摘要: | 背景:哥倫比亞位於南美洲西北部,是在南美洲僅次於巴西,阿根廷和秘魯第四大的國家。哥倫比亞醫療市場概況發展迅速,其高科技段幾乎全部採用進口設備所提供,而國內廠商覆蓋低端段的一些市場份額。儀器和電子醫療設備的需求仍然是主要動力之一。私營部門是更高質量的技術最大的買家,並計算在主城區現代化的設施。在這項研究中研究了該醫療裝置是一種血氧飽和度傳感器,它是透射光通過半透明測量部位的測量,以確定病人的氧的狀態。由於通過採用可靠的檢測算法的增加的意識和增強的衛生保健工作者的工作效率,也被從醫院和診所的脈搏血氧飽和度顯示器及其附件,因此越來越多的需求,有必要對市場評估。本研究報告旨在評估,第一次,最大的二線城市目前的SpO2市場形勢在哥倫比亞(麥德林),揭示了主推和拉的因素影響的決定,以及如何在醫院的組織結構和國家的法律環境影響的決定決策過程。

結果:這項研究是由81被訪者誰填寫網上問卷期間從2015年十二月至四月2016年我們發現預測變量和意圖之間的關聯如下選擇:有買家的專業背景和之間的負相關關係有意購買高端品牌(β= -0.279,p = 0.019)。繼相關分析,回歸結果還表明,通過血氧傳感器供應商提出了品牌的不同選擇所預測的意向選擇高端品牌(β= 0.356,P = 0.016)。
關於購買意向低端品牌!血氧探頭,我們發現,按照相關分析,品質呈現的因素可以預測該變量(β= 0。362,P = 0.017)。
Background: Colombia is located in the northwestern part of South America, and it is the 4th largest country in South America after Brazil, Argentina and Peru. Colombian medical market profile is growing rapidly and its high-tech segment is almost entirely supplied by imported devices, while domestic manufacturers cover some share of the lower-end segment. The demand for instruments and electro-medical devices remains one of the leading drivers. The private sector is the largest buyer of higher-quality technology and it counts on modern facilities in the main urban areas. The medical device studied in this research paper is an oximetry sensor, which is the measurement of transmitted light through a translucent measuring site to determine a patient's oxygen status. Due to the increasing awareness and enhancement of healthcare workers’ efficiency through the adoption of reliable detection algorithms, there is more and more demand from the hospitals and clinics for the pulse oximetry monitor and its accessories, and therefore, there is a need for market assessment. This research paper seeks to assess, for the first time, the current SpO2 market situation in largest second city in Colombia (Medellin), revealing the main push and pull factors influencing the decision and how the hospital organizational structure and country’s legal environment affects the decision making process.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the intention to buy SpO2 culture in
Medellin hospitals from the perspective of healthcare professionals (Decision makers and Advise
makers). The survey instrument was an online questionnaire survey with key respondents approach.
The primary sites of this research were the hospitals and clinics of the metropolitan area of Medellin.
Respondents were reached through the email with the request to fill out the online questionnaire form.
120 emails were sent to the healthcare facilities with the request to fill out the online questionnaire
form, and 81 representatives fitting the criteria responded to the request, which resulted in 67.5%
response rate. The data was collected between December 2015 and April 2016. SPSS PC Statistical
Package version 23.0 was used for the data analysis that included descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: The study was comprised of 81 respondents who filled out online questionnaire for the period from December 2015 to April 2016. We found the following associations between predictor variables and intention to choose: there was a negative relationship between the professional background of the buyer and the intention to buy the High End Brand (β = -0.279, p = 0.019). Following the correlation analysis, our regression results also showed that the different options of brands presented by SpO2 sensor supplier predicted the intention to choose the High End Brand (β = 0.356, p = 0.016).
We did not find any significant predictors for the buyers’ intention to buy the Middle End Brand SpO2 sensor.
Regarding the intention to purchase Low End Brand!SpO2 sensor, we found that, in accordance with the correlation analysis, the factor of quality presentation can predict this variable (β = 0. 362, p = 0.017).
Conclusions: This study can help the future market researchers to create new marketing and sales strategies, in accordance with these findings. As an example, if the company would like to introduce the new product in this type of market in Medellin, Colombia, it would be useful to try approaching low-cost strategy, with high quality and very good commercial presentation of the product.
Conducting a national wide survey could be more relevant with regards to the relevant medical device market operation in Colombia. Further thorough and broad research of the SpO2 market in Colombia is necessary in the near future to obtain more details and data about how hospitals and clinics purchase medical devices in Colombia. |