法通過血腦障壁 (blood-brain barrier; BBB) 的影響,使得 GBM 的治療藥物選擇受限。因此,近幾年來在疾病治療上開始著重於使用副作用較少的天然物,先前的研究證實和厚朴酚 ( honokiol ) 為厚朴的主成分之一,是一種較不易對人體造成傷害,並具有抗癌效用的天然中草藥,經由本實驗室先前 in vitro 的結果發現,honokiol 具有可以通過 cerebral endothelial cells (CEC) 所形成的 tight junction barrier 的特性,因此 honokiol 為治療 GBM 的候選藥物。
首先為了證明 honokiol 可以通過 BBB 的阻礙進入腦中治療腦癌,本實驗先以尾靜脈注射 25 g/kg 的 honokiol於ICR mice體中,在經過 15 及 30 分後,取出血液及大腦進行研磨萃取,以HPLC確定honokiol是否可以通過BBB到達腦部組織,結果可以觀察到腦部會有 honokiol的存在。接下來探討 honokiol 是否可以造成GBM U-87 MG 細胞的凋亡或者走向自噬作用,收集U-87 MG細胞的總蛋白,來觀察cytochrome c 及LC3-Ι/II蛋白的表現,發現U-87 MG細胞中的cytochrome c 及LC3-Ι/II蛋白的量不會因處理honokiol而增加,由此可知honokiol 無法造成 U-87 MG 細胞凋亡及自噬作用產生。接著利用流式細胞儀將U-87 MG SP 細胞群分離出,並觀察honokiol是否可以造成 U-87 MG SP 細胞凋亡及造成其 DNA 的受損斷裂,或細胞週期停滯,由結果發現 honokiol可以使U-87 MG SP細胞凋亡,並可能是經由p21蛋白的調控。最後在本次實驗中也建立了 U-87 MG 的動物模式,將U-87 MG細胞以皮下注射的方式植入裸鼠右側大腿上方的皮下空腔中,觀察腫瘤的生長情形,在腫瘤植入的21天後觀察到U-87 MG stem cell 的形成,並成功地建立裸鼠U-87 MG 腫瘤模式。
由於發現 honokiol 不但可以通過 BBB,並且也可造成 GBM U-87 MG SP cells 的細胞凋亡,honokiol 將來也許可做為 GBM 的治療藥物,或是用於輔助化療藥物對於 GBM 的治療。
According to the survey in 2010, malignant tumor took the first place of death in Taiwan. Furthermore, the brain cancer accounted for 1.75 % of cancer mortality. Among the brain cancers, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a primary, highly aggressive, and the most common malignant brain tumor. Until now, there is no effective treatment of GBM because of the high drug resistance and the high recurrent rate of GBM. The main reason caused the high resistance of GBM is that there is a small group of GBM cells called cancer stem cells (CSCs). The major groups of CSCs are side population (SP) cells. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters located on SP cell membranes pump the chemotherapy drugs out of the cell. And the drug treatment is very limited in GBM, for only some small molecules can pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Drug permeability through BBB became the major limitation. In our lab, we found honokiol could pass through tight junction barrier in vitro. According to the previous studies, we confirmed the anti-cancer effects of honokiol. For this reason, honokiol could be a candidate for treating GBM. To evaluate if honokiol could pass through BBB in vivo, ICR mice were used here. After intravenous injection of honokiol in mice for 15 and 30 minutes, the brain and blood of mice were collected. Then we used HPLC to test the concentration of honokiol in blood and brain, and found honokiol existed in brain after 15 and 30 minutes. Furthermore, we studied if honokiol inhibited the proliferation of U-87 MG or U-87 MG SP cells. Honokiol didn’t cause apoptosis or autophagy in U-87 MG cells. On the other hand, honokiol caused U-87 MG SP cell apoptosis and increased the levels of p21. Taken all the results together, honokiol not only passed through BBB, but also induced the apoptosis of U-87 MG SP cells. In the future, honokiol will be the main or assistant medicine in curing GBM. |