摘要: | 本研究採質性研究法,探討食道癌患者接受合併化學及放射線治療調適影響與復原力作用的改變歷程。研究對象為中部某醫學中心胸腔外科首次接受合併化學及放射線治療療程的食道癌病患,採立意取樣選取10位受訪者者進行深入訪談。資料收集以半結構式訪談大綱為指引,訪談內容採用內容分析法加以分析歸納。
食道癌患者的社會支持網絡與與復原力的展現成正相關,即社會支持網絡愈強患者的復原力及適應越好,當中又以配偶為最主要的社會支持來源,其次為醫療團隊;患者的經濟能力間接影響的復原歷程 ,有負擔者,僅管家庭支持系統強大,但經濟的困境阻撓了復原歷程的展現,長久下來家庭成員負荷的重擔亦形成危機。
本研究結果可做為臨床醫療人員,了解食道癌患者接受合併化學及放射線治療之復原調適的影響與生活面臨的窘況,包含症狀不適、飲食問題、經濟困境和主要照顧者的負荷四大面向,並推論應用於口腔癌、頭頸部腫瘤、胃癌等上消化道系統之癌症,提供必要的介入措施與諮詢轉介。 Drawing on method of qualitative research, this study has focused on the suffering from esophageal cancer patients receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy impact and adaptation process of change: discussion of resilience. The participants were selected by thoracic surgery department of medical center located at the central Taiwan, for the first time received concurrent chemoradiotherapy course. Following the purposive sampling, 10 esophageal cancer patients were invited to join in the in-depth qualitative interviewing. With regard to the data collection and analysis, qualitative interviewing was designed as semi-structured, and analysis was conducted as the data from of inductive content analysis.
The results showed that esophageal cancer patients’ self beliefs, family support, the trust of the medical team and economic influence resilience sprout, forming and progressing. The onset time of the resilience located at the period was the fact that with patients received, determined to actively participate in treatment. The center of the sprout were family support and the belief of “ keeping living”. The impact of patients received treatment were physical, emotional, social, economic, and other primary caregivers in five areas, including in the physiological impact of weight loss, dysphagia, feeding tube care and concurrent chemoradiotherapy side effects most troubled; including the classification with cancer cause, to take positive coping strategies, beliefs, and family support systems, economic and trust for professional medical team is the adaptation of the recovery factor, while the resilience of the show was adapted diet, personal life positive attitudes, social participation and benefit the people around the community to help the four directions.
Esophageal cancer patients and social support networks and resilience demonstrated a positive correlation, ie, the stronger the patient's social support network resilience and adapt better, which spouse as the most important sources of social support, followed by the medical team; patients indirectly affect the economic recovery process capabilities, who have the burden, only the tube strong family support system, but the economic plight of the recovery process to obstruct the show, a long time down load the burden of family members also formed the crisis.
Therefore, the research result can be used as medical staff, to understand esophageal cancer patients receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy rehabilitation adaptation of the predicament faced with life, including symptoms of discomfort, eating problems, economic difficulties and primary caregiver's burden to assist the four dimensions, and inference applied to oral cancer , head and neck cancer, gastric carcinoma and other cancers of the upper gastrointestinal system, to providing the necessary intervention measures and counseling referrals. |