摘要: | 國際學生對台灣的醫療品質滿意度
在臺灣醫療的病人的看醫生的時間很短,可造成很差的病人-醫生理解(patient-physician understanding), 國際學生除了時間短的問題也需要應付語言障礙。 有時候沒有翻譯人員可幫忙降低語言障礙的問題 可能會影響學生的滿意度。
如果可理解國際學生的需求,及改善提供的服務臺灣不只會提升國際學生的滿意度但 可改善住在臺灣外籍人士達到更希望的結果。
網路問卷Convenient Sampling。 資料收集及分析:網路上放問卷一個月,及聯絡一些學校的國際學生會。資料分析用Descriptive and inferential statistics, one way anova, linear regression, t-test.
Inclusion criteria:國際學生/ 國際校友; 住在臺灣至少一個月的外籍學生/校友;三年内使用過至少一次臺灣醫療服務;可用英文口通/回答問卷外籍學生;滿貳拾嵗的外籍學生。
Exclusion criteria:未在臺灣念書過的外籍人士;未接受過臺灣的醫療外籍學生/校友;未滿一個月住在臺灣外籍學生/校友;未滿貳拾嵗的外籍學生/校友;無法看懂或使用英語回答問卷。
收集221 問卷,來自南美中美洲及加勒比海佔回答的人數58.8%,其次是亞洲(20.4%)北美及歐洲(10.9%)非洲(8.1%)及大洋洲 (1.8%). 研究的結果表明百分之29.8的學生會比較希望在自來的國家接受治療,27.1% 沒有意見,表達學生的滿意度是可以接受臺灣治療服務的品質. 國際學生住在臺灣的時間長度不影響他們的滿意度,但在醫療邂逅(醫生及醫務人員)握的語言有很重要的角色,如果醫生跟病人用英語溝通(1是最差,5是最優的情況下)學生對醫生的滿意度是3.5,如果接受的服務是 用英語滿意度會提升醫生滿意度至3.9, 醫務人員滿意度至4.2 ,跟用中文比較醫生及醫務人員滿意度會降低至3.2, 3.4個別。 總體國際學生對於臺灣的没滿意度是3.2, 代表學生可以接受臺灣的服務品質,國際學生最滿意的維數 為現實滿意度(3.5)及 保證為(3.5),可靠性(3.4)及響應(3.2)佔中間,及最低的滿意度為同情(2.8)。 臺灣的醫療服務從國際而言是很可以接受的服務品質,但還有進步的空間,尤其是在同情方面。
Foreign Students Satisfaction with Taiwanese Health Care Quality
Introduction: In Taiwan each patient receive not more than 5 mins per consultation, short consultation time, which could lead to poor patient physician understanding and, in addition to the presence of language and cultural barriers in the communication between Foreign students and health providers, and sometimes the unavailability of interpreters to smooth that barrier, which might affect the quality of the service received and by that, their satisfaction levels.
Patient loyalty can just be achieved if the expectation are exceeded, so understanding foreign students’ needs and improving the services provided to them, Taiwan could not only satisfy international students, but the international community, and reach a more desirable outcome.
Purpose:The aim of the study is determine the foreign students satisfaction level with the service received at Taiwanese Health Care Facilities, and relationship between the effect of the language barriers in the communication with the provider and the level of satisfaction.
Methods:Data collection 1 month period, questionnaire, random sampling, Inclusion Criteria: Students/ Alumni who had use Healthcare Facilities in Taiwan at least once in the last 3 years, and have stay in Taiwan longer than 1 month (Including mandarin training centers). Foreign students who speaks English as this is the most commonly foreign language to be use in Taiwan. Students over 20 years old. Exclusion Criteria: those students that had never used Taiwan Health Care Facilities, younger than 20 years old or who had stayed at Taiwan for less than a month. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA was used for the analysis.
Results: 221 Responses were collected in one month period, with a majority of students coming from Central and South America and the Caribbean (58.8%), followed by Asia (20.4%) North America and Europe (10.9%), Africa (8.1%) and the minority from Australia and Polynesia (1.8%). The result showed that 29.8% of the Students will prefer to receive treatment at their home country if it was possible, and 27.1% said that is Neutral, which shows a moderate acceptability of the Service provided by Taiwan. The length of stay in Taiwan did not seem to affect the Satisfaction Levels with the services, whereas the language spoken by doctors or medical staff affected the general satisfaction, the satisfaction level in scale from 1(worst) to 5(best) the International Students satisfaction level with their Doctors was 3.5, and if the service was provided just in English by doctors (3.9) or medical staff (4.2) comparing to the service provided just in Chinese by doctors (3.2) or medical staff (3.4). The general satisfaction with services provided by Taiwanese Facilities was 3.2, having Tangible (3.5) and Assurance (3.5) the highest satisfaction rate while Reliability (3.4) Responsiveness (3.2) where middle and the lowest score of satisfaction level was Empathy (2.8) |