摘要: | 我國總額支付制度的目標為透過前瞻性的協定與分配預算機制,合理控制醫療費用、促進醫療體系的整合與資源之合理分布。在總額預算協商過程中,政策利害關係人不僅得以陳述自身的訴求,並可發揮對於政策決議的影響力。本研究之主要目的為瞭解政策利害關係人對於我國醫療費用總額分配方式之觀點與看法,期能提供衛生主管機關及後續研究者,作為未來推動總額支付制度改革時,參酌各方政策利害關係人觀點,得以有效凝聚共識之參考。
Through this prospective agreement and medical expenditure budget allocation mechanism, hoping to do a great impact on the health care cost control, the distribution of medical resources, and promote the integration of the health care system under under Global Budget System in Taiwan. During the global budget negotiation process, policy stakeholders not only be a statement of its own demands, but can play to influence policy decisions. The aim of this study was to understand the medical expenditure allocation mechanisms from different stakeholders’ perceptions and opinions. This study presented the results of diverse perceptions, and was expected to offer the health authorities and researchers a effective cohesions in consensus from policy stakeholders.
This cross-sectional study is based on the policy stakeholders under Global Budget System, including medical service providers, healthcare payers, academic circle, and relevant government agencies, and also divided by in-depth interview and survey. In the in-depth interview study, the targets were selected from the in-depth interview subjects of 100 academic year DOH commissioned research program “Global Budget Allocation Mechanisms and the Impacts Assessment”, in order to well understand the opinions of medical expenditure budget allocation mechanism by the representatives of policy stakeholders. Otherwise, the questionnaires were executed by mail survey targeted at four kinds of policy stakeholders. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to interests group and individuals with 333 valid questionnaires returned for a response rate of 83%.
The major findings were summarized as follow:
1. Importance of Global Budget System goals or positive results: All representatives including government agencies, medical service providers, academic circle, and healthcare payers are under the impression that “health care cost control” is the most important goal of Global Budget System.
2. Execute effectivenessof Global Budget System goals or positive results: Different policy stakeholders endorse that it already reached the goal of effective control medical costs. Besides, medical service providers, academic circle, and healthcare payers make in response that it can not really achieve the goal of medical professional autonomy after the implementation of Global Budget System.
3. Severity of Global Budget System problems or negative results: Policy stakeholders unanimously agree “Medical Branch force average is the highest” is the most severe problem, followed by “referral and the hierarchy of medical services does not truly implement” and “medical resource allocation imbalance between urban and rural areas”.
4. Global Budget System problems or negative results need to be dealt with urgent degree: “Medical Branch force average is the highest” problem must be dealt with as soon as possible, followed by “referral and the hierarchy of medical services does not truly implement” and “health insurance financial deficit”.
5. Recommendations for improvements of Global Budget System in design and implementation:
Stakeholders suggested that a review of the proportion of medical expenses consultation representatives, also provided them education training opportunities, and establish the aides unit to support research and analysis data. Besides, another suggestion about public education is to strengthen the concept of advocacy to save medical resources, leading to change the behavior of excessive medical treatment.
The global budget payment system have been practiced for more than ten years, it already made considerable progress in controlling the growth of medical costs. Nevertheless, the implementation of the system cause health care providers under more financial pressure to change its medical services. Although different policy stakeholders have passed judgment on the global budget payment system, all expectations of medical expenditure budget allocation mechanism were to achieve a rational distribution of medical resources, and the efficiency and quality of medical care. The need to strengthen the propaganda of those healthcare payers for education, to encourage participating in the global budget payment system must be executed simultaneously. All these efforts are conducive to social cohesion and the overall consensus for Global Budget System reform. |